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CSE 5311 Fundamentals of Computer Science. C++ Programming. C++ Profile. C++ was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup in the early 80’s at Bell Labs. C++ is a high-level language hybrid language. It supports both object-oriented programming and procedural-based (structured) programming.
CSE 5311 Fundamentals of Computer Science C++ Programming
C++Profile • C++ was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup in the early 80’s at Bell Labs. • C++ is a high-level language hybrid language. • It supports both object-oriented programming and procedural-based (structured) programming. • C++ grew out of C, which contributed to its rapid growth in popularity. • C++ is a compiled language (as opposed to an interpreted language such as visual basic or Java). • C is a subset of C++. • A C++ compiler can compile any C program.
C++ Compiler Object file The C++ Compilation Process C Library Linker C++ Source Code C++ Library Programmer Library Executable
C/C++ Primitive Data Types • Primitive data types have a predefined meaning. • The compiler has an intuitive understanding of the attributes of each primitive type. • Primitive data types can be broadly categorized as either character or numeric. • Numeric data types can be categorized as either integer or floating point.
C/C++ Primitive Data Types • Integer data types • unsigned long int • long int • unsigned int • int • unsigned short int • short int • Signed integer values are stored in 2’s complement format
C/C++ Primitive Data Types • Floating point data types • long double • double • float • Floating point values are usually stored in IEEE format
IEEE Floating Point Formats • The sign is represented by a single bit. A 1 bit represents a negative number and a 0 bit represents a positive number • IEEE Short Real exponents are stored as a 8-bit unsigned integer with a bias of 127 decimal (01111111 binary)
2’s Complement Representation • Most modern computers use 2’s complement representation to store signed integers. • The high-order bit of an integer stored in 2’s complement representation will contain a 0 if the number is positive and a 1 if the number is negative. • By taking the 2’s complement of an integer you are effectively multiplying the number by -1. • The 2’s complement of a positive integer results in its negative representation. • The 2’s complement of a negative integer results in its absolute value.
2’s Complement Representation • Taking the 2’s complement of an integer is a 2-step process. • Step 1 - Flip all the bits in the number (0’s become 1’s and 1’s become 0’s). This is also known as taking the 1’s complement of the number. • Step 2 - Add 1 to the 1’s complement representation of the number). • In the process of adding 1, any carry out of the high-order position is lost. This is normal and not a problem in the world of computer arithmetic.
2’s Complement Representation • Assume we are storing a positive 9 in a one-byte (8-bit field) using 2’s complement representation. In binary it would appear as 00001001. • Now, take the 2’s complement of the number. • Step 1 - flip the bits. 11110110 • Step 2 - add 1. + 1 11110111 • The result, 11110111, is the 2’s complement representation of -9. • If we were to take the 2’s complement of 11110111 (-9), we would get 00001001 (+9).
2’s Complement Arithmetic • To confirm that 11110111 really does represent -9, we should be able to add it to +9 and get a result of 0. Remember we are doing binary addition: 1 + 1 = 10. 11110111 (-9) + 00001001 (+9) 00000000 (0) • As pointed out earlier, a carry out of the high-order position is lost.
C/C++ Primitive Data Types • Character data types • char • Note: Neither C or C++ has a primitive string type. • Character values are stored in ASCII
C/C++ Primitive Data Types • One of the frustrating things about the C/C++ primitive data types is that the number of bytes allocated to each type may vary from platform to platform. • This can be a major hindrance to portability. • Use the sizeof operator to find out the storage allocation for a particular platform. • For example • cout << sizeof(int); • cout << sizeof(float); • cout << sizeof(double);
C++ Operators OperatorAssociativityType ( ) [ ] left to right (highest pres.) ++ -- + - ! & * right to left unary * / % left to right multiplicative + - left to right additive << >> left to right shift = = != left to right equality && || left to right logical and/or ?: right to left conditional = += -= *= /= %= right to left assignment , left to right comma
Program Structure • A C program is made up of a main function and optionally one more additional functions that work together to carry out some task. • A C++ program is made up of a main function and optionally one or more additional functions and/or classes that work together to carry out some task.
Function Structure returnType functionName (parameter list) { // function body } • Neither C or C++ allow function definitions to be nested within other function definitions. However, blocks { } may be nested within other blocks. • Every C/C++ statement must be terminated by a semicolon.
Our First C++ Program #include <iostream.h> //This program prompts the user for two integers and then //displays the sum of the two integers. void main( ) { int value1, value2; cout << “Input an integer and press return: “; cin >> value1; cout << “Input another integer and press return: “; cin >> value2; cout << “The sum of “ << value1 << “ and “ << value2 << “ is “ << value1 + value2 << endl; }
Our First C++ Program • Program components: • iostream.h - header file • main - function name • value1 and value2 - user defined variables. • Variables are symbolic names that refer to areas of memory reserved for holding data. • cout - output stream object. • << - stream insertion member function defined in cout. • cin - input stream object. • >> - stream extraction member function defined in cin. • ; (semicolon) - statement terminator. • Value1 + value2 - arithmetic expression. • { } - block delimiters.
Control Structures • Control structures determine the flow of control through a program. • Flow of control refers the the order that instructions within a program are executed. • Control structures may be categorized as either sequential structures, selection structures or repetition structures.
Control Structures • Sequential structures • Represented by the absence of any specific selection or repetition structure. • Selection structures • if • if/else • switch • ?: (conditional operator - same as if/else) • Repetition structures • while • do/while • for
Selection Structures • if if (conditional test) { statement(s) } • if/else if (conditional test) { statement(s) } else { statement(s) }
Repetition Structures • while while (conditional test) { statement(s) } • do/while do { statement(s) while (conditional test); • Note: braces { } may be omitted from around the body of a selection or repetition structure if the body only contains a single statement.
The For Loop • Of the repetition structures, the for loop is the most complex. Initialize control variables Modify control variables Conditional test for (expression1; expression2; expression3) statement; • The for and while loops test for entry to the loop body at the top of the loop. The do/while tests for re-entry at the bottom of the loop.
Conditional Expressions • Conditional expressions are primarily composed of relational and logical operators. For example: if (a < b && c != j) { statement(s) } while (c = = k) { statement(s) } do { statement(s) } while (b >= (j+n)); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { statement(s) }
Conditional Expressions Watch out!!! - A common mistake is to use the assignment operator (=) where where the equality operator (= =) was intended. For example: if (j = 100) { } This is syntactically correct but logically wrong. 100 will be assigned to j then the value in j will be used to determine if the condition is true or false. A value of 0 means false; a non-zero value means true.
Pass By Value 5 number #include <iostream.h> int cubeByValue(int); //function prototype void main() { int number = 5; cout << ”Number equals " << number << endl; number = cubeByValue(number); cout << ”Number now equals " << number << endl; } int cubeByValue(int n) { return n * n * n; } n 5
Pass By Reference 5 number #include <iostream.h> void cubeByReference(int &); void main() { int number = 5; cout << ”Number equals " << number << endl; cubeByReference(number); cout << ”Number now equals " << number << endl; } void cubeByReference(int &n) { n = n * n * n; } n (n is a constant pointer)
Pass By Reference with Pointer 5 number #include <iostream.h> void cubeByPointer(int *); //function prototype main() { int number = 5; cout << ”Number equals " << number << endl; cubeByPointer(&number); cout << ”Number now equals " << number << endl; } void cubeByPointer(int *n) { *n = *n * *n * *n; } n (n is a non-constant pointer)
Pointers • Pointers are a major component of C/C++ programming. • Many persons consider pointers the most difficult aspect of C/C++ to master. • A pointer is a variable that contains an address. • There are two operators that are commonly used when working with pointers. • * - the indirection operator which also doubles as the multiplication operator. • & - the address operator.
Pointer Examples #include <iostream.h> void main() { int i = 20; int *iptr = &i; cout << i << endl; //20 cout << &i << endl; //0x8f47fff2 cout << iptr << endl; //0x8f47fff2 cout << &iptr << endl; //0x8f47fff0 cout << *iptr << endl; //20 }
Pointer Examples void main() { int *iptr, iarr[5] = {10,20,30,40,50}; iptr = iarr; cout << iarr << endl; //0x8f47ffe6 cout << iptr << endl; //0x8f47ffe6 cout << iarr[0] << endl; //10 cout << *iptr << endl; //10 cout << *iarr << endl; //10 cout << iptr[0] << endl; //10 cout << iarr[2] << endl; //30 iptr += 2; cout << *iptr << endl; //30 cout << *(iptr-1) << endl;//20 }
Pointer Examples void main() { char *cptr, *csptr = "abcde"; char carr[6] = "abcde"; cptr = carr; cout << carr << endl; //abcde cout << cptr << endl; //abcde cout << carr[0] << endl; //a cout << *cptr << endl; //a cout << *carr << endl; //a cout << cptr[0] << endl; //a cout << carr[2] << endl; //c cptr += 2; cout << *cptr << endl; //c cout << *(cptr - 1) << endl; //b }
Pointer Examples void main() { char sarr[3][10] = {"Fred", "Susan", "Mary"}; cout << sarr << endl; //0x8f43ffba cout << *sarr << endl; //Fred cout << *(sarr + 1) << endl; //Susan cout << sarr[2] << endl; //Mary cout << sarr[0][1] << endl; //r char *parr[3] = {"Fred", "Susan", "Mary"}; cout << parr << endl; //0x8f43ffd8 cout << *parr << endl; //Fred cout << *(parr + 1) << endl; //Susan cout << parr[2] << endl; //Mary cout << parr[0][1] << endl; //r }