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Teenage Drinking and Driving

Teenage Drinking and Driving. By: Lindsay Wilson. Did You Know?. Eight teens die everyday in DUI crashes. 200 percent chance that you or someone in your family will either cause, or be an innocent victim to, a drunk driving accident. In 2005, 7420 teens died or were injured in DUI crashes .

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Teenage Drinking and Driving

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  1. Teenage Drinking and Driving By: Lindsay Wilson

  2. Did You Know? • Eight teens die everyday in DUI crashes • 200 percent chance that you or someone in your family will either cause, or be an innocent victim to, a drunk driving accident In 2005, 7420 teens died or were injured in DUI crashes.

  3. What about these? • Every 22 minutes someone dies in an alcohol-related motor vehicle accident. • On any given weekend evening, one in 10 drivers on America’s roads has been drinking.

  4. 60% of all teen deaths in car accidents are alcohol-related! • Drinking impairs all your senses, it gives you false confidence and makes you feel carefree. • These are the reasons teens crash when intoxicated. • When you are under the influence you feel like nothing can touch you, nothing can go wrong. That’s far from the truth.

  5. Don’t be selfish! • By drinking and driving you risk not only your life but others lives as well. • You can crash and end your friend’s lives or crash into somebody else and hurt them. • You never know what could happen and in the end you will have to deal with that for the rest of your life.

  6. Stop Yourself. Stop a Friend. • Too many people still don’t understand that alcohol and driving don’t mix.  Impaired driving is no accident; it is not a victimless crime. • Teens and parents both need a strong reminder:  underage drinking is illegal and can have disastrous consequences. You could lose your license, go to jail, or worse end somebodies life. • If you are drinking, don’t drive. Is it really worth it? Stop Yourself. Stop a Friend.

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