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Table Design

Table Design. Quality checking table design: Design Guidelines Normalisation. Is this OK?. Design of Relational Tables. Informal Design Guidelines: Table Semantics A table should hold information about one and only one entity/concept from the real world

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Table Design

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  1. Table Design Quality checking table design: Design Guidelines Normalisation Is this OK? FEN 2014-03-23

  2. Design of Relational Tables Informal Design Guidelines: • Table Semantics • A table should hold information about one and only one entity/concept from the real world • Don’t mix information about different concepts in one table • Avoid Redundant Information • Waste of storage • Update Anomalies • Minimise NULL-values • Storage requirements • Multiple interpretations (ambiguity) • Disallowing the generation of spurious tuples when joining tables. FEN 2014-03-23

  3. Design of Relational Tables Table Semantics: • Consider this table, a part of a system to handle loans from a library: Loan: [title, matNo, lno, lname, laddress, date, status] • Information about different things in the same table: • Loaner • Material • Loan • What will you suggest? FEN 2014-03-23

  4. Design of Relational Tables Redundant information: Loan: [title, matNo, lno, lname, laddress, date, status] • A loaner has many loans. • Books and other materials may be lend by many loaners. • What will you suggest? FEN 2014-03-23

  5. Design of Relational Tables Minimise NULL-values. • If NULL is the most common value for an attribute, then that attribute may not belong in the table. • One out of ten employees has a company car. • One out of ten cars are assigned to certain employee. • On which side should the foreign key be included? FEN 2014-03-23

  6. Design of Relational Tables Spurious Tuples • Again consider this table part of system to handle loans from a library: Loaner: [lNo, fname, lname,…….] Copy: [matNo,…, lname, …] • The relationship between Loaner and Copy is designed by including the loaner’s last name in Copy. • When Loaner and Copy are joined over lname spurious tuples probably will be generated since lname hardly is unique. • For instance ’117 Joe Smith’ will be associated with all copies borrowed by someone with last name ‘Smith’, and all other Smiths will be associated with copies borrowed by Joe. • The problem arises when relations are represented by anything else than primary – foreign keys FEN 2014-03-23

  7. Design of Relational Tables Normalisation • Normal forms are the formal way to state design guidelines. • Normalisation is the process. • 6 normal forms (NF) are defined: • 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and Boyce-Codd (BCNF). • 4th and 5th NF • BCNF is the one of most practical interest. FEN 2014-03-23

  8. Design of Relational Tables First Normal Form (1NF) • A table is on 1NF if • All attributes are atomic • 1NF has become part of the definition of a relation in the relational model and is achieved trivially. FEN 2014-03-23

  9. Design of Relational Tables Functional Dependencies - the foundation of 2NF, 3NF and BCNF: • Yis functional dependent (FD) of X, if there for any given value of X always is the same value for Y (X and Y being any set of attributes). • FD is written X -> Y • Y is FD of X or X is determinant for Y • If X is a candidate key, then X -> Y for all sets of attributes Y. • X -> Y implies nothing about Y -> X. • Classic example: in an address city is FD of postalCode (or postalCode determines city). FEN 2014-03-23

  10. Design of Relational Tables A Side: • Often in literature functional dependencies and normal forms are described using a lot of mathematics and it may seem quite theoretical and complicated BUT FDs are business rules and normal forms are common sense constraints on table design • The theory and the math are very useful building tools FEN 2014-03-23

  11. Design of Relational Tables Second Normal Form (2NF) • Is about partial FDs • A FD X->Y is a full functional dependency (FFD), if no attribute can be removed from X without also removing the FD X->Y. • A FD that is not FFD is called partial. • A table is on 2NF if: • It is on 1NF • All non-key attributes are FFD of all candidate keys. Example: Loan:[title, matNo, lno, lname, laddress, date, status] Which FDs do we have here? FEN 2014-03-23

  12. Design of Relational Tables What can we do here? Partial FDs FEN 2014-03-23

  13. Design of Relational Tables Third Normal Form (3NF) • Is about transitive FDs • A FD (X->Y) is transitive, if there exists a set of attributes Z satisfying X -> Z and Z -> Y. • A table is on 3NF if: • It is on 2NF • No non-key attribute is transitively dependent of a candidate key. • ”postal code - city”-problem! FEN 2014-03-23

  14. Design of Relational Tables Transitive FDs: Lots of redundancy here. What will you do? Ssn Dmgr_ssn since Ssn Dnumber and Dnumber  Dmgr_ssn Dnumber is not a key or part of a candidate key for EMP_DEPT FEN 2014-03-23

  15. Design of Relational Tables Transitive FDs: FEN 2014-03-23

  16. Design of Relational Tables Boyce-CoddNormal Form (BCNF) • If a table is on BCNF, then it is also on 1., 2. and 3. NF. • A table is on BCNF, if all determinants are candidate keys. • That is: only candidate key may determine the value of other attributes. • Only a few tables (tables with two or more overlapping candidate keys) can be one 3NF and not on BCNF. FEN 2014-03-23

  17. Design of Relational Tables • For a table to be on 3NF and not on BCNF it must satisfy: • It has more than one candidate key, and • The candidate keys are overlapping, that is: they have common attributes • For example: A: [a, b, c, d] candidate keys: (a, b) and (a, d) overlap FEN 2014-03-23

  18. Design of Relational Tables BCNF vs. 3NF - example: SSP [S#, Sname, P#, Qty] Candidate keys (S#, P#) and (Sname, P#) FDs: S# -> Sname Sname-> S# On 3NF since Sname is a key-attribute, but there is still possibility for redundancy. overlap FEN 2014-03-23

  19. Design of Relational Tables Guideline for Normalisation All attributes are to depend on the key, the whole key, and nothing but the key. So help me Codd. And remember: • FDs are business rules • Normalisation fights redundancy and other maladies in table design FEN 2014-03-23

  20. Example/Exercise • Show all FDs. Normalise the design to BCNF FEN 2014-03-23

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