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Understanding Africa and the Transatlantic Slave Trade

Explore the historical facts of Africa and the slave trade, tracing its origins, impact on continents, and the Transatlantic trade route. Learn about the involvement of various nations and the consequences for African societies. Answer thought-provoking questions to deepen your comprehension.

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Understanding Africa and the Transatlantic Slave Trade

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  1. Assignment # _____ Name: _______________________ Date: ________________________ Period: _______________________Africa and the Slave Trade Facts: • Began before Olaudah and his sister were captured • Millions died during the transportation to the America’s • Ended in the 1800’s • Africa and the Slave Trade A. Slavery in Africa History 1) Slave trade was world wide a) began with Egyptian Pharaohs b) SW Asia, South Asia and China took slaves after winning battles 2) 1200’s Africa was source of slaves a) captives-most were women exported to SW Asia b) 10,000 forced into slavery each year

  2. Directions: Read pages 80-83 in the orange textbook. Write each question/statement listed below onto notebook paper. Write and circle the correct answers. DO NOT COPY THESE DIRECTIONS. • Who did slavery begin with? • This country began the slave trade in the 1400’s. • When did the first slaves cross the Atlantic Ocean? • List the three (3) Continents involved with the slave trade.

  3. 3) Female slaves to East Africa a) Disrupted village life b) women not available to start families B. The Transatlantic Slave Trade 1) Began in 1400’s with Portugal a) first interested in gold on Africa’s West coast b) decided to buy and sell slaves 2) Spain’s involvement a) gold and silver mines opened in South America b) sugar plantations started in the Caribbean c) first used Native Americans 3) First slaves a) crossed the Atlantic in 1532 b) grew slowly for 100 years

  4. 4) America’s expansion of Agriculture a) French and British-had plantations in the Caribbean b) North America, needed slaves to raise tobacco and cotton c) slavery was profitable for Europe

  5. Look at and copy the diagram shown below onto your notes. Copy each question and use the diagram, answer each one. What was shipped from America to Europe? What do you think the Europeans did with all of that Sugar Cane? What do you think the Africans did with the jewelry from Europe? What did the Africans get in exchange for the slaves?

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