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Market Access Database (MADB) - EU Business Export Tool

Informing businesses about export conditions in non-EU countries through a free online service. Access product-specific import information, statistics, and services for SMEs.

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Market Access Database (MADB) - EU Business Export Tool

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  1. Market Access Database (MADB) Informing business about export conditions DG TRADEEuropean CommissionVilnius, 9 April 2019

  2. MADB ─ information on market access conditions in non-EU countries • Free online service for EU companies • Product specific information on import conditions in over 100 countries outside the EU • Statistics • Services for SMEs • http://madb.europa.eu/madb/indexPubli.htm

  3. Enter the HS (Harmonised System) code of your product or use "find product code" to browse the table of chapters • Select the country of destination

  4. Click on the Tariffline for an overview of additional duties and taxes that apply to your product

  5. Click on the Schedule for an overview of how the Duty Rate decreases with time.

  6. Use the Related Notes tab to obtain specific information related to your product Information on Rules of Origin can be found for the specific product at several places (from general to specific)

  7. To learn more about the procedures required for customs clearance and the documents to fill in, simply go to Procedures and Formalities

  8. Procedures and Formalities documents required for customs clearance • Copies of documents with translation into English

  9. Statistics by Member State and partner country and HS code

  10. Services for SMEsgives a usefuloverview of dedicatedwebsites • For Japan: specialdedicated SME website for the use of the FTA

  11. Latest updates showing the recent changes regarding tariffs, procedures and formalities, new or resolved trade barriers

  12. Trade barriers • Main obstacles for EU exporters reported to the Commission • Overview of what the EU is doing to remove them

  13. Trade barriers • If you have encountered a specific trade barrier you can report your problems using the online form

  14. Detailed information on the FTAs with Canada and Japan

  15. MADB ─ information on market access conditions in non-EU countries • http://madb.europa.eu • Contact: • Trade-market-access-dbase@ec.europa.eu

  16. Thank youhttp://ec.europa.eu/trade/http://madb.europa.euTRADE-MARKET-ACCESS-DBASE@ec.europa.eu

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