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ΗΜΕΡΙΔΑ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΗΣΗΣ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΠΡΩΤΗ ΠΡΟΣΚΛΗΣΗ ΥΠΟΒΟΛΗΣ ΠΡΟΤΑΣΕΩΝ Thessaloniki, Greece, September 8th 2015. MED 2007-2013 achievements at programme level. MED Programme 2007-2013. Towards work on community!!!! some key examples ….
Towards work on community!!!! some key examples… • Ljubljana declaration process (ELIHMED, MARIE, PROFORBIOMED) • http://www.elih-med.eu/upload/moduli/pagine/public/doc/Ljubljana%20Declaration_23102013_EN_signatures.pdf • Capitalisation Seminar Blue Energies in the Mediterranean Sea, Marseilles, Dec 10th 2014 • http://www.medmaritimeprojects.eu/article/blue-energies-in-the-mediterrean-sea-marseilles • « Harmony in blue » and European Maritime Day 2015, MEDNET Capitalisation Conference, Athens May 26th – 28th 2015: Seamless logistics (18 projects) • http://www.harmonyinblue.eu/harmonie-in-blue.php • European Sustainable Energy Week 2015, Workshop MED Programme, Brussels 18th June 2015: Innovation for RES and EE (14 projects) • http://www.programmemed.eu/en/information-center/events/past-med-events/eusew.html#c42677
MED Programme 2007-2013: Results • Over 4000 outputs • 1450 partners • 7500 structures indirectly involved • 78transnational cooperation networks • 200cooperations between cities, metropoles and rural areas • 92 remote areas involved
MED Programme 2007-2013: Library Up to know, the Library contains around 900 outputs of 101 finalised projects And for whom? • Decision makers • General public • Media • NGO • Private sector • Public administration • Public sector
253 (24 εκ των οποίων είναι επικεφαλής) Έλληνες εταίροι συμμετέχουν σε 139 έργα (σε σύνολο 158 του προγράμματος), με συγχρηματοδότηση ΕΤΠΑ 32.596.000€ και εθνική συμμετοχή 10.865.000 € (το 25% του συν. Π/Υ των έργων που είναι περίπου 43.461.000 €).Η Ελλάδα είναι η τρίτη σε σειρά χώρα (μετά την Ιταλία και την Ισπανία) σε αριθμό και Π/Υ έργων (~ 15%). Μεγαλύτερη συμμετοχή σημειώνεται στον άξονα 1 που αφορά στην καινοτομία Η ελληνικηςυμμετοχη ςτο med 2007-13
Interreg MED Programme 2014-2020 • 13 States and 57 regions from the Mediterranean coastal area • 10 EU Member States + 3 EU candidate/potential candidate countries • 3 EU cooperation regions newly joining => 122 Million inhabitants (25% EU28) =>860 000 km² (20% EU28) => 15 000 km of maritime coastline
Interreg MED Programme 2014-2020 • European Territorial Cooperation – Interreg V-B: Transnational Cooperation • Overall strategic framework • Europe 2020 strategy • Territorial Agenda 2020 • EU cohesion policy 2014-2020 • European Territorial Cooperation • Transnational Cooperation (Interreg V-B) • Interreg MED Programme 2014-2020 • Overall objective: to promote sustainable growth in the Mediterranean area by fostering innovative concepts and practices and a reasonable use of resources and by supporting social integration through an integrated and territorially based cooperation approach.
Budget • Available ERDF funds : around 224 M€ • Available IPA funds: around 9 M€ • ERDF/IPA co-financing rate : 85% • ERDF co-financing rate of 50% for SMEs concerned by GBER
What’s new? • Modular approach • Focus on performance and measurable results • Enhanced participation of private sector (SMEs) and civil society (private co-financing in priority axis 1-3) • Capitalisation from past experiences • Synergies with other European programmes / instruments: • Territorial Cooperation: Interreg, Interact, Urbact, ESPON • Thematic Programmes: H2020, COSME, LIFE, CREATIVE EUROPE etc… • International/Multilateral Organisations
PRIORITY AXIS 1: Promoting Mediterranean innovationcapacities to develop smart and sustainable growth PRIORITY AXIS 2: Fostering low carbon strategies and E.E. in specific MED territories: cities, islands and remote areas PRIORITY AXIS 3: Protecting and promoting Mediterranean natural and cultural resources Areas One territorial priority axis PRIORITY AXIS 4: A shared Mediterranean Sea 71,7M€ ERDF 2,9 M€ IPA 76,2 M€ ERDF 3,2 M€ IPA 44,8 M€ ERDF 1,8 M€ IPA Three thematic priority axes 17,9M€ ERDF 0,7 M€ IPA
Territorial and integrated approach • Specific attention to four types of areas: • Coastal areas with high level of attractiveness, important concentration of activities and fragility of natural and cultural resources • Urban areas as centres of innovation and socioeconomic activities and which are confronted to strong environmental challenges with pollution and GHG emissions • Islands that cover 4% of the Mediterranean and represent a major economic, environmental and cultural dimension of the MED area • Rural and remote areas characterised by rural activities and low density of population. Their development is hampered by geographical isolation and/or demographic and environmental changes
Three typologies of projects • Modular projects • Horizontal projects • Platform projects In thematic axes 1,2,3 In Governance axis 4
Background • Based on the MED Programme 2007-2013 experience, the development of a new and innovative public intervention needs three successive phases: • a phase of study and development of strategies & policies; • a phase of testing, to validate the hypothesis developed; • a phase of transferability and capitalisationof results at the transnational level • Module-based Approach
What is a module-based approach ? • Module 1: STUDYING: designing common approaches & strategies at transnational level • Module 2: TESTING: Pilot demonstration actions and transferability on the territories • Module 3: CAPITALISING: Transfer, dissemination and capitalisation at transnational level • A module is a complete, • independent cycle of a project
The different types of modular projects • Combinationof Modules • Single Modules
How to choose? Start from M1 if no available knowledge Start from M2 if ready to be tested Start from M3 if mature to be capitalised • immediate requirements • seeking quick answers • Agility • specialised partnership • Need simple implementation • medium-term vision • Combine different objectives & results • multiple skills partnership • Experience in Interreg projects A multi-module project A single-module project • for: • for: • if: • if: Ask yourself: Where do I start from? How far should/can I go?
How to continue on another module ? In a Single-module project: • Apply for another type of project in forthcoming calls for proposals • No possibility to continue directly In a multi-module project: • Verification phase performed by the JS to pass from one module to another • Support from an external expert • Specificities of multi-module projects: • Innovations in management and monitoring • 1 subsidy contract with the different modules, each module having its own objectives, outputs, calendar and budget
What is a horizontal project for? • A single interface for: • Modular projects, united within a thematic community • Programme authorities, as a centre for thematic information • the governance platform, as a link with modular projects • Key role: 1) community building 2) joint communication 3) joint capitalisation/transfer Focus on synergy mechanisms, thematic communities
Horizontal Projects characteristics The horizontal projects will essentially be an instrument of sharing thematic results, highlighting activities of each modular project in order to promote in a structured way their implementation and transferability in the MED area. The use of a joint Internet webpage will be a determining element allowing the emergence of geographical content being recognized as transnational “MED” identity
HP and modular projects cooperation Each modular project is linked to a horizontal project Advantages for MP Contributions to HP Prepare dispatches and communicate appropriate information on activities and results Participate in events Designate a contact person • Support COM & CAP actions • Savings: no COM & CAP tasks outside territory • No need for branding and Internet site • Facilitate synergies and complementarities
Interreg MED Programme Architecture Innovation HP Green Growth 2 2 2 2 2 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 HP Blue Growth 1 1 1 1 1 Facilitation 3 3 3 3 3 HP social innovation & creative industries 1/2 1/2 1/2/3 1/2/3 1/2/3 Results 1/2/3 1/2/3 exchanges 2 2 2 2/3 2/3 2/3 1 1 1 Facilitation 3 3 3 Low-carbon economy HP Energy Efficiency 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2/3 1/2/3 1/2/3 Results AXIS 4 - GOVERNANCE HP Renewable energy sources HP LC transport exchanges Facilitation Results Environment HP sustainable tourism HP protected areas
Interreg MED 1st call for proposals Terms of references
1st Call for proposals • Axis 1 – Innovation: broad scope with 4 subthemes: • Blue Growth • Green Growth • Creative and Cultural Industries • Social Innovation Terms of references are available for each Specific objective: http://interreg-med.eu/en/first-call-for-project-proposals/ • Axis 2 – Low Carbon Economy: 3 focused S.O. • 2.1. Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings • 2.2. Renewable Local Energy Sources • 2.3. Sustainable urban Transport • Axis 3 – Environment : new themes in MED • 3.1. Coastal and Maritime Sustainable Tourism • 3.2. Management and networking of protected areas
Axis 1 - Innovation Financial allocation ~24.3 M€ (ERDF) ~1.075 M€ (IAP)
Axis 2 – Low Carbon Economy Financial allocation ~8.6 M€ (ERDF) ~0.345 M€ (IAP)
Axis 2 – Low Carbon Economy Financial allocation ~8.6 M€ (ERDF) ~0.345 M€ (IAP)
Axis 2 – Low Carbon Economy Financial allocation ~9.8 M€ (ERDF) ~0.345 M€ (IAP)
To take into account! • Deep reflection on what it has been achieved already within and out of the MED Programme area • Urban context OR Island and Rural Context • Covenant of Mayors, Pact of Islands and other related initiatives • Increase capacity building and awareness raising and improving skills • Involve citizens and consumers • Lighthouse projects • Use public investments as trigger to leverage the effect to the private funds • Go for Bankable projects
Axis 3 - Environment Financial allocation ~13.7 M€ (ERDF) ~0.55 M€ (IAP)
Axis 3 - Environment Financial allocation ~11.45 M€ (ERDF) ~0.46 M€ (IAP)
To take into account! • Eco-system based approach • Integrated approach • Co-management • Involvement of all actors and stakeholders • Increase capacity building and awareness raising and improve skills
Horizontal Projects Financial allocation ~9.0 M€ (ERDF) ~0.38 M€ (IAP)
Building a MED project Following key principles : • Providing objective responses to well identified challenges • Applying a result oriented-approach and the theory of change • Contributing to Programme result and output indicators • Capitalising on existing knowledge and experience • Addressing relevant target groups Structuring the project proposal: • Choosing the right type of project depending on the scope of the project • Linking the project intervention logic to the programme intervention logic • Using the Programme list of types of activities and deliverables, with common identified standards • Coherence between working plan and associated budget
Active involvement of all stakeholders Bankable projects, replicability, Leverage effect 1/3Do not start from scratch! 1/3 Complementarity & synergies with EU policies and programmes + MS 1/3Transnational cooperation The Best Combination
Key documents on: www.interreg-med.eu The Terms of Reference (specific for each call) Interreg MED Programme Manual (incl. Synergie guide for application) Interreg MED Glossary F.A.Q. The Forum (for partner search and exchange) Interreg MED Cooperation programme (CP) Interreg MED SWOT analysis MED 2007-2013 project Library Other documents/tools of interest listed in the ToRs These documents remain essential for the applicants
Interreg med 1st call for proposals Procedures and rules