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Formalizing a CERIF Semantics to connect CRISs and IRs

Learn about the Common European Research Information Format (CERIF) and its semantic structures to link Current Research Information Systems (CRIS) with Institutional Repositories (IRs).

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Formalizing a CERIF Semantics to connect CRISs and IRs

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  1. Formalizing a CERIF Semantics to connectCRISs and IRs Brigitte Jörg, M.A. (Information Science) Language Technology Lab, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) Berlin, Germany

  2. Introduction of Speaker Brigitte Jörg M.A. Information Science Information Systems, Business Administration • Researcher, Project Manager DFKI GmbH, Language Technology Lab, Berlin • CERIF TG Leader, Board Member euriCRIS • Contact: brigitte.joerg @ dfki.de http://www.dfki.de/~brigitte/

  3. Outline • CERIF – Common European Research Information Format • CERIF Entities Types and Features • CORE Entities • Result Entities • 2nd Level Entities • Link Entities • Semantic Layer • (Multilinguality) • Formalizing a CERIF Semantics to connect CRISs with IRs • Discussion

  4. Funding Programme Organisation Organisation Person Person Project Project Service Skills Publication Equipment CV Patent Classification Classification Product ( ( ) ) Semantics Semantics Event CERIF CommonEuropeanResearchInformationFormat

  5. What is CERIF ? Common European Research Information Format • A Concept about Research Entities and their RelationshipsSpecification (Conceptual Level) • An abstract formal description of the concept about entities and their relationships Model (Logical Level) • A formal machine readable description of the conceptDatabase Scripts (Physical Level) SQL Script ----------------------- CREATE Table Person CREATE Table Project CREATE Table OrgUnit Organisation of Data / Information accordingly !!

  6. What is CERIF ? Common European Research Information Format • data model (conceptual, logical, physical) • allows for a (metadata) representation of • research entities • their activities / interconnections (research) • their output (results) • allows for high flexibility with formal semantic relationships enables quality maintenance, archiving, access and interchange of research information supports knowledge transfer to decision makers, for research evaluation, research managers, strategists, researchers, editors, the general public

  7. What is CERIF ? CommonEuropeanResearchInformation Format • CERIF is an EU Recommendation to Member States http://cordis.europa.eu/cerif/ • The European Commission (EC) has authorised euroCRIS to maintain and develop CERIF and its usagehttp://www.eurocris.org/cerif/cerif-releases/

  8. The CERIF Evolution CERIF 2006 / 2008 Model Similar Ideas UN/UNESCO OECD CODATA CORE Link Semantics Language 2ndLevel EU Working Group on Research Databases Workshop CERIF 2000 Model Roles EXPERTISE OrgUnit PERSON CERIF 91 PROJECT RESULTS EQUIPMENT PROJECT CLASSIFICATION Acronym: ERGO Participant: Keith Jeffery, Anne Asser son, many more Organisations: Rutherford Appleton, Uni- versity of Bergen, … • - Data Model (RDBMS, OO, IR) • Model Normalization • - Robust Structure • - Extensible Structure • - Consistent Structure • - Semantic Layer • XML Exchange Specification- Elaboration on Publication • (Core) CERIF Semantics • - Data Model (RDBMS, OO, IR) • - Multilinguality • Controlled Vocabulary • Roles / Types • User-driven • EC Recommendation to Member States • - Networking of DBs • Exchange of Records • Recommendation to Member States 1987 1991 2000 2006 2008

  9. Outline • CERIF – Common European Research Information Format • CERIF Entities Types and Features • CORE Entities • Result Entities • 2nd Level Entities • Link Entities • Semantic Layer • (Multilinguality) • Formalizing a CERIF Semantics to connect CRISs with IRs • Discussion

  10. Concept of the CERIF Model - Structure CERIF Entity Types • Core Entities • Result Entities • 2nd Level Entities • Link Entities CERIF Features • Multiple Language • Semantics

  11. Core CERIF Entities

  12. Person ID URI Sex FirstNames OtherNames FamilyNames NameVariants ResearchInterest Keywords Project ID URI Acronym StartDate EndDate Title Abstract Keywords OrganisationUnit ID URI Acronym Name HeadCount CurrencyCode Turnover ResearchActivity Keywords Core CERIF Entities in Detail

  13. CERIF Result Entities

  14. ResultPublication ID URI Title Subtitle Abstract Bibl. Note PublicationDate TotalPages StartPage EndPage Keywords ResultPatent ID URI PatentNumber Title CountryCode RegistrationDate ApprovalDate Description Keywords ResultProduct ID URI InternationalID CERIF Result Entities in Detail

  15. CERIF Core, Result and 2nd Level Entities Call Facility Grant Equipment FundingProgramme ExpertiseAndSkills Service Qualification ElectronicAddresse Prize PostalAddress CV Country Citation Currency Metrics Event Language

  16. FundingProgramme ID URI Name CurrencyCode Budget StartDate EndDate Description Keywords ResultPatent ID URI PatentNumber Title CountryCode RegistrationDate ApprovalDate Description Keywords Event ID URI Name FeeOrFree StartDate EndDate CityTown CountryCode Description Keywords Some CERIF 2nd Level Entities in Detail Call Facility Grant Equipment Facility ID URI Name Description Keywords FundingProgramme ExpertiseAndSkills Service Qualification ElectronicAddresse Prize PostalAddress CV Country Citation Service ID URI Name Description Keywords Currency Metrics Event Language

  17. Some CERIF Link Entities

  18. role=author1 institute role=author role=deliverable1.2 role=CEO role=funder role=coordinator Some CERIF Semantic Features Semantic Features are associated with Link Entities

  19. role=author1-institute role=editor role=... ? role=author role=author1 role=reviewer role=... ? role=deliverable1.2 role=journal article role=public report role=CEO role=researcher role=project-manager role=funder role=investigator role=member role=coordinator role=manager More CERIF Semantic Features Semantic Features are associated with Link Entities

  20. Associated Formal Semantic Features in more Detail OrganisationUnit_Result Publication OrgID PublID ClassificationID ClassificationSchemeID StartDate; EndDate CERIF Model Person_ResultPublication PersID PublID ClassificationID ClassificationSchemeID Fraction;StartDate;EndDate role=author role=author1 institute Project_ResultPublicationPersID PublID ClassificationID ClassificationSchemeID Fraction;StartDate;EndDate Project_FundingProgramme ProjID FundProgID ClassificationID ClassificationSchemeID StartDate; EndDate role=originator role=co-funder Project_Person ProjID PerslID ClassificationID ClassificationSchemeID StartDate; EndDate Person_OrganisationUnit PersID OrgID ClassificationID ClassificationSchemeID StartDate; EndDate Project_Organisation ProjID OrgID ClassificationID ClassificationSchemeID StartDate; EndDate role=coordinator role=affiliation role=investigatedBy Semantic Features are associated with Link Entities

  21. Associated Formal Semantic Features in more Detail OrganisationUnit_Result Publication OrgID PublID ClassificationID ClassificationSchemeID StartDate; EndDate CERIF Model Person_ResultPublication PersID PublID ClassificationID ClassificationSchemeID Fraction;StartDate;EndDate role=author role=author1 institute Project_ResultPublicationPersID PublID ClassificationID ClassificationSchemeID Fraction;StartDate;EndDate Project_FundingProgramme ProjID FundProgID ClassificationID ClassificationSchemeID StartDate; EndDate role=originator role=co-funder • Formalized • according to • the CERIF model and • its interrelated Entities Project_Person ProjID PerslID ClassificationID ClassificationSchemeID StartDate; EndDate Person_OrganisationUnit PersID OrgID ClassificationID ClassificationSchemeID StartDate; EndDate Project_Organisation ProjID OrgID ClassificationID ClassificationSchemeID StartDate; EndDate role=coordinator role=affiliation role=investigatedBy

  22. Associated Formal Semantic Features in more Detail OrganisationUnit_Result Publication OrgID PublID ClassificationID ClassificationSchemeID StartDate; EndDate CERIF Model Person_ResultPublication PersID PublID ClassificationID ClassificationSchemeID Fraction;StartDate;EndDate role=author role=author1 institute Project_ResultPublicationPersID PublID ClassificationID ClassificationSchemeID Fraction;StartDate;EndDate Project_FundingProgramme ProjID FundProgID ClassificationID ClassificationSchemeID StartDate; EndDate role=originator role=co-funder maintained within the CERIF SEMANTIC LAYER Project_Person ProjID PerslID ClassificationID ClassificationSchemeID StartDate; EndDate Person_OrganisationUnit PersID OrgID ClassificationID ClassificationSchemeID StartDate; EndDate Project_Organisation ProjID OrgID ClassificationID ClassificationSchemeID StartDate; EndDate role=coordinator role=affiliation role=investigatedBy

  23. CERIF LINK Entities OrganisationUnit_Result Publication OrgID PublID ClassificationID ClassificationSchemeID StartDate; EndDate role=author1 institute Person_ResultPublication PersID PublID ClassificationID ClassificationSchemeID Fraction;StartDate;EndDate role=author Project_FundingProgramme ProjID FundProgID ClassificationID ClassificationSchemeID StartDate; EndDate Project_ResultPublicationPersID PublID ClassificationID ClassificationSchemeID Fraction;StartDate;EndDate role=co-funder role=originator Project_Organisation ProjID OrgID ClassificationID ClassificationSchemeID StartDate; EndDate Person_OrganisationUnit PersID OrgID ClassificationID ClassificationSchemeID StartDate; EndDate Project_Person ProjID PerslID ClassificationID ClassificationSchemeID StartDate; EndDate role=coordinator role=investigatedBy role=affiliation

  24. A CERIF LINK Entity OrganisationUnit_Result Publication OrgID PublID ClassificationID ClassificationSchemeID StartDate; EndDate Physically, CERIF link entities are reified objects role=author1 institute Person_ResultPublication PersID PublID ClassificationID ClassificationSchemeID Fraction;StartDate;EndDate role=author Project_FundingProgramme ProjID FundProgID ClassificationID ClassificationSchemeID StartDate; EndDate Project_ResultPublicationPersID PublID ClassificationID ClassificationSchemeID Fraction;StartDate;EndDate role=co-funder Formal Semantics maintained within the CERIF SEMANTIC LAYER according to the CERIF model role=originator Project_Organisation ProjID OrgID ClassificationID ClassificationSchemeID StartDate; EndDate Person_OrganisationUnit PersID OrgID ClassificationID ClassificationSchemeID StartDate; EndDate Project_Person ProjID PerslID ClassificationID ClassificationSchemeID StartDate; EndDate role=coordinator role=investigatedBy role=affiliation

  25. ClassificationScheme ClassSchemeID (Taxonomy) URI (http://www.taxonomy.org/) Description [language=EN] Classification ClassID (isA) ClassSchemeID (Taxonomy) StartDate, EndDate URI Term [language=EN] Description [language=EN] Classification_Classification ClassID1 (Ontology) ClassID2 (SemanticWeb) ClassSchemeID1 (WebTechnologies) ClassSchemeID2 (WebTechnologies) ClassId (isA) ClassSchemeID (Taxonomy) Fraction (0.3) StartDate, EndDate CERIF Semantic Layer ClassScheme_ClassScheme ClassSchemeID1 (LT World) ClassSchemeID2 (CLARIN) ClassID (mapsWith) ClassSchemeID (LT-World Mappings) Fraction (0.3) StartDate, EndDate

  26. CERIF Semantic Layer • Allows to capture any Schema or Structure • Flat Lists • Taxonomies • Ontologies • Open / Extensible in all directions • New Schemas • New Concepts / Terms • New Relationships • Enables to manage • Roles / Types Semantics • Subject Headings • Archiving (Time component) • Allows for simple Mappings between Schemas (Interchange) • Allows for an efficient (independent) Maintenance

  27. Example CERIF Module carrying Semantics Facility Equipment Funding ExpertiseAndSkills Service ResultPublication Qualification ElectronicAddresse Prize PostalAddress Time-based Schema CV Role X Role Y Country Project Funding Programme Role Z Citation Currency Metrics Event Language Formalized Semantics

  28. Some CERIF Modules carrying Semantics Facility Equipment ResultPublication Funding ExpertiseAndSkills OrganisationUnit Service Qualification ElectronicAddresse Project Prize PostalAddress CV Country Citation Funding Currency Metrics Event Language SCHEMA 1 SCHEMA 2 Role X SCHEMA 3 Role Y Role A Role Z Role A Role C Role B Role C Role B Formalized Semantics Semantic Layer

  29. Outline • CERIF – Common European Research Information Format • CERIF Entities Types and Features • CORE Entities • Result Entities • 2nd Level Entities • Link Entities • Semantic Layer • (Multilinguality) • Formalizing a CERIF Semantics to connect CRISs with IRs • Discussion

  30. Formalizing a CERIF Semantics • Person-ResultPublication Roles • Author • Numbered Author • Percentage Author • Editor • Reviewer • Translator • Publisher • OrgUnit-ResultPublication Roles • Claims IPR • Publisher • … • … • …

  31. Towards a CERIF CORE Semantics

  32. Outline • CERIF – Common European Research Information Format • CERIF Entities Types and Features • CORE Entities • Result Entities • 2nd Level Entities • Link Entities • Semantic Layer • (Multilinguality) • Formalizing a CERIF Semantics to connect CRISs with IRs • Discussion

  33. Discussion • Which entities define the range of the repository (IR) world ? • Person • Project • Organisation • Publication • Are additional CERIF entities required in the repository world ? • Teaching ? • Software, Resources, Media? • Are additional CERIF attributes required? • firstname, nickname, … ? • What are essential relationships in the repository World? • Author, Editor, Reviewer, Metrics ?

  34. Notes

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