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Integrated citywide approaches addressing the slum deprivations

Explore the challenges and multidimensional realities of informal settlements in Latin American cities. Learn about community involvement, volunteer efforts, and the importance of a citywide approach towards sustainable development.

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Integrated citywide approaches addressing the slum deprivations

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  1. Integrated citywide approaches addressing the slum deprivations Luis Bonilla TECHO International luis.bonilla@techo.org @TECHO / @lbonillaoa

  2. Countries of LatinAmerica and TheCaribbean +1,000,069 +900 65 19 Cities of LatinAmerica and TheCaribbean Workwithcommunities Volunteersinvolved Juntos por un mundo sin Pobreza

  3. Towards a citywide approach:Urban challenges regarding informal settlements

  4. A Latin-American picture: Parisiopolis, Sao Paulo, Brazil + URBANIZED + UNEQUAL + VIOLENT

  5. 104,8 MM • UN Habitat (2016) Ventanilla, Lima, Peru

  6. Multidimensional reality 89% of Nicaraguan Pacific informal settlements are in climate risk zones 65% of Bogota (Colombia) informal settlements have displaced population 40% of informal settlements in Chile are not included in current official data 10% of informal settlements in Argentina believe they have evictions risks

  7. Campamentos IN SANTIAGO CHILE - PATHS and localization Expulsions

  8. Citiesdon’treach informal settlements – THE CASE OF SANTIAGO, CHiLE • Informal settlementswithouturbanequipment • Two faces of urbanequipmentdeficit: Bydecision and byexclusion • Inequality at alllevels: Urbanequipmentisfragmented at a local ande metropolitanlevel • Informal settlementsdon’treachthecities: Lack of accesibility to publictransport

  9. Towards a city wide approach:Regional framework

  10. REGIONAL ACTION PLAN FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NUA Right to thecity One of themostimportantcontributions of LatinAmerica and theCaribbean to the global debate on inclusive urbandevelopmentisthepromotion of theright to thecity, a collectiverightbasedonthedemocratic control of theprocesses of urbandevelopment (p. 13) Asentamientos informales Thepersistence of informal and precarioussettlements, a situation in whichnearlyone in fourresidents of Latin American citieslive, isone of themostseriousmanifestations of theconvergence of unregulatedurbanizationprocesses, socioeconomicinequality and multipleforms of poverty in theregion. (p. 34)

  11. WE CAN’T CHANGE WHAT WE DON’T KNOW and can’t measure Sustainable development, inequality and urbanization in LAC - ECLAC (2017) “Unfortunatelythereis no detailedinformationregardingallthenationalcapitalsregardingwhathappens in informal settlements and theircharacteristics”

  12. Towards a city wide approach:Key factors

  13. Closingthe gap betweencommitments and reality BY INCREASING KNOWLEDGE ABOUT INFORMAL SETTLEMENTS Knowledge of informal settlements reality NAU and SDG commitments with informal settlements Contribution of citizengenerated data

  14. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AS A SOCIAL PRODUCTION OF HABITAT PROCESS People-centered Data based Security of tenure Accessibility Water and sanitation Housing Social/Common spaces Other basic serivices Community development Emergency response trough transitional and incremental habitat projects Habitat projects

  15. Informal settlementsintegration to thecity as a macro publicgood • Urban and metropolitanparticipativegovernanceand planningto ensureequality and inclusion • Localization! As a key factor forachivievingintegration • Integral urbanoperations: Social, economic, reslient and inclusive projects • Financingurbandevelopment and fightinginequality: Value capture and propertytax, publiclandpolicy and mangment • International projectforlargescaleslumupgradinginitiatives

  16. Towards a new public policy territorial approach • Understanding • Coordination • Participation • Inter level • Inter scalar • Inclusion • Inter temporal • Inter sectoral • Diversity

  17. The power of people to transform cities La Cuenca Norte, Cartago, Costa Rica

  18. GRACIAS OBRIGADO MESI AMPIL THANK YOU Luis Bonilla TECHO International @TECHO / @lbonillaoa

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