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Searching for evidence for research tasks

Enhance your research skills! Learn to locate titles, authors, publication details, snippets, citations, similar articles, access sources, and more. Practice managing and refining search results effectively.

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Searching for evidence for research tasks

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  1. Searching for evidence for research tasks Advanced lesson 4 Created by: Tasha Bergson-Michelson Kathy Glass

  2. Information in a Scholar Result Can you find where it tells you: 1) The title 2) The authors' names? 3) When and where it was published? 4) Information from the text of the article (snippet)? 5) Which other articles cite this one? 6) What other articles exist on similar topics? 7) What pay-for-access sources offer it? 8) A list of all the places Google has found it online? 9) A free source through which you have access? 

  3. Managing Your Results 1) Modify queries                   2) Advanced Search 3) Select source types 4) Control for publication date 5) How much information do you want? 6) Ask Google to e-mail you when it finds        new articles matching your query.

  4. Information in a Scholar Result 1 3 2 9 4 5 6 7 8 Can you find where it tells you: 1) The title 2) The authors' names? 3) When and where it was published? 4) Information from the text of the article (snippet)? 5) Which other articles cite this one? 6) What other articles exist on similar topics? 7) What pay-for-access sources offer it? 8) A list of all the places Google has found it online? 9) A free source (when available)? 

  5. Managing Your Results 2 1 6 3 4 5 1) Modify queries                   2) Advanced Search 3) Select source types 4) Control for publication date 5) How much information do you want? 6) Ask Google to e-mail you when it finds        new articles matching your query.

  6. Give It a Try! Use Google Scholar (scholar.google.com) to find: Articles similar to "Water Supply and Pollution Control" by  JW Clark.  1 Possible answer: Search [water supply and pollution control jw clark ] and click on Related articles 2 "Particle creation by black holes" has been cited over 5,500 times. Find the articles that cite it. Possible answer: Search [particle creation by black holes], then click on Cited by ... 3 Find academic articles Nathaniel Hawthorne's treatment of women that were published in 2011 or later. Possible answer: Search [nathaniel hawthorne women] and use the drop down box to pick 2011

  7. Can you find it? Legendarily decorated by Merlin with pieces from the "Giant's Ring," is there moss on all sides of these stones?

  8. Stonehenge street view

  9. Stonehenge street view

  10. Can you find it? ["burial ground" merlin] [stonehenge] Click on the map Satellite view Street view "Walk" around the rocks  to check

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