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WGPD’s Administrative Matters

WGPD’s Administrative Matters. Roberto José Domínguez Moro Superior Audit Office of Mexico INTOSAI Working Group on Public Debt Mexico City, June 15 , 2010. I. Comments to the WGPD Terms of Reference. I. Terms of Reference.

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WGPD’s Administrative Matters

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  1. WGPD’sAdministrativeMatters Roberto José Domínguez Moro Superior Audit Office of Mexico INTOSAI WorkingGrouponPublicDebt Mexico City, June 15, 2010

  2. I. Commentstothe WGPD Terms of Reference

  3. I. Terms of Reference • Chair’sProposalforRevisedTerms of Reference endorsedby WGPD membersduringthe 2009 meeting • Members’ feedbackreceived in relationtotranslationintoEnglish  amendmentsmadetotheToR • Approvalbythe INTOSAI GoverningBoardduringits 59th meeting in Cape Town, November 2009

  4. I. Terms of Reference • Presentationforreferenceto KSC SteeringCommitteeduringits 2nd meeting in Mexico City, August 2010 • Final endorsement: XX INCOSAI, Nov 2010

  5. I. CommentstotheToR • WGPD’s 2009 meeting, Ukraine • Endorsement • MainUpdates up to 2009 • Referencetothe WGPD Strategic Plan • Establishment of Goal 3 KSC (objectives, reportingto SC Main & SteeringCommittees) • WGPD Responsibilities and Rights • BenefitsfortheWGPD’sprojectsdevelopment, meetingsorganization, communication

  6. II. Updating of the WGPD Strategic Plan

  7. II. Updating of the WGPD Strategic Plan • OngoingprojecttoupdateINTOSAI’s SP • In 2005 INTOSAI issueditsfirstStrategic Plan • SP 2005-2010 • Someelementshavebeensufficientlyaddressed • Strategies, activities and programsneedrefinement

  8. II. Updating of the WGPD Strategic Plan • Pillars of themission and goals are based on INTOSAI’ssevencoregoals • Independence ▪ Integrity ▪ Professionalism ▪ Credibility ▪ Inclusiveness ▪ Cooperation ▪ Innovation • SP 2006-2011 will be phased-in over time • Last version: available at the WGPD’s Website for reference

  9. II. Updating of the WGPD Strategic Plan TASKS: • 1st meeting of the KSC SteeringCommittee, March 2009 • Requestforthe WGPD toalignitsownStrategic Plan 2007-2012 tothat of INTOSAI • Sub-group: • Canada (leader), UK, Fiji, Mexico, INTOSAI DevelopmentInitiative • ProposaltoincorporateclosecoordinationwithTaskForce on Global Financial Crisis (Canada)

  10. II. Updating of the WGPD Strategic Plan TASKS: • Analysis of draft INTOSAI Strategic Plan 2011-2016  amendmentsrequestedbythe INTOSAI GoverningBoard (Nov 2009) • FeedbackfromSAIscommunityto INTOSAI draftStrategic Plan 2006-2011 • Feedbackfrom IDI (TransregionalCapacityBuildingProgrammeforAudit of Public Debt Management)

  11. II. Updating of the WGPD Strategic Plan • ExpectedOutcomes: • WGPD’sStrategic Plan 2011-2016  discussedduringtheWGPD’s 2010 meeting in Mexico City • Presentationto KSC SteeringCommittee (August), INTOSAI GoverningBoard and XXINCOSAI (November)

  12. III. Network of Experts in PublicDebtAuditing

  13. III. Network of Experts in PublicDebtAuditing • Expertsfrom15 SAIs: • Argentina, Austria, Brazil (2), Canada, Fiji, Finland, Korea, Mexico, Lithuania, Portugal, RussianFederation, Sweden, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States of America • PendingInformation: • Bulgaria, Chile, Egypt, Gabon, Jordan, Yemen, Zambia (3 auditors in training)

  14. III. Network of Experts in PublicDebtAuditing • Submission of pendingexperts’sinformation: July 30, 2010 • Contactdetailsavailable at www.wgpd.org.mx

  15. IV. Updates in the WGPD Website

  16. IV. Updates in the WGPD Website www.wgpd.org.mx secretariat@wgpd.org.mx • WGPD Terms of Reference • WGPD Membership • Status (onlymembers, no collaborators) • Contactinformation

  17. IV. Updates in the WGPD Website • Information on WGPD’ 2010 meeting • Previousmeetings • Handbookfor WGPD meetings • Technicaldocuments (2009 meeting) • ElectronicForum  2010

  18. V. HandbookforWGPD’sMeetings

  19. V. HandbookforWGPD’sMeetings CHAPTER I. MEETING ORGANIZATION AND COORDINATION • Appointment of the Host SAI, • Organization, Planning & Coordination, and Budget, • Information and Communication, • Terms of Reference, • Responsibilities and Rights in relation to WGPD meetings organization

  20. V. HandbookforWGPD’sMeetings CHAPTER II. LANGUAGE SERVICES • Translation & Interpretation CHAPTER III. PROGRAMS • Program, Cultural Events, Meeting Minute CHAPTER IV. LOGISTICS • Registration, Facilities, Formalities, Transportation, Communication

  21. V. HandbookforWGPD’sMeetings • Sources of Information: • Handbookfor INTOSAI Congresses (SAI of Mexico, 2007) • Handbookfor INTOSAI Committees • PreviousExperience • Permanent feedback from WGPD members (Host SAIs)

  22. VI. WGPD Terminology on Public Debt Auditing

  23. VI. WGPD Terminology on Public Debt Auditing • Feedbackfrom WGPD members • Proposed definitions • Validation of terms and definitions obtained from WGPD products and specialized bibliography • Proposal for terms missing definitions • New terminology • July 30, 2010

  24. VI. WGPD Terminology on Public Debt Auditing • Supporttovalidatetranslations once theterminology and definitionsbeapproved • Austria (German), Canada (French), United States of America (English) and Yemen (Arabic)

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