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NSF Grants

NSF Grants. A lliance for M inority P articipation (AMP) VS. M ath A nd S cience T ransfer E xcellence and R etention (MASTER). AMP 1993-2004 The 1 st 11 years Joint NSF grant with CSUN. *Paid summer internships *Faculty mentoring *Support of our SI program

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NSF Grants

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  1. NSF Grants Alliance for Minority Participation (AMP) VS. Math And Science Transfer Excellence and Retention (MASTER)

  2. AMP 1993-2004The 1st 11 yearsJoint NSF grant with CSUN *Paid summer internships *Faculty mentoring *Support of our SI program *Guaranteed transfer to CSUN in their major *Special events and additional scholarships

  3. DetailsAMP 1993-2004Joint NSF grant with CSUN • Provided some $50k-$60k funds per year to support stipends for grades in transfer-level math/engineering and science classes: $300 for an A $200 for a B $100 for a C * Supported our SI program with some $20,000 per year

  4. DetailsAMP 1993-2004Joint NSF grant with CSUN • Provided a one month summer bridge program concentrating on advanced math skills, study skills, and learning communities. There were field trips, and each student received a state-of-the-art TI Calculator. Students also received $600 for the summer bridge.

  5. AMP Criteria • Latino, African American, American Indian ancestry • Majoring in Math, Engineering, or Science • Minimum 2.0 gpa • Pre-Calculus ready • Intending to transfer to a 4-year college or university

  6. The AMP Math ClubStarted by some of the 70 AMP Students

  7. AMP 2004-PresentWhy we applied for the MASTER grant The CSUN partnership changed dramatically: *No stipends *No calculators *No support Grants were obtained from Title V, PPG Industries, ASGCC, and Texas Instruments to augment AMP, with the same summer bridge and support services

  8. Success of the AMPGrant 1995-2005

  9. 2006 to 2011MASTER NSF Grant Partial support for this work was provided by the National Science Foundation Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM) program under Award No. 0630989

  10. MASTER Math And Science Transfer Excellence Retention Scholarship Program

  11. To Quote William Shakespeare… Men at sometime are masters of their fates. The fault is not in our stars, but in ourselves.

  12. MASTER • $500,000 starting 2007-2008 for 4 years • 2006-07 is a planning year for support staff, statistical analysis (formative and summative), applications, brochures, and outreach/advertising. NSF has provided $4000 for this. • Much the same as AMP, except it is : 1. Financial need based (FAFSA or “Free Application for Federal Student Aid “) 2, NOT ethnicity based

  13. MASTER Students :supporting 70 per year • Must be an SEM major • Must be at least Intermediate Algebra ready • Must have and maintain a 2.5 gpa • Approximately $1500 maximum per year after all other financial aid sources are exhausted. The money can be put to any use. • Will pay for transfer applications • Strong support ($3825 per year) for 17 MASTER SI’s

  14. MASTER Scholarship Program Goals1. Increase the success of SEM students through financial and support services that promote attainment of AA degrees.2. Assist student transfer to 4 year institutions .3. Increase the participation of low-income, academically talented students in SEM careers, especially students of underrepresented groups.

  15. MASTER Objectives • Provide scholarships for 70 academically talented, financially disadvantaged SEM majors, particularly those from underrepresented groups • To provide support that will enable a minimum of 70% of those students to maintain a minimum 2.5 gpa and persist to an associate degree/transfer • To provide transfer assistance to 100% of the scholarship students who complete transfer requirements and desire enrollment in a 4-year institution

  16. MASTER Will include: • Faculty Mentoring • Summer bridge of 5 weeks • TI calculator • Learning communities • Special counselor • Interfacing with our SI program and Science Academy • Priority registration • Financial need based scholarship funds There will be ongoing statistical monitoring

  17. Management Plan • Advertisement and recruitment • Maintenance of student records • NSF reporting responsibilities • Selection of students and replacing students who no longer qualify • Dissemination of scholarship funds • Mentoring assignments • SI coordination • Transfer information and application assistance • Special counseling and educational plans • Evaluation of program outcomes (formative/summative)

  18. Some Mentors • Kathy Flynn • Kim Foong Chung • John Gerz • Jean Lecuyer • Ron Harlan • Rob Mauk • Peter Stathis • Gary Massion • John Leland It is expected that we will have over 40 Mentors from SEM disciplines.

  19. Thank You To The Initial Grant Advisory Team Patricia Hurley, Peter Stathis, Jeanette Stirdivant, Edward Karpp, Jean Lecuyer, Sarkis Ghazarian, Steven White, Gary Massion, Kim Bryant & Jean Lecuyer Co-PI

  20. And the brains behind it all Elana Edelstein

  21. About AMP on GCC’s Web Site:http://www.glendale.edu/amp/ We will be designing a new web site for the Glendale College MASTER Scholarship Program

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