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The Marine Botany, Photosynthesis and Photosymbiosis Laboratory המעבדה לבוטניקה ימית: פוטוסינתזה ו"פוטוסימביוזה". Prof. Sven Beer פרופ' סוון בר. Britannia, Room 609, Tel: 03-6409125 (lab); 09-8945067 (Sven home)
The Marine Botany, Photosynthesis and Photosymbiosis Laboratory המעבדה לבוטניקה ימית: פוטוסינתזה ו"פוטוסימביוזה" Prof. Sven Beerפרופ' סוון בר Britannia, Room 609, Tel: 03-6409125 (lab); 09-8945067 (Sven home) Email: svenbeer@post.tau.ac.il http://www.tau.ac.il/lifesci/plant_sciences/USR/beer The activities of this laboratory centre around 1) Photosynthetic carbon acquisition mechanisms in marine macrophytes (algae and seagrasses), 2) Novel methods for in situ underwater measurements of photosynthesis and 3) Photosymbiotic relationships in marine invertebrates (corals and sponges). While some work is done in the TAU laboratory, we also have access to a laboratory at IUI (Eilat) and to a research ship (see the site www.ecoocean.com). Recent publications: Steindler, L., Beer, S., Peretzman-Shemer, A., Nyberg, C. and Ilan, M. 2001. Photoadaptation of zooxanthellae in the sponge Clionavastifica from the Red Sea as measured in situ. Mar. Biol. 138: 511-515 Beer, S., Bjork, M., Hellblom, F. and Axelsson, L. 2002. Inorganic Carbon Utilisation in Marine Angiosperms (Seagrasses). Funct. Plant Biol. (former Australian J. Plant Physiol.) 29: 349-354 Sven Beer Harel Kalamaki, Research Associate/ Skipper Graduate Students Laura Steindler Gidon Winters Flower Msuya Ainit Snir Dganit Mena Eli Papismedov