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BELLWORK. Don’t forget ATTENDANCE STICKS! Bellwork is in the box, under the flag. You will have 5 minutes to complete as much as you can. An example is given at the top. Write you name, date, and class at the top. You may use a calculator. Timer will start when the tardy bell rings.
BELLWORK • Don’t forget ATTENDANCE STICKS! • Bellwork is in the box, under the flag. • You will have 5 minutes to complete as much as you can. • An example is given at the top. • Write you name, date, and class at the top. • You may use a calculator. • Timer will start when the tardy bell rings.
First Assignment • Make a collage or poster about yourself, be creative! • OR • Bring an item from home that tells a lot about you (please do not bring anything valuable that could be lost or stolen). • You will have only 2 minutes to tell about yourself. • It must be able to fit in your locker! Do not carry it around from class to class (it is distracting to classes and you are responsible for the consequences). • Due on Monday. • Bring it to your locker first thing Monday morning BEFORE classes begin. • Then pick it up on your way to MATH class only. • Return it back to your locker immediately after class.
Mrs. Merry’s Math Class Rules and Procedures
Rules • Be respectful. • Be honest. • Be fair. • Be Productive. • Be Prepared.
Consequences • 1st offense: Verbal warning • 2nd offense: Parent call or note • 3rd offense: 20 minute detention with parent call • 4th offense: 45 min detention with parent call • 5th offense: Office referral with parent conference
Incentives • Front of Lunch Line Passes • “Freebies” • Each student will receive 3 “Freebie Passes” each 9 weeks. • You can use your freebie pass for: • Bathroom pass during class. • Hall pass (at the discretion of the teacher). • 1 additional day to complete a homework, class activity, or make-up assignment. • This is not a homework pass, just an extension.
Entering Class • Enter to door on left. • Place Attendance stick in the correct bin under correct heading (Absent, Here, Tardy). • No talking when entering room. • Sharpen pencils before the bell rings • Sit in seat and start bell work immediately
Leaving Class • I will dismiss you, not the bell. • All books and calculators must be in the correct location by all students before the class will be allowed to leave.
Bell Work • Pick up blank bell work from designated area each Monday morning. • 5 minutes to complete after bell rings. • Must show all work. Answers without any work will receive no credit. • No talking to others. • If finish early, go back over and check any homework assignments for errors or prepare materials for the day. • Keep till Friday (all on one page).
Homework • Homework assignments will be given 3-4 days a week. • They will be graded most days immediately after the bell work, however they may be graded by the teacher before the following Monday. • Must be graded with a color pen or pencil. • Name, date, and class must be written on each page of the assignment. • When completed with grading, papers will be passed across the rows, not up.
Class/Notes • After grading homework, a class activity and/or notes will complete the remainder of the class. • Taking Notes: must use spiral notebook only and a pencil. • A Math Sticker to put on the front of your spiral will be applied by the teacher. • You may use your notes in your spiral only on unit tests and quizzes. They will not be permitted on TLI tests and 9 weeks tests. • Do not tear paper from your spiral.
Class Activity • Follow all verbal and written instructions (printouts will be given on a daily basis). • The teacher will post all group arrangements on the dual-board to determine whether you will be working individually, in pairs, or in groups. • Use materials appropriately (if needed). • Class work will either be turned in that day or the following day depending on difficulty. • If you are unable to complete the assignment in class, you must complete it either during lunch, study hall, or after school. • Arrangements can be made with the teacher if needed.
Benchmark Basics • 5 Multiple Choice items and 1 open response item will be given out each Friday. • You will have one week to complete. • They will be graded and passed up the next Friday.
Calculators • Calculators must stay at school at all times. • They will not be sent home for any reason. • You will need to purchase a TI-34 for at home use to complete assignments (optional). • Class sets must stay on the Velcro on the desk when not in use and must be there when you leave. • Can use calculators (school or personal) during class and on all tests. • Lost, damaged, or stolen calculators will be paid for by the student in question
Textbooks • You will be given a textbook to take home and a class set will be available. • Class sets must stay in the classroom and can not be checked out. • Class sets will be found under your desk each day, if needed that day. • You are not allowed to write, color, tear, or damage the textbooks in any way. • Textbooks sent home are requested that they have a book cover (optional) • Lost, damaged, or stolen textbooks will be paid for by the student in question. • Textbooks must be placed under your desk at the end of each class before you exit the classroom.
Make-up Work & Absent Work • Make-up and absent work will only be permitted for excused absences only. • In-excused absences will not receive any credit. • Assignments will be written on “homework” board at the end of each day. • When you come in to class, be sure and write them down in your planner. • Pick up the copies of the assignment from the “Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday box, depending on which day you were absent. • You will have 2 class days to return the assignment. • When complete, turn into absent box on teacher’s desk and it will be stamped for that day to ensure that credit is given.
Make-up Tests and Quizzes • If a student is absent during a test or quiz, students will have 2 days to make-up the test or quiz. • However, scheduling a time to take the test must be done immediately upon returning to school. • Tests and Quizzes will only be allowed to make up before or after school. • Pick-up and drop-off arrangements must be made by the student and his or her parents.
Late Assignments • There is a zero tolerance policy for late assignments. • None will be accepted. • However, you may use a “Freebie Pass” (explained below).
Quiet in Room • Countdown from 5. • Visually and Auditory • Complete sentence before getting to 1. • At 1, be quiet and listen for instructions.
Pencils • Pencils must be sharpened before the tardy bell rings. • Mechanical pencils are highly recommended. • I will have a few sharpened pencils available if needed, however they must be returned at the end of class. • You may also purchase a pencil from me: • 10 cents: basic • 25 cents: mechanical
Finishing Early • Rare, but if it occurs, you may: • Go back and check all work. • Check to make sure heading is correct. • Read quietly (personal book or one from class library). • Ask the teacher if you may help others in class. • Do a sudoku puzzle.
Have a Question? • Raise hand high. • Be patient, I may be helping others. • Do not talk across the room unless permitted. • Have question prepared (be specific).
Restroom and Hall Passes • Please take care of all needs at break. • If there is an emergency (determined by the teacher) and you must leave: • Ask permission. • Take Hall Pass. • Fill out with date, name, reason, time in and time out. • You will have a maximum of 3-5 minutes depending on emergency. • You may use a “Freebie Pass” if needed.
Headings • Top Right Hand Corner • Name • Date • Class Period • Title of Assignment on top line starting at the right • Include pages and numbers
Turing in Class Work • Check to make sure everything is labeled correctly. • Go back and double check directions. • Turn into class box upon completion • No talking to other students while you are turning in your assignments. • Refer to late assignment policy and make-up work policy for class work. • If it is a group assignment, make sure all group names are on the paper.
Tardy • You will not be allowed to come to class without an admit slip from the office (1st hour only). • Come in quietly. • Move your magnet to the label named “tardy.” • You will receive a zero for Bellwork if missed. • Sharpen pencil immediately. • Sit quietly and wait for instructions. • Refer to handbook for tardy policy.
Materials • Materials will be passed out at the appropriate time if needed. • All materials are numbered and will be accounted for at the end of class. • Classes will not be able to leave until all materials are accounted for. • If materials are on your desk when you enter, look to the board for directions. If there are no directions on the board, do not touch or play with the materials. Instructions will be given immediately. • Lost, damaged, or stolen materials will be paid for by the student in question.