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Domestic Policy. Now 16. Citizen Engagement. Today more and more people are becoming NIMBY’s and this is causing a decline in political participation. Safety nets- a collection of public policies ensuring that the basic physiological needs of citizens are met.
Domestic Policy Now 16
Citizen Engagement • Today more and more people are becoming NIMBY’s and this is causing a decline in political participation. • Safety nets- a collection of public policies ensuring that the basic physiological needs of citizens are met. • New programs are made through authorization bills and appropriation bills. • These are implemented by Federal, State, Local, and shadow bureaucrats. • The President then tells bureaucrats how to implement • Finally if there is an issue with the policy that was implemented the Judicial system will rule on it.
Tools for Domestic Policy • The federal, state, and local levels strives to accomplish its policy goals by creating laws with which individuals and organizations must comply. • Direct provision- is the policy tool whereby the government that creates a policy hires public servants to provide the service. • Ex: US postman
Cash Transfer • Another instrument is cash transfer which is the direct provision of cash including checks, debt cards, and tax breaks to eligible individuals or to providers of goods or services to eligible individuals. • In- kind assistance is a form of cash transfer in which the government provides cash to those who provide goods and services. • 60% of the money spent by the gov. goes toward cash transfer to citizens • Ex: Unemployment, Medicaid
Cash Transfer Cont.. • The main cash transfer programs are of two kinds depending on sources of revenue. • Noncontributory programs, the general revenues collected by the government pay for the program. This means that a proportion of the money collected from all taxpayers funds the cash transfer. • Ex: temporary assistance to Needy families • Contributory Programs or social insurance programs are funded by revenue collected specifically for these programs and they benefit only those who paid into the programs.
Cash Transfer Cont.. • Social insurance programs are entitlement programs meaning that the government guarantees the programs benefits to all who meet the eligibility criteria. Ex. S.S. • Direct Subsidy is another type of cash transfer, the government provides financial support to specific persons or organizations that benefit the public good. • Ex: Farms
Loans, Loan Guarantees, and Insurance • In addition to using tax breaks and grants to encourage behavior and goals the government lends money to organizations. • Some programs help purchase homes and pay for college. • As for insurance the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) insures bank deposits up to $100,000.
Environmental Policy • By the late 1960’s and 1970’s several environmental concerns were voiced. • Rachel Carson and Silent Spring • Lake Erie and Cuyahoga river • Love Canal • April 22, 1970 Earth Day started. • Following Earth Day the EPA was formed to protect the environment.
Environmental Policy Cont… • Clean Air: the landmark court case was the Clean Air Act of 1970, which stated that the EPA set air quality and states gov had to enforce it. • Clean Water: The Clean Water Act of 1972. The EPA stated that waterways must be safe enough to swim in and eat fish from. People could no longer dump pollutants or have runoffs into waterways. • The Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974 says that drinking water has to have certain standards.
Environmental Policy Cont… • Clean Land • The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 reg. the disposal of solid and hazardous waste and encourages recycling. • Environmental racism is the term for the higher incidence of environmental threats and subsequent health problems in lower income communities, which frequently are also dominated by minorities. • Compensation and Liability Act of 1980: to pay for the clean up of the nations most toxic waste dumps.
Energy Policy • 85% of the energy used is fossil fuels. • As a result of burning fossil fuels the air is polluted. It also creates what is known as the Green House effect, which is the heating of the earths atmosphere bc of the burning of fossil fuel. • Thus as a result we have Global warming the rising of the earths temp bc solar heat is trapped bc of pollutants. • Kyoto Protocol
National Energy Policy • We import nearly 50% of the oil we use. • OPEC in 1973 set an embargo on the US for supporting Israel in the Yom Kippur War over lands of Egypt and Syria. Thus making us make an energy policy. • 1975 Congress set up CAFÉ which raised the average mile per gallon. All car companies have to cars go 35 miles to gallon by 2020. • IN 1977 President Carter sought alternative resources. • In 2001 President Bush put VP Cheney in charge of formulating a new energy policy over the growing concern over prices and oil availability. • In 2006 the response was alternative energy and a 22% increase in funds for alt. energy.
Income Security Programs • Most of these programs started during the Depression under the New Deal. • The S.S. act of 1935 was the center piece of the New Deal. • This program started the OASI program which help provide for individual or family when a worker retired. • This was funded by all employees and employers. • They retirees would receive a monthly check that would be based on the inflation rate and standard of living. • Congress amended S.S. in 1939 extending payments to spouse of deceased workers • 1956 those that are 50 years of age with disabilities. • 1972 those that were bellow the poverty line by the means test • Unemployment
Minimum Wage • In 1938 enacted the Fair Labor Standards Act which established minimum wage. • This was to offer all workers a living wage • Workers not guaranteed minimum wage include full time students, youths under 20 for their first 19 days, workers that earn tips, commissioned sales, farm labor, seasonal employees. • Increased in 2007 to 7.25 no longer a living wage.
Earned Income Tax Credit andTemporary Asst. • This a tax break for the low income house holds through the EITC which was est. 1975. • S.S. Act established Aid to Dependent Children (ADC) and (AFDC) replaced (TANF). This program was started to aid widow stay at home mothers. • Due to the rise of single moms with children in poverty in 50s and 60’s which is know as feminization of poverty increased the need for this program. • The family support act 1988 was suppose to help families get back on their feet and off of welfare but it made them more dependent. • PRWORA changed the system: max 5 years
Guidelines to Poverty • Gov. defines poverty by poverty thresholds and poverty guidelines. • Poverty guidelines: a simplified version of the Census Bureau poverty thresholds developed each year by the Dept of Health and Human Services; this sets the criteria for benefits. • To help with the situation of food insecurity which is not being able to obtain enough nutritious food to live a healthy life and active life; the food stamp program and school lunch program have been put in place.
Guidelines to Poverty cont.. • Housing Insecurity is situation in which people have limited or uncertain ability to obtain in socially acceptable ways, affordable, safe, decent permanent housing. • Section 8 housing • HUD homes.
Health Care Policy • As of 2006 47 million Americans did not have health care, and 8.7 of them were under 18. • Title XIX was added to SS act of 1965 created Medicaid. • 3 categories • Low Income Pregnant women, Low income disabled citizens, low income elderly. • SCHIP was established in 1997 and is for low income children up to the age of 19
Health Care Policy Cont… • 1965 LBJ enacted Medicare which is health insure for persons over 65 and those under 65 who receive SSDI for at least two years. • 4 Components of Medicare: • A. Medicare’s hospital insurance program is funded by 1.45% taxes by employed. • B. Supplemental Medical Insurance covers a % of physician cost • C. Medicare+ Choice private provider. • D. Prescription drug plan.
Homeland Security • Came about because of the Sept 11th 2001 terrorist attacks. • This department was made to improve communication between CIA, FBI, NSA, and local authorities. • Homeland Security backs up FEMA, National Biological Warfare Defense Analysis Center.