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Who Am I?

Who Am I?. A.P. Government and Politics Final Exam Review. Who Am I?. 1. I was arrested, interrogated and convinced to confess to a crime. When the Supreme Court heard my case they issued a ruling that said all criminal suspects should be informed of their rights. WHO AM I?.

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Who Am I?

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  1. Who Am I? A.P. Government and Politics Final Exam Review

  2. Who Am I? • 1. I was arrested, interrogated and convinced to confess to a crime. When the Supreme Court heard my case they issued a ruling that said all criminal suspects should be informed of their rights.

  3. WHO AM I? • 2. I won the 2000 Presidential election’s popular vote, yet lost the electoral college due to my inability to win my own home state.

  4. WHO AM I? • 3. My case incorporated the right to an attorney at the state and local levels of the judicial system. I was retried and when having the assistance of a lawyer, won my freedom.

  5. WHO AM I? • 4. I was a Socialist who wanted to persuade others to not enlist in the draft during WWI.

  6. WHO AM I? • 5. These two senators worked across party lines to develop reforms in campaign finance laws with regards to types of campaign contributions.

  7. WHO AM I? • 6. I believe that in the long run markets of supply and demand will adjust to one another, thus eliminating the need to have government intervention.

  8. WHO AM I? • 7. These two created a government shutdown because they could not agree on the Federal Budget.

  9. WHO AM I? • 8. I am the father of the U.S. Constitution. My notes served as the framework to construct the document. I also wrote many of the Federalist Papers to explain the intent of the document.

  10. WHO AM I? • 9. I am a farmer that resists the idea of the government coming in and taking away my land. I fought for this new country, I am not going to lose my land to some bankers and a new legislature.

  11. WHO AM I? • 10. I am the first President to embrace Keynesian Economics in the United States.

  12. WHO AM I? • 11. I lost a couple of very close elections. Later through my own recordings, I revealed that I was anti-semitic, anti-gay and quite paranoid about winning reelection.

  13. WHO AM I? • 12. I establish the process of judicial review and the power of the Supreme Court. When I died, the liberty bell was rang so many times in my honor, that it cracked.

  14. WHO AM I? • 13. We wore black armbands to school to protest the Vietnam war. We were suspended, the Supreme Court said this was a freedom of speech protected in the form of symbolic speech.

  15. WHO AM I? • 14. I am the founder of Hustler magazine. I won a Supreme Court case surrounding the idea of parody. While the court did not condone my actions as having good taste, they said it was my constitutional right to lampoon a public official.

  16. WHO AM I? • 15. I was the heavy weight boxing champion of the world. I was stripped of my title when I refused to join the army citing religious objections.

  17. WHO AM I? • 16. I was the President that first passed legislation to allow for public funds to be used for parochial schools, my assertion that this was legal was confirmed in Lemon vs. Kurtzman.

  18. WHO AM I? • 17. I have an outstanding record of arguing cases before the Supreme Court, I won 29 of 32 cases before the activist Warren Court.

  19. WHO AM I? • 18. I was the President of the NRA who stated that no one would take my guns away. I went so far as to attend a rally near Columbine on the anniversary of the tragic events and stated that “they won’t take my guns, unless it is out of cold dead hands”.

  20. WHO AM I? • 19. I wrote that man should have the right to life, liberty and property. I heavily influenced Jefferson, and the American Revolutionaries, as well as the French Revolution and even Ho Chi Minh.

  21. WHO AM I? • 20. I believe in the policy of helping businesses to spur on economic growth by deregulating industry, creating tax cuts and allowing businesses not government to create jobs.

  22. WHO AM I? • 21. I believed that the uneven distribution of wealth and land, would lead to factions in government.

  23. WHO AM I? • 22. I am a enlightenment philosopher that comes up with the idea that government should be limited in its powers and that government should have checks and balances present to preserve a check to its own power.

  24. WHO AM I? • 23. I sued the University of California because I had higher test scores than applicants which were minorities that were accepted to the medical school and I was denied entrance.

  25. WHO AM I? • 24. I am the only third party candidate to ever win the Presidency. My cabinet was made up of people who had differing opinions and challenged me in my decision making.

  26. WHO AM I? • 25. I am the leader of the reform movement within the Democratic party to correct the injustices that took place at the Democratic National Convention in 1968. The reforms I take on led to less control by party bosses and more representation by the electorate.

  27. Who Am I? A.P. Government and Politics Final Exam Review Answers

  28. Who Am I? • I was arrested, interrogated and convinced to confess to a crime. When the Supreme Court heard my case they issued a ruling that said all criminal suspects should be informed of their rights • Answer: Ernesto Miranda

  29. WHO AM I? • I won the 2000 Presidential election’s popular vote, yet lost the electoral college due to my inability to win my own home state. • Answer: Al Gore

  30. WHO AM I? • My case incorporated the right to an attorney at the state and local levels of the judicial system. I was retried and when having the assistance of a lawyer, won my freedom. • Answer: Clarence Earl Gideon

  31. WHO AM I? • I was a Socialist who wanted to persuade others to not enlist in the draft during WWI. • Answer: Charles Schenck

  32. WHO AM I? • These two senators worked across party lines to develop reforms in campaign finance laws with regards to types of campaign contributions. • Answer: JohnMcCain and Russ Feingold

  33. WHO AM I? • I believe that in the long run markets of supply and demand will adjust to one another, thus eliminating the need to have government intervention. • Answer: Adam Smith

  34. WHO AM I? • These two created a government shutdown because they could not agree on the Federal Budget. • Answer: Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich

  35. WHO AM I? • I am the father of the U.S. Constitution. My notes served as the framework to construct the document. I also wrote many of the Federalist Papers to explain the intent of the document. • Answer: James Madison

  36. WHO AM I? • I am a farmer that resists the idea of the government coming in and taking away my land. I fought for this new country, I am not going to lose my land to some bankers and a new legislature. • Answer: Daniel Shays

  37. WHO AM I? • I am the first President to embrace Keynesian Economics in the United States. • Answer: Franklin D. Roosevelt

  38. WHO AM I? • I lost a couple of very close elections. Later through my own recordings, I revealed that I was anti-semitic, anti-gay and quite paranoid about winning reelection. • Answer: Richard M. Nixon

  39. WHO AM I? • I establish the process of judicial review and the power of the Supreme Court. When I died, the liberty bell was wrang so many times in my honor, that it cracked. • Answer: Justice John Marshall

  40. WHO AM I? • We wore black armbands to school to protest the Vietnam war. We were suspended, the Supreme Court said this was a freedom of speech protected in the form of symbolic speech. • Answer: Mary Beth and John Tinker

  41. WHO AM I? • I am the founder of Hustler magazine. I won a Supreme Court case surrounding the idea of parody. While the court did not condone my actions as having good taste, they said it was my constitutional right to lampoon a public official. • Answer: Larry Flynt

  42. WHO AM I? • I was the heavy weight boxing champion of the world. I was stripped of my title when I refused to join the army citing religious objections. • Answer: Muhammad Ali

  43. WHO AM I? • I was the President that first passed legislation to allow for public funds to be used for parochial schools, my assertion that this was legal was confirmed in Lemon vs. Kurtzman. • Answer: Lyndon Johnson

  44. WHO AM I? • I have an outstanding record of arguing cases before the Supreme Court, I won 29 of 32 cases before the activist Warren Court. • Answer: Thurgood Marshal

  45. WHO AM I? • I was the President of the NRA who stated that no one would take my guns away. I went so far as to attend a rally near Columbine on the anniversary of the tragic events and stated that “they won’t take my guns, unless it is out of cold dead hands”. • Answer: Charlton Heston

  46. WHO AM I? • I wrote that man should have the right to life, liberty and property. I heavily influenced Jefferson, and the American Revolutionaries, as well as the French Revolution and even Ho Chi Minh. • Answer: John Locke

  47. WHO AM I? • I believe in the policy of helping businesses to spur on economic growth by deregulating industry, creating tax cuts and allowing businesses not government to create jobs. Answer: Ronald Reagan

  48. WHO AM I? • I believed that the uneven distribution of wealth and land, would lead to factions in government. • Answer: James Madison

  49. WHO AM I? • I am a enlightenment philosopher that comes up with the idea that government should be limited in its powers and that government should have checks and balances present to preserve a check to its own power. • Answer: Baron de Montesquieu

  50. WHO AM I? • I sued the University of California because I had higher test scores than applicants which were minorities that were accepted to the medical school and I was denied entrance. • Answer:Allan Bakke

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