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Find skilled piano technicians in Texas with Texas Piano Restoration. Our professional piano technicians are dedicated to providing quality services. Call us!
ThePianoHouseforallYour PianoNeeds Texas Piano Restoration is dedicated to providing customers with the best service in the piano industry. We offer a wide array of piano services including piano restoration, refinishing, tuning, piano moving & storage, key-top replacement, piano repairs, player- pianosystemsandmore.Clickthelinkbelowtogetin contactwithustoday! www.texaspianorestoration.com
ABOUTUS TexasPianoRestorationwascreatedbyRegistered Piano Technician (RPT) Lucas Heuer and piano rebuilderJonWelch. Weareapianorestorationcompanyinspiredby theinnovationandprecisionofgreatpianos.We are motivated to help people restore and preservefamilyheirloompianosandhighquality concertperformancepianos.
LucasHeuer Lucas Heuer, RPT is a member of The Piano TechniciansGuildandcommittedtothecontinual pursuit of excellence in technical service and ethical conduct. A technician earns an RPT certification after a series of rigorous examinations that test skills in piano tuning, regulation,andrepair. His experience includes working for Steinway & Sons in Dallas and tuning for the Moody Performance Hall, the Majestic Theater,SMU’sMeadowsSchoolofMusic, Park Cities Presbyterian Church, First Baptist Dallas and many other schools, churchesandhomesthroughoutTexas. www.texaspianorestoration.com
RennerAcademy Lucas is also a graduate of the Renner Academy. This course is taught by some of the industry’s top internationally recognized piano technicians: Rick Baldassin, a consultant to Renner USA, Fazioli Pianos, and the Utah Symphony, who conducts training seminars in the U.S. and Canada, Europe, Russia, South Korea, and Australia; Nicholas Gravagne, who combines an engineering background with 40 years experience in piano design, manufacturing, and rebuilding; Michael Spreeman, founder and creator of customizedhand-craftedRavenscroftpianos;Carl Teel,ownerofThePianoShopinBountiful,Utah,anda well-knowninstructoratregionalandnationalPiano.
JonWelch Jon Welch is a lifelong classical music aficionado and craftsman.Hispassionforwood-workingandmusichave helpedhimtobecomeanaccomplishedpianorebuilder. Jon is also a certified installer of the QRS PNOmation player-piano system, and the Pianodisc Prodigy player system. Jon specializes in piano pin-block and soundboardduplication,pianorebuilding,restringingand player-pianosysteminstallation.
RegisteredPianoTechnician A piano can be so much more than just a musical instrument. These family heirlooms can carry with themstoriesandmemoriesoflovedonesandgiveus a sense of connection to the past. Many of our restoration projects are pianos that have been kept withafamilyforgenerations.Theseprojectsbringus greatjoyandsatisfaction. The team at Piano Restoration Company Texas knowsthateachprojectisunique.Whetheryouare interested in complete restoration, refinishing, new hammers,actionpartsorjustsometuning,cleaning andminorrepairswecanprovideaprojectproposal thatwillfityourbudgetandyourneeds.
PianoTuning You’ve heard it before, the best way to care for a piano is to have ittunedregularly.But,ispiano tuning really the sole factor that determinesapiano’shealth?The PianoServices answermaysurpriseyou,but regulartuningscanpreventfuture damage to your piano that results fromneglect. Texas Piano Restoration provides a wide array or pianoservicesTexasincludingtuning,movingand storage, evaluation and appraisals, restoration, repairs, player-piano system installations and upgrades and more. Please contact us today with yourpianoquestions. PianoMoving&Storage TexasPianoRestorationwas created to improve the customer experience in the piano industry. Wearepianotechnicianswho strivetotaketheprofessionof pianomovingtothenextlevel. Ouryearsofexperienceinthe pianoindustryhavetaughtusa lot about our customers and how to betterservethem.
ThankYou Email info@texaspianorestoration.com 625LakeVistaLn,Lavon,TX75166 Address Website www.texaspianorestoration.com