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The Urgency of HIV Testing: A Critical Presentation for Healthcare Teams

This presentation sheds light on HIV/AIDS data in the UK from 1981 to 2010, highlighting high prevalence rates and late diagnoses leading to severe consequences. It emphasizes the importance of early testing and treatment to prevent adverse outcomes and reduce transmission risks, especially in high-risk communities. The presentation outlines the impact of late diagnosis on patient outcomes and stresses the significance of timely intervention in saving lives. Healthcare providers will gain valuable insights into the trends, risks, and implications associated with HIV testing for improved patient care.

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The Urgency of HIV Testing: A Critical Presentation for Healthcare Teams

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  1. The case for HIV testing A presentation for the clinical team in your practice

  2. Annual new HIV and AIDS diagnoses and deaths: UK, 1981-2010

  3. Annual new HIV and AIDS diagnoses and deaths: UK, 1981-2010

  4. Prevalence of HIV in the United Kingdom, 2011 An estimated 96,000 people were living with HIV. • The overall prevalence is 1.5 per 1,000 population 24% were unaware of their infection. Prevalence much higher in some communities • 47 per 1,000 among men who have sex with men (MSM) • 37 per 1,000 among black Africans HIV prevalence continues to be significantly higher in London than elsewhere in the UK. • The most deprived areas have the highest prevalence, especially in London.

  5. New HIV diagnoses by exposure group: United Kingdom, 2002 – 20111

  6. People living with HIV infection in 2011, UK

  7. What is late diagnosis?

  8. Association between virological, immunological, & clinical events and time course of untreated HIV

  9. Late diagnoses of HIV by exposure group: United Kingdom, 2011

  10. Late diagnosis • Defined by who should have started treatment already. • ie when CD4 count below 350cells/mm3 • In 2011, 47 % of adults diagnosed in the UK were diagnosed late • They were ten times more likely to die within a year of diagnosis • Also • Higher risk of permanent disability • Acute serious illnesses • Slower response to treatment • Onward transmission of infection

  11. Trends in late diagnosis (CD4<350) by exposure group: United Kingdom, 2002-2011

  12. Use HIV testing You might save a life!

  13. Further references HIV/STI Department and contributors of HIV data http://www.hpa.org.uk/Publications/InfectiousDiseases/HIVAndSTIs/1211HIVintheUK2012/ http://www.hpa.org.uk/expandedhivtesting2012

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