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Hoy es miércoles , el dos de octubre . La pregunta : Fill in the blank with a logical word/phrase. Juan : Buenos días , Sr. Bardem . ¿ ________________? Sr. Bardem : Estoy muy bien . ¿_______________? Juan : Estoy regular. Sr. Bardem : ¿_______________?
Hoy esmiércoles, el dos de octubre. La pregunta: Fill in the blank with a logical word/phrase. Juan: Buenos días, Sr. Bardem. ¿ ________________? Sr. Bardem: Estoymuybien. ¿_______________? Juan: Estoy regular. Sr. Bardem: ¿_______________? Juan: Yo me llamo Juan. Sr. Bardem: ____________________. La tarea: PE (1) Quiz tomorrow: To greet someone To ask and tell how someone is To say good-bye You need to know notes associated with tú vs. usted Remember formal vs. informal speech rules!!! Saquen la tarea: pg. 2 libro de ejercicio
Las metas de hoy:I can engage in and understand basic conversation in Spanish including:I recognize the difference in formal and informal speechI know when to use formal speech as opposed to informal speech • El Plan de Hoy: • La canción • Repasamos la tarea • Las Actividades de Repaso • Opción del orden
La canción – otravez • Eschuchen y Canten • Buenos dias, buenas tardes, buenas noches • How would the song change if you were “singing to” a friend, family member, pet or someone your own age?
Repasamos la tarea. • Check your responses as we verbally go over the homework
Actividades de Opción: • You will be working with the same partner for the entire class. • Together you should attempt all of the review assignments/activities • It is your choice the order in which you complete the assignments and activities
Explico brevemente las actividades… • Los dados • Practice with formal vs. informal speech • La escalera • Practice with spelling • Tic Tac Toe • General practice • La hoja de ejercicio • General practice • La Presentación • Speaking and Logical conversation pratice
Practican con dados… • Work with a partner • Roll the first dice to determine who you are talking to and the second to determine what you would say to them • Make sure you are using appropriate formal/informal speech 1 – What is your name? 2 – Where are you from? 3 – How are you? 4 – How old are you? 5 – and you? 6 – must you use a formal title? Which one? 1 -- your best friend 2 -- your sister 3 -- President of the USA 4 -- your Science teacher 5 -- your teammate 6 – the principal
La escalera • ¿Cómo se escribe…? • Partner A will read a vocabulary word/phrase out loud to Partner B. • Partner B will write that word/phrase on the first rung of the ladder • If the word is spelled correctly, partner B moves up to the next rung and Partner A reads another word/phrase. • If it is spelled incorrectly, your Partner A should help you fix it, your turn is over, and you must start your next turn on the same rung. • Once you reach the top rung, you are done! • WORK BACK AND FORTH.
Tic Tac Toe • Lean lasdireccionesin order to play the traditional game with a Spanish review twist!
La hoja de ejercicio • Completeboth sides of the review worksheet on your own! • Get back together with your partner in order to check your responses.
La Presentacion • Work with your partner to create your own logical conversation • Use at least 12 phrases total from the following sections of your vocabulary notes: • To greet someone • To ask and tell how someone is • To say goodbye First write your skit in an INFORMAL tone, then make changes so that it is written in a FORMAL tone. Practice your skit and volunteer to present it to the class!
La tarea • Continue preparing for the vocabulary quiz TOMORROW • You need to know the vocabulary from the first three sections of the Para Empezar – Parte Uno vocabulary sheet: • To greet someone • To ask and tell how someone is • To say good-bye You need to know notes associated with tú vs. usted.