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George Gordon, L ord Byron “from Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage”

Bria Boyland Christina Ngo Cody Murrell Hamdi Sherif. George Gordon, L ord Byron “from Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage”. George Gordon Byron WHO?. Born on January 22, 1788 in London Son of Captain John Byron and Catherine Gordon Interesting Fact #1: Learned how to swim,

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George Gordon, L ord Byron “from Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage”

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  1. Bria Boyland Christina Ngo Cody Murrell Hamdi Sherif George Gordon, Lord Byron“from Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage”

  2. George Gordon Byron WHO? • Born on January 22, 1788 in London • Son of Captain John Byron and Catherine Gordon • Interesting Fact #1: Learned how to swim, box, and ride horses, although he was born with a clubfoot • Attended Dulwich, Harrow, and Trinity College • Became a “celebrity” with the publication of the first two cantos of a poem called Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage (1812-1818) • Married Annabella Millbanke in 1815 and had a daughter named Ada that same year Catherine Gordon Annabella Millbanke Ada

  3. George Gordon Byron WHO? • Unhappy marriage led to separation with Millbanke the following year • Interesting Fact #2: Known to have had an affair with his half sister Augusta Leigh • Interesting Fact #3: Known to have had numerous affairs with both men and women • Created concept of the 'Byronic hero‘ • Not considered to be a Romantic through his style of writing but rather the incarnation of “Romantic” • Contracted a fever and died on April 19, 1824 , a few months after his 36th birthday Augusta Leigh Lord Byron on his deathbed as depicted by Joseph-Denis Odevaere

  4. Summary 1 • In the first Spenserian stanza of this excerpt, the narrator begins describing the serenity one encounters when absorbed in Nature. He later goes on to mention that being enveloped in Nature causes him to relish it more, and in encountering it, he begins to feel inexpressible feelings. NATURE

  5. Summary 2 & 3 • In the second stanza, the narrator begins to directly address the Ocean. Childe Harold remarks that the Ocean is taken for granted. He proclaims that Man’s dominance ends where the shore ends and that shipwrecks are the Ocean’s doing. Man is indeed nothing in comparison when he is submerged in the depths of the endless sea. • In stanza three, Childe Harold begins to admire the Ocean for all it has done for him. He recollects as a child merrily playing in the sea’s waves. He even makes it a point that if the waves were violent he drew a pleasing fear from it all. Since he trusted his life to the sea, he had no real fear of it all.

  6. Summary 4 & 5 • In stanzas four and five, Byron becomes the narrator. In stanza four, he starts by saying that it is time the poem ends. What he began the Cantos with, that spirit within him, is no more. That glow that lit his spirit is now “fluttering, faint and low” (36). • In stanza five it seems that Byron is saying good bye to the reader. He asks that if the reader remembers anything from the poem it is that “not in vain He wore his sandal shoon and scallop shell” (42-43). For Childe Harold’s experiences are the lessons which the reader must comprehend.

  7. “There is a pleasure… There is a rapture… There is society… (1)” • “From these our interviews, in which I steal… From all I may be, or have been before… (6)” • “My task is done – my song hath ceased – my theme has died… (28)” • Smoother transitions- Byron’s parallelism occurs mostly around the beginning of the stanzas, which helps smooth the transition from one stanza to the next. • Emphasis on the ocean and man’s relentless nature- Man is depicted as a brutal force that can only be stopped by the calm, “watery plain” of the ocean. • Emphasis on Byron’s love of the ocean Literary DevicesParallelism

  8. “…upon the watery plain the wrecks are all thy deed, nor doth remain a shadow of man’s ravage… (14)” • The personification gives life to the ocean, gives it something to place blame on. Byron gives the ocean life so he can accuse it of being just as bad as humanity sometimes, without the conquering aspect. Literary DevicesPersonification

  9. “…without a grave, unknell’d, uncoffin’d, and unknown. (18)” • Heavy emphasis on feeling of dread. This example in the second stanza gives off a pervading sense of fear, adding onto the helpless feeling in the second stanza. • “He wore his sandal-shoon, and scallop-shell… (43)” • Emphasis on the ocean. The second example of alliteration mentions several beach related items such as shells, scallops, and sandals, reinforcing the ocean theme. Literary DevicesAlliteration

  10. “When, for a moment, like a drop of rain… (16)” • Byron’s simile in the second stanza of the poem serves to, again, further the water/ocean imagery. He describes the raindrop as “sinking to the depths,” and he says this after blaming the ocean for wrecking ships, perhaps saying that the water bears a heavy burden, just as much as humanity does. Literary DevicesSimile

  11. Works Cited • "The Life of George Noel Gordon, LordByron. “ EnglishHistory.net. Web. 29 Jan.2010. <http://englishhistory.net/byron/life.html>. • "Lord Byron." Www.kirjasto.sci.fi. Web. 29 Jan. 2010.http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/byron.htm. • "Lord George Gordon Byron - Biography and Works." The Literature Network: Online classic literature, poems, and quotes. Essays & Summaries. Web. 29 Jan. 2010. <http://www.online-literature.com/byron/>.

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