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‘ S. Of Mrs. Gilliland’s Class. Welcome to 4 th Grade Parent Night August 17, 2011. Research shows that students who attend school regularly show greater achievement. Attendance: School begins promptly at 7:45. Doors are locked at the time and you will need to come to office for check in
‘S Of Mrs. Gilliland’s Class Welcome to 4th Grade Parent Night August 17, 2011
Research shows that students who attend school regularly show greater achievement Attendance: School begins promptly at 7:45. Doors are locked at the time and you will need to come to office for check in Absences : To be excused must send in note. Preapproved absence for a trip is required. Please read the HCS handbook for absences procedures/rules. These items are all online.
Birthdays –Each month we will have a day to celebrate with a special snack. The children whose birthday falls during the month may get together and bring in cupcakes, cookies, etc. • If you would rather bring in a snack on your child’s birthday it needs to be a healthy snack of fruit or veggies. • Breakfast – Eating a good, protein filled breakfast helps student concentrate and stay alert to learn.
CLASS: Cooperation, Leadership, Appreciation, Self-Control and Service • Cell Phones – are not allowed in use at school. Students violating this policy will have their phones confiscated and parents may pick them up from Mr. Torbert. • Conferences –We will meet in the fall once assessments have been completed; please call or email anytime for a conference! • Class Website –is under construction and will be working soon. I will send notification in the daily email. • Cursive – Students will use their cursive handwriting in the 4th grade. (We will practice those strokes they learned in third grade). Most published writing will be in cursive.
Discipline (these rules were made by the class!) • Students receive House Points for good behavior • Citizenship Log is signed for inappropriate behavior and will be shared on weekly progress reports or that day if deemed necessary. • I celebrate following directions! You will be notified of repeat offenses; if it continues administration will be included. Communication and Cooperation are key! Dress Code • Please refer to the HCS handbook on the website if you have questions.
Email The best way to get a hold of me during the school day is through email. My address is jgilliland@hoover.k12.al.us Effort Students are always expected to give their best effort in class! This means turning in neat and complete work on time. Students need to put forth their best effort so I can gage the student’s true understanding.
Field Trips – We go on two field trips this year. • Dec. 2, 2011 to the Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville. • Spring 2012 to the American Village. Chaperone information will be shared closer to time of the trip.
Grading – Grades are given in the usual scale: 90-100 A 80-89 B 70-79 C 60-69 D Language grade now includes writing, grammar, and spelling: weighted: writing 40 percent, grammar 40 percent, spelling 20 percent Most Wed. folders will include graded papers. Please sign the cover sheet and send back to me so I may keep them until the end of the semester. If you have questions, please let me know!
Homework Students should read 20 minutes each night. All homework is posted on the board in our classroom and should be copied into the agenda each day. Most nights students have 45 min. of homework. House Points Students earn point for themselves/team Good behavior Turning in work Acts of Kindness Etc. Points are converted into classroom passes to use for special items/events
Illness – • Please keep child home if ill • Students must be fever free for 24 hours before sending them back to school. • Remind them to wash hands often! • Be sure to send an excuse when they return to school!
and Just Keep in Touch! If you need to contact me: jgilliland@hoover.k12.al.us • Please, if you have questions, let me know! • I will schedule conferences through out the year, but any time you feel you need one let me know! • Be sure to read our weekly newsletter!
Lunch – Lunch is from 11:12-11:37. • Be sure your lunch count is up-to-date! • You may check balances and make payments on PayPAMS! ($2.00 per lunch) • 1st 10 minutes of lunch is silent (school wide) • No outside foods brought in container with labels (this includes beverage cups) • Menus: www.hoover.k12.al.us/cnp
Morning work includes math review, problem solving, and language review. There is a morning work test each week. • Math – Your student should be fluent with addition and subtraction facts with sums or differences to 20 before entering 4th grade. • Multiplication/Division facts – Fourth grade students are required to be fluent with the multiplication facts from 0 to 9 before they enter 4th grade. We will work with the facts from 10 -12 during the year.
Newsletters – • Sent home weekly • Gives updates on dates, classroom events and curriculum Changes may occur and will be noted through email and/or agenda
Outside – We go outside for recess each day that the weather permits. (1:20-1:40) • Please make sure your student is dressed appropriately.
Parties –. We are allowed one “sweet/special treat day” each month. We will have a Christmas/Holiday party End of the year party will be done similar to last years. • PTA – Please join and participate! Our PTA is a valuable and important part of supporting both the teachers and the students. • Progress Reports – I will be sending home progress reports midway between each nine weeks. They must be signed and returned.
Questions • If you have any questions regarding your child’s education I would be more than happy to speak with you. • Please communicate through phone, email, and /or conference. • It’s tough to talk when we have “little ears” around, so those three ways are the best ways!
Reports Cards – Come home at the end of each nine weeks. You need to sign and return the envelope but you may keep the report card. • Rules – Are posted in the classroom. Greystone also has whole school rules students are expected to follow ! • Reading – It is so important that each child read or be read to for 20 minutes each night. Statics show that there is a direct correlation between higher SAT scores and the time a child reads at home! • Release of Students – Parents picking up children early must go to the office and show a photo I.D. The office will call me and I will send the child down.
Snacks –Please help your child choose healthy snacks. Please do not send in anything that is messy. Water is the only beverage allowed! • School Supplies – It is very important for your child to have all of their supplies each day. I don’t allow children to call home for forgotten work. • Schedule – Our class schedule is posted on the website. • Shoes – Students must wear tennis shoes to recess and to P.E.
Transportation – If your child will be going home another way or with another person than you specified on the transportation form you must send a note or call the school to inform us of the change. (students may not ride other buses unless prior approval by transportation and office) • Tardies – Students who arrive at school after 7:45 are considered tardy and must sign in at the office. Three tardies equals one absence. All absences are recorded on your child’s report card. • Toys – Toys from home are not allowed at school unless part of a project or presentation
and • Uniqueness: Everyone has something to offer and excels in different ways; I appreciate uniqueness and encourage the kids to celebrate and accept differences! • Visitors –Visitors are welcome to the school but you must have a picture I.D. and sign in at the office before going anywhere in the school. You will need to be buzzed in! • Volunteers– Love to have you anytime you are available! Sign up to help using my wiki or shoot me an email!
Water Bottles – Your child is welcome to bring plain, unflavored water to school each day. The bottle should have a top, which can be closed, or a sport top to prevent spilling. Please do not send bottles of juice or soda. • Wednesday folders – Folderscome home every Wed. Contain completed work an info from school/PTA. Be sure to sign and return papers. Let me know of any questions.
Xerox: I hope to save ink, paper, and trees. Please let me know if you want to go paperless for our newsletter! • Yarns- The students will like to tell many a yarns about the school day. Enjoy their stories! We are also collecting ideas, thoughts, etc. for our writer’s notebook! • Zzzzzzzzs- Make sure the kids catch enough zzzzzzzzz’s!