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Plan of the Investigation should include: [3 marks] Subject of the investigation which may be formulated as a question Reasons you chose this topic and what you hope to find out Methods (focus questions) used to research as well as appropriate sources
Plan of the Investigation should include: [3 marks] • Subject of the investigation which may be formulated as a question • Reasons you chose this topic and what you hope to find out • Methods (focus questions) used to research as well as appropriate sources • This is a relatively brief but important section that serves to focus and structure your research. • ( ½ to ¾ of page) • Summary of Evidence should indicate: [6 marks] • Description of evidence (including historical or political context, key people, places, and/or events) • Approximately 2 pages • Timelines, charts, maps, and additional data may be added as appendices • Evaluation of Sources: [5 marks] • Critical evaluation of TWO of the sources (similar to annotated bibliography) appropriate to research and should reference their origins, purpose or POV, value and limitations. You should clearly have more than 2 sources, but are only analyzing 2. • Approximately 1 paragraph per source • Analysis: [6 marks] • Will comprise the majority of your original writing • Clearly explains WHY this is important • Analysis of the evidence (approximate 1 ½ -2 pages) • Alternate interpretations or POV • Using Summary from B – break down into key issues, points • Historical context will add weight & perspective so don’t ignore it • Conclusion: [2 marks] • No more than a complex and analytical paragraph that provides an answer to your question based on the evidence presented • Bibliography: [3 marks] • University of Chicago Style Citations Finished IA Format Pages The end of each section should contain the word count All pages should be numbered IAs should include both footnotes and a bibliography (in University of Chicago style)
Sample IA Question: With what justification can it be claimed that it was the leadership of Trotsky which promoted Red victory in the Russian Civil War? 25 Marks 1,500-2,000 words SL = 25% HL = 20% 500-600 words 100-150 words We are going to write our plan of investigation last Notice that the evidence is categorized by subtopic and not by source. And each fact has a corresponding footnote. Not full Part B, word count was 581 in total (footnotes do not contribute to word count)
500-650 words 250-400 words Pay attention to O-P-V-L and the quality of the sources chosen by the applicant Full analysis word count = 714 This is where you address all aspects of your IA question (using your source material as support)
D. Analysis “In this section the elements of the investigation identified in section B will be broken down into key issues/points. Consideration of historical context can add weight and perspective to the study. Where appropriate (depending on the scope of the investigation) links can be made with associated events and developments to aid understanding of the historical importance of the chosen investigation.” Your original writing (1½ - 2 pages): -Analysis of the issue -Address the question (As close to a “term paper” as we get) The analysis should include: -Importance of the investigation in the historical context -Historical context adds weight & perspective -Analysis of the evidence -If appropriate, different interpretations ANALYSIS: Critical thinking & Problem solving -This is the part you do from your own knowledge & experience -What are your conclusions based on the evidence? *The elements of the investigation identified in your summary of evidence will be broken down into key issues or points* Don’t add any new facts. Only use facts already introduced -You posed the question -You did the research -Now you show how the two fit together Tips: -Clear, Analytical, and Comprehensive Thesis -Address all parts of the question -Substantiate the thesis with ample historical evidence -Address P.O.V. 150-200 words This section is a follow-up to section D. It requires an answer or conclusion, based on the evidence presented, which either partially or fully addresses the question stated or implied in the investigation. -The conclusion must be clearly stated & consistent with the evidence presented -This section is a follow-up to your analysis section - It requires an answer or conclusion, based on the evidence presented, which either partially or fully addresses the question stated or implied in the investigation -This section should be a strong finish to your investigation -Summarize what you have found out -Do not introduce any new facts or arguments here
Appendices are used to include images, charts, data… referenced in the paper and do not add to word count (but they must be cited appropriately) Ex. Trotsky was depicted by the Red Army as St. George the dragon slayer (see appendix 2) Your bibliography does not have to be divides as such, however all sources must be properly cited (University of Chicago style) and listed in alphabetical order