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Praising God for Christmas. Lewis Winkler Luke 1:39-55. Mary and Elizabeth: Expressions of Joy (39-45). John (the Baptist) Leaps for Joy Elizabeth was “filled with the Holy Spirit” Elizabeth Prophesied that: Mary is blessed Mary’s child (Jesus) is blessed
Praising God for Christmas Lewis Winkler Luke 1:39-55
Mary and Elizabeth: Expressions of Joy (39-45) • John (the Baptist) Leaps for Joy • Elizabeth was “filled with the Holy Spirit” • Elizabeth Prophesied that: • Mary is blessed • Mary’s child (Jesus) is blessed • Mary is the mother of Elizabeth’s Lord (i.e., Jesus is Lord!)
Christmas Contemplations: • When is the last time your heart “leaped for joy” at the thought of Christmas? • If we truly understand what Christmas is all about, our natural response should be sheer joy and the giving of thanks to God for His indescribable gift.
The “Magnificat” of Mary (46-55): • God has done great things (46-49) • God is merciful to those who revere Him (50) • God humbles the proud and the mighty and exalts the humble and lowly (51-53) • God gives help to those who serve Him (54-55)
God has done great things (46-49) • God in Jesus visited earth by becoming one of the lowliest of us • God in Jesus lived a perfect life before as an example and to do what we could not • God in Jesus died a horrific death in our place so that we could be reconciled to Him • God in Jesus opened the gates of heaven to all who place their trust in Him to forgive their sin
God is merciful to those who revere Him (50) • Those who “fear” God will receive His mercy • “Fear” here means to revere and stand in awe of God • This is a promise to all—“from generation to generation”
God humblesthe proud and the mighty and exalts the humble and lowly (51-53) • The proud and the strong of this world will be brought low by God • The humble and the weak will be lifted up by God • Jesus says the first shall be last and the last shall be first, and that the greatest must be the servant of all
God gives help to those who serve Him (54-55) • Just as God has helped Israel—even when they didn’t deserve it—so He will help us because He is a God of mercy • As we reflect back on our own lives, we can clearly see the merciful hand of God at work
Christmas Contemplations: • Are you willing to recognize/reaffirm your greatest need this Christmas? • What, after all, made Christmas so necessary?
What do we really need? • If all we need is more or better information, God would have sent us a message. • This is the teaching of Islam. • If all we need is earthly freedom, God would have sent us a revolutionary. • This is the teaching of Communism. • If all we need is more stuff, God would have sent us some money. • This is the teaching of Capitalism and Materialism.
What do we really need? • What we really need is forgiveness, so God sent us a Savior! • This is the true significance of Christmas!
Application: • Consider taking a “Life of Jesus” film and invite a friend, family member, or co-worker to watch it to help them better understand the true meaning of Christmas. • Take some each day this week to thank and praise God for Christmas.
O Come, All Ye Faithful O come, all ye faithful joyful and triumphant O come ye, o come ye to Bethlehem Come and behold Him, born the King of angels O come let us adore Him O come let us adore Him O come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord
O Come, All Ye Faithful Yea, Lord, we greet Thee, born this happy morning Jesus, to Thee be all glory given Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing O come, let us adore Him O come, let us adore Him O come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord