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2012 Grant Writing Workshop Available Programs: Juvenile Accountability Block Grant. Tuesday, January 10, 2012. Introductions. Jason Metzger Jason.W.Metzger@wv.gov Senior Justice Programs Specialist Juvenile Accountability Block Grant.
2012 Grant Writing WorkshopAvailable Programs: Juvenile Accountability Block Grant Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Introductions Jason Metzger Jason.W.Metzger@wv.gov Senior Justice Programs Specialist Juvenile Accountability Block Grant
West Virginia Division of Justice and Community Services • A Division of the Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety • WV’s criminal justice planning agency • Staff to the Governor’s Committee on Crime, Delinquency and Correction • Administer approximately 20 million dollars in grant funds
JJDP – Title II (Formula) JJDP – Title V Juvenile Accountability Block Grant Enforcing the Underage Drinking Laws Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Court Security Fund Child Advocacy Centers Safe and Drug Free Communities STOP Violence Against Women Victims of Crime Act Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvements Community Corrections Statistical Analysis Center National Criminal History Improvement Local Law Enforcement Training and Education Project Safe Neighborhoods Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Compliance Monitoring West Virginia Division of Criminal Justice Services Current Programs
Juvenile Accountability Block Grant The goal of the JABG program is to reduce juvenile offending through accountability-based initiatives focused on both the offender and the juvenile justice system.
Juvenile Accountability Block Grant Program Categories: Category 5–Prosecutors • Providing funding to enable prosecutors to address drug, gang, and youth violence problems more effectively and for technology, equipment, and training to assist prosecutors in identifying and expediting the prosecution of violent juvenile offenders. Category 8 – Drug Courts _ Establishing drug court programs to provide continuing judicial supervision of juvenile offenders with substance abuse problems and to integrate the administration of other sanctions and services for such offenders. Category 9–Juvenile Records • Establishing and maintaining a system of juvenile records designed to promote public safety.
Juvenile Accountability Block Grant Program Categories: • Category 10 – Information Sharing Establishing and maintaining interagency information-sharing programs that enable the juvenile justice and criminal justice systems, schools, and social services agencies to make more informed decisions regarding the early identification, control, supervision and treatment of juveniles who repeatedly commit serious delinquent or criminal acts.
Juvenile Accountability Block Grant Program Categories: Category 11– Accountability-Based Programs • Establishing and maintaining accountability-based programs designed to reduce recidivism among juvenile who are referred by law enforcement personnel or agencies. Category 13 –School Safety (Prevention Resource Officer) • The PRO program puts certified West Virginia police officers who are also certified Prevention Resource Officers in local middle and high schools. The officers maintain an office in one school for 35-40 hours per week, attend extra- curricular activities, and facilitate classes on non-traditional educational topics such as: juvenile law, domestic violence, underage drinking, drug and alcohol prevention, and child abuse and neglect. The officers work on safety issues, prevention, and learning more about youth and interacting with them. Category 14– Restorative Justice • Establishing and maintaining restorative justice programs.
Juvenile Accountability Block Gant West Virginia Awards: FY 2007: $351,000 FY 2008: $370,000 FY 2009: $422,300 FY 2010: $404,800 FY 2011: $316,629
Grant Application Process • Request for Proposal Brochures sent out December 2011 • Applications sent upon request • Download applications at www.djcs.wv.gov • Grant Writing Workshop – Today • Deadline for submission of grants: February 10, 2012 (close of business)
Application Page One – General Information JABG – unit of state or local government
Application Page One – General Information Cannot be the Same Person
Application Page One – General Information JABG Category Information can be found in Appendix B
Application Page One – General Information Examples of evidence/research based programs or elements of environmental strategies can be found:
Application Page One – General Information BRIEF summary of the program’s concept and overall goal. Space is limited.
Application Page One – General Information Cannot be the same as the Project Director or Fiscal Officer
Application Page One – General Information Must be an Original Signature (BLUE INK)
Application Checklist Page 1 - General Administrative Information • Applicant – City or County Commission • PD, FO, AO – 3 different individuals with complete contact information (including emails) • Evidence Based Program – name and link • Authorized Official – original signature (Mayor or County Commission President)
Application Budget Information • Page 2: Budget Summary • MATCH • Page 3: Budget Detail • Page 4: Budget Justification
Application Page Two – Budget Summary 55-XXXXXXX List the applicant and the applicant’s Federal Employee Identification Number (FEIN) in the spaces provided. For example, a nine-digit number usually staring 55.
Application Page Two – Budget Summary Indicate the amount of grant funds requested in the various category items allowable under the grant program.
Application Page Two – Budget Summary MATCH - Indicate the other funds allocated to the various budget line items.
Application Page Two – Budget Summary Requested grant funds plus matching funds
Application Page Two – Budget Summary List separately each source of funds for the project and indicate the status of each funding source as outlined under the Funding Strategy section.
Application Page Two – Budget Summary County Commission $5,500.00 C
Allowable Personnel/Contractual JABG - Personnel expenses for staff providing direct services to youth Travel/Training Mileage reimbursement will be in accordance with West Virginia State Travel Regulations. Training costs for staff (registration fees, mileage, lodging, and meals). Equipment Equipment over $5,000.00. Other Expendable equipment (laptop, printers, etc.) Project materials, such as curriculum, or educational materials (books, handouts, workbooks, videos, etc.) Unallowable Administrative costs (administrative salaries such as salaries for executive directors, accountants, bookkeepers, clerical staff, and indirect costs). Continuing education credits, tuition and textbooks for college or graduate courses. Space (rent and utilities). Allowable/Unallowable Costs Would it be necessary to purchase or utilize this item in order to accomplish the project’s goals and objectives?
Application Page Three – Budget Detail Provide a breakdown of the category totals listed on Page 2. This information should include general line item information by budget category.
Application Page Three – Budget Detail (Example) Overtime Hours for Law Enforcement 6 Officers x 2 hrs x $20/hr (avg.) x 12 Checks Benefits - FICA $2,880.00 $220.00 National Leadership Conference $1,500.00 $500.00
Application Page Four – Budget Justification Provide a further breakdown of all costs listed in the Budget Detail worksheet. This should not only provide a breakdown of costs, but also why this expense is needed to carry out the proposal. Example: Personnel / Contractual List positions as contractual (no benefits) or personnel with the benefits spelled out in detail. To show personnel with benefits, reflect the gross wages (salary) plus any benefits and taxes, such as FICA, Worker’s Compensation, Retirement, etc. For hourly employees, indicate the hourly rate, the number of hours to be worked in a day, and the total number of days to be worked during the grant cycle. For example: $10 / hour x 3 hours / day x 180 days = $5,400.00 This position is needed to oversee the day to day activities of the program. The individual will be in charge of supervising staff, completing grant paperwork monthly, and monitoring the progress of the programs goals and objectives outlined in the application.
Matching Requirement • Programs will be required to assume a greater local level of fiscal responsibility and promote increased local participation. Funded projects must receive financial support from sources other Federal funding. • The purpose of matching funds is to augment the amount of resources available to the project from grant funds and to foster the dedication of state, local and community resources to the purposes of the project.
Matching Requirement • The matching requirements are as follows: • 1st year – 10% match cash match • 2nd year – 15% match (5% - in-kind/cash and 10% - cash) • 3rd year – 20% match (10% - in-kind/cash and 10% - cash) • 4th year – 25% match (10% - in-kind/cash and 15% - cash) • 5th year and beyond – 30% match (15% - in-kind/cash and 15% - cash) *Match can be shown in cash or half cash and half in-kind.
Calculating Match For 1st year applicants, the method for calculating the appropriate match for individual grants is as follows: Step 1: Grant Requested Funds divided by .9 = Total Project Amount $35,000.00 / .9 = $38,888.89 Step 2: Total Project Amount – Grant Requested Funds = Match Amount $38,888.89 - $35,000.00 = $3,888.89 For year 2 - divide by .85; For year 3 - divide by .80; For year 4 - divide by .75 For year 5 and beyond – divide by .70.
Cash Match Consists of actual cash funds dedicated to the project. Examples: Donations Non-Federal Income Local Governments In-Kind Match Non-cash items that come from another source but are committed to the goals of the project. Examples: Donated services Donated goods Finding Match *Cannot use federal funds to match federal funds.
Valuing In-Kind Contributions • Use fair market price • Consider what it would cost to obtain similar goods or services • IRS defines fair market value as the price an item would sell for on the open market.
Application Checklist Pages 2 – 4 Budget • Budget Summary (Complete with Applicant and FEIN Number) • Funding Strategy – list of funding sources • Check your math • Included the correct amount of match • Provide a justification (pg 4) – why these funds are essential to the program.
Application Page Five – Project Narrative Detailed description of how the applicant will use grant funds (e.g., public advertising programs, compliance check operations, travel, educational materials, etc.) Complete the Project Narrative following the format as outlined in the application instructions and address each section with a heading. Additional pages will be necessary and should be labeled 5-1, 5-2, 5-3, etc. New Component Priority will be given to programs that utilize evidence/research based programming and/or prove elements of environmental strategies for prevention.
Application Page Five – Project Narrative (cont.) • Statement of Need or Problem Statement • The problem/need should be clearly identified and substantiated by research and statistics specific for the targeted service delivery area and population. • Why do you need a grant? • Supporting current data (preferable base-line data as well as written demonstration) is provided to justify why programming of this type is needed • Target population to be served should be identified and described (include the needs) • Existing projects must show a continued need - a copy of last years problem statement will not be accepted
Application Page Five – Project Narrative (cont.) • Program Description and/or Solution to the Problem: • Describe the proposed program and how it will address the needs identified in the problem statement • Describe the program’s overall goal(s) and the anticipated impact on the targeted population • Describe the activities to be implemented in the program – when discussing these activities, be sure to include an implementation schedule • Describe how youth will be recruited and/or referred to the program, if applicable
Application Page Five – Project Narrative (cont.) • Program Description and/or Solution to the Problem: • Discuss the program’s management and supervision – indicate the role of the project director, the supervision of funded staff, the role of the governing board, the role of the planning and evaluation team, and if volunteers will be used to implement the program • Existing projects must show past impact of their project on the targeted population – a copy of last years program description is not acceptable
Application Page Five – Project Narrative (cont.) • Collaboration: • Describe the degree of interagency linkage and community ties with the project – referral agreements and letters of working agreements with key agencies. • How will the program integrate or coordinate with existing related initiatives • Describe the networking system to be used with other agencies
Application Page Five – Project Narrative (cont.) • Program Evaluation: • Provide an evaluation strategy to determine the success of the project. • Does not have to be complicated • Describe the plan for measuring program effectiveness – this should be based on the goal(s) and objective(s) as well as any base-line data provided • Identify the data elements to be used to measure progress • Describe how the data will be collected • Describe how the data will be analyzed and to whom the results will be reported
Application Page Five – Project Narrative (cont.) • Plan of Sustainability: • A detailed description of how the project will be sustained in the event that grant funds are no longer available. • This plan must illustrate the willingness and capacity to continue the project after grant funds are no longer available. • The plan should also describe any working relationships that would be maintained as a part of the grant program.
Application Page Five – Project Narrative (cont.) Success of previously funded projects: If the project has received prior funding, identify how many years the project has been funded and provide quantitative data that shows the accomplishments of the previous year’s goals and objectives.
Application Page Six – Grant Goal(s) & Objective(s) • Overall grant goal(s) and objective(s) will be described in the program description and/or program evaluation, but all grant goal(s) and objective(s) need documented in this section. • State your goal(s) and provide clear, precise, and measurable objectives • Describe the implementation strategy for each objective • Strategies need to be brief and to the point
Application Goals • Broad based statements of desired long-term impact of the program • Sets scope or foundation • States long-range target or purpose • States the target population • States the condition to be changed
Application Examples of Goals: To reduce the incidence of juvenile alcohol use/abuse in the Silver Bulletville community. To ensure that crime victims of juvenile offenders are given the opportunity to obtain restitution for losses associated with their victimization.
Application Objectives • Specific statement of the desired short-term, immediate outcomes of the program which support accomplishment of a goal. • Objectives should be stated in a measurable form and usually begin with an action verb.
Application Examples of Objectives: By May 31, 2010, the number of citations written to juveniles in Silver Bulletville community who use alcohol will be reduced by 10%. Provide programming on the dangers of alcohol to 10 juvenile offenders each quarter. Provide educational resources to all 25 establishments in the community on how to properly check for identification on those individuals attempting to purchase alcoholic beverages.
Application Objectives (cont.) • Good objectives should show the following: • Time frame • Specify the target population • Criteria (number, percentage, rate, etc.) • What the program wants to change • A good acronym to help you remember is………….. • S. M. A. R. T.
Application S. M. A. R. T. S M A R T pecific easurable ttainable esults oriented imebound