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ANALYSIS OF SOFT HEAP. Varun Mishra April 16,2009. Outline . What is a Soft Heap? Data Structure Heap Operations insert, merge, deletemin,sift Complexity Bounds Applications. What is a Soft Heap?.

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  1. ANALYSIS OF SOFT HEAP Varun Mishra April 16,2009

  2. Outline • What is a Soft Heap? • Data Structure • Heap Operations • insert, merge, deletemin,sift • Complexity Bounds • Applications

  3. What is a Soft Heap? • A sequence of heap ordered “binarized“ binomial trees(soft queues) with possibly some subtrees missing • Acheives an amortized constant-time for meld,delete and findmin and O(log 1/ε ) time for insert in a Heap. • Atmost εn items may be corrupted where n is the number of inserts • Uses the concept of “car pooling” to beat the logarithmic time bound • Used for median finding, computing MST of a graph and approximate sorting

  4. Data Structure 0 1 2 3,2,4 1 11 4 13,8,15,24 6 4 24 11 • Each item in head list has a suffix-min pointer • An entire item-list can be stored at each node • Heap ordering is on the common key 4 8 6 7

  5. Additional points • Binomial trees are arranged in the head-list in increasing order of rank. No two trees has same rank. • Rank of a node is defined as the rank of the corresponding target node in a binomial tree • The items in the item-list whose key is less than the node’s key are corrupted. • All item-list members move together to implement “car pooling”. 2,3,4 4

  6. Heap Operations : Insert • Create a single node and meld it with the remaining soft heap

  7. Meld • Break the heap with lower rank and meld each soft queue into the other heap • Insert the queue h into head list to maintain order in ranks • Perform carry propagation if required • Call update suffix_min

  8. Update Suffix_min • Let h was the head of the last queue that was modified. • Update suffix_min pointers in a backward fashion UpdateSuffix_min(h) { If (key[h] < key[suffix_min[h->next)]) suffix_min[h] = h Else suffix_min[h] = suffix_min[h->next] UpdateSuffix_min(h->prev) }

  9. Delete and Findmin • Delete : Simply mark the element to be deleted • Findmin : Find the smallest un-marked item • A variant DeleteMin will be implemented

  10. DeleteMin • Follow the suffix_min pointer from beginning of head-list and delete the item from item list of root • If the item-list is empty, we need to refill it. • Before doing so, we check if the following rank invariant holds : #(children) of root >= Rank(root)/2. If not, we dismantle the root to meld back its children into the heap.

  11. Root dismantling if (childcount_h < rank(h)/2) { h->prev->next = h->next; h->next->prev = h->prev; UpdateSuffix_Min(h->prev); temp = h; while (tmp->next <> NULL) { meld (tmp->child); tmp = tmp->next; } }

  12. Sift : refilling the item list • Append the item list of node v with itemlist of v->next. Copy key(v->next) into key(v). (Swap child and next pointers if necessary) • If (rank(v) > r and rank(v)%2 == 1 ) Call sift again. (this extra call results in corruption) • r is defined as r = 2 + 2[log 1/ε] . This ensures that corruption occurs only at lower depths of heap.

  13. Sift 2 3 empty 7 4 9 4 11 7 8 15 9 4 Let delete min was called in the current setting.

  14. Sift 2 3 empty 7 4 9 4 11 7 8 15 9 Φ The value at leaf node set to Φ.

  15. Sift 2 3 empty 7 4 9 4 11 7 Φ 15 9 8 Φ and 8 swapped.

  16. Sift 2 3 empty 7 4 8 9 8 11 7 8 Φ 15 9 8 8 copied upwards in item list of parent.

  17. Sift 2 3 8 7 8 8 9 8 11 7 8 Φ 15 9 8 8 copied upwards in item list of parent. Now 8 can be deleted.

  18. Sift - II 2 3 8 v 7 8 8 9 8 11 7 8 Φ 15 9 8 Consider other scenario where the node V had rank > r. Sift called again.

  19. Sift - II 2 3 8 v 7 8 8 9 8 11 7 Φ 15 9 Φ

  20. Sift - II 2 3 8 v 7 8 9 Φ 11 7 15 9 Nodes with Φ key are pruned.

  21. Sift - II 2 3 8 v 7 8 11 9 7 Φ 15 9 Swap Φ and 9.

  22. Sift - II 2 3 8,9 v 7 9 11 9 7 Φ 15 9 Append 9 into the item list of V. Note that 8 is now a corrupted key.

  23. Complexity Bounds • |item –list(v)| <= max {1, 2^(rank[v/2]-r/2) } (can be shown by induction) • #(Corrupted items) <= εn (Nodes with corrupted keys <= 1/2r . Together with definition of r and bound on item-list, we can prove it.)

  24. Meld We will show that total time taken for all melds is O(n) • The entire sequence of soft heap melds can be modeled as a binary tree. So, MeldCost(x) = 1 + min { cost(Size[y]) , cost(Size[z]) } Total cost <= ∑k= 1 to H1 + 2k * log(n/ 2k ) where H = log(n) = O(n) • We can charge the dismantle-induced melds against the absent leaves.

  25. Sift • Amortized cost for all refilling item-list operations is O(rn). • Every call to sift takes O(r) time and results in increasing the size of item-list at a node by atleast 1. So there can be atmost 'n' calls to soft and the overall time complexity is O(rn). • So it follows that all operations can be done in amortized constant time except insert – O(log 1/ε ) which pays for the sift and eventual deletion of that element.

  26. Applications • Finding Median or kth largest element Insert the elements in a soft heap with error rate 1/3. Our aim is to find a nice pivot element. Call delete-min n/3 times. The largest element deleted has rank between n/3 and 2n/3. So after each iteration, we can remove atleast n/3 items from consideration. The overall running time is n + 2/3n + (2/3)2n + .... = O(n).

  27. Applications • Approximate Sorting Insert the n items in a soft heap and delete the minimum items repeatedly. Total number of inversions is bounded by εn2. So we can do a near/approximate sorting in O(n) with atmost εn2 inversions. • Minimum Spanning Tree in O(m * c(m,n)) where c is the classical inverse of Ackerman’s function. This is one of the fastest deterministic time algo for computing MST

  28. Thank You

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