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Unit 2 The Olympic Games

Unit 2 The Olympic Games. Using Language. The Story of Atlanta. Talk about the picture. (1). What can you see in the picture? (2). What is the girl doing?. ……. Fast Reading. Characters. Part 1 (1 st para.) :. The reflections / attitudes toward Atlanta’ decision.

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Unit 2 The Olympic Games

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  1. Unit 2 The Olympic Games Using Language

  2. The Story of Atlanta Talk about the picture. (1). What can you see in the picture? (2). What is the girl doing?

  3. …… Fast Reading Characters Part 1 (1st para.): The reflections / attitudes toward Atlanta’ decision Part 2 (2nd para.): Hippomenes asked the Greek Goddess of Love for help. Atlanta made a decision for her marriage. Part 3 (3rd para.):

  4. Careful reading (1) Who was she? (2) What was she good at? (3) What kind of person did she want to marry? (4) What are her rules? (5)What was Hippomenes’s first thought after he heard Atlanta’s rules? (6) To whom did he turn for help, and what kind of help did he get?

  5. reading • Who was she? (2) What was she good at? a Greek princess She was good at running.

  6. What decision did Atlanta make? She would only be married to a manwho could run faster than her. When a man said he wanted to marry her, she would run against him. If he couldn’t run as fast as her, he would be killed. Why? Because she was very angry that she was not allowed to runin the Olympic Games although she could run faster than any man in Greece.

  7. Fill in the blanks When the kings and princes heard of Atlanta’s rules, some of them sadly went home ,other men stayed to run the race .Hipp- amazed omeneswas when he heard of Atlanta’s rules.“ Why are these men so foolish ? Why will they let themselves be killed because they can’t run as fast as this princess?” Then when he saw Atlanta come out of her house to run, he changed his mind .” I will marry Atlanta---or die!” he said. 改变决定或意见

  8. Did the goddess help him? Yes, she did. She promised to help him and gave him three golden apples. What advice did the goddess give him? She said,” throw an apple in front of Atlanta when she is running past and she will be relaxed. When she stops to pick it up, you will be able to run on and win.”

  9. Fast reading True or False questions. (P14) • She practised running to compete in the Olympic Games. ( ) 2. At first Hippomenes understood why men ran against Atlanta. ( ) 3. Atlanta was not confident she would win. ( ) F F F

  10. 4.She was so angry about the fact that she couldn’t run in the Olympics. ( ) 5.She made as many men as she could share her pain. ( ) 6.Her father did not understand her wish to compete in the Olympics. ( ) 7.He didn’t refuse her wish to choose a husband in a race. ( ) T T T T

  11. discussion How would you end the story if you were the writer? What do you think would happen to Hippomenes? Would he win or be killed?

  12. Listening

  13. Answer key for Exercise 3: Hippomines was standing ______ and when Atlanta came out she thought, “I do not ____ ____ ___ ____ ____.His death ___ ____ _____ _____ by me!” So she said to her father, “Tell him to ____ _____.The race will not ____ ____ today.” But Hippomenes said, “These are ____ _____: she ___ ______ ___ ____ who runs _____ than her.Come on now! Let's run!” waiting want this be caused will not man to die go away be run her rules faster will marry the man

  14. 4 ( )One man wanted to win and marry Atlanta very much. ( )Atlanta married him and they lived happily. ( )When the race began Atlanta ran past him. ( )He asked the Goddess of Love for help. ( )Atlanta was a very beautiful princess. ( )Many men tried to compete with her, but failed and so were killed. ( )She stopped to pick them up. ( )She gave him three golden apples. ( )She ran too slowly and he won. ( )He threw the golden apples one after another. ( )She could run faster than any man. 11 7 5 1 3 9 6 10 8 2 Please listen carefully. I believe you can do it well !

  15. Read and pay attention to the words underlined • So the next day the race began .Hippomenes ran very fast but Atlanta ran faster.Then she was in front of him. Hippomenes threw one of the golden apples.She stopped and ran to get it and Hippomenes ran by.When Atlanta saw him in front ,she ran faster than the fastest bird.Then she flew past him,and was front again.Again Hippomenes threw another apple and Atlanta stopped to pick it up. • When she reached Hippomenes the third time,he threw the third apple.This time,Atlanta was tired and could not catch up with Hippomenes. So Hippomenes won the game.Thanks to the Goddess they got married and lived happily.

  16. What is the main idea of the story? • This story is about a princess who races because she does not want to marry. • This story is about a princess and a man who agree to marry. • This story is about a man who cheats to marry a princess. • This is a story of how a man marries a princess by winning a race with a Goddess’ help.

  17. Fill in the blanks to retell the stories 找短语 (P8-15)

  18. Atlanta was a Greek princess who could run faster than ____men in Greece but she was not ______to run in the Olympic Games. She was ____angry _____she would run _____any man who wanted to marry her. Many men failed and were killed. Then a man _____Hippomenes saw her and wanted to marry her. So he asked for help from the Greek Goddess of Love. She gave him three_____apples. • Then the race began. Every time Atlanta was in front of Hippomenes, he _____one golden apple and at last when Atlanta ______the third apple _____, she was very tired and could not run so fast. At the same time, the apples were heavy and she couldn’t ____ _____ ____Hippomenes. • So Hippomenes won the race. ___ ____the goddess they lived happily ever after.

  19. Discussion • If you were Hipponenes, would you run against Atlanta? • Do you think Hippomenes deserved to win the race? Why or why not? • How do you think Atlanta felt when she discovered Hippomenes had had help from the Goddess of Love? If you were Atlanta, would you agree to marry Hipponenes?

  20. Eg. We were amazed at the change in his appearance. She was amazed that he was still alive. Language Points amaze (v): fill (sb) with great surprise be amazed at sth. /+that从句 amazing (adj):令人惊奇/惊异的 Eg. An amazing speed / player hear of

  21. marry vt.& vi.(强调动作) • 1) marry 结婚,嫁,娶 • 2) marry…to…使------同------结婚) • be married (to sb)) 已婚/和------结婚 • get married (to sb 强调动作,多用于指何时结婚

  22. e.g.He married a pretty girl. e.g.He will never marry his daughter to anyone whose family is poor e.g.He will get married next month.

  23. Women are not only _______to join in but play a very important role, especially in… allowed allow vt.允许 The law doesn’t allow such an action. allow + n./ pron.允许…… My parents won’t allow me to stay out late. allow sb to do允许某人干…… The police don’t allow parking in the street. allow + doing允许干……

  24. promise vt.允诺,答应promise (sb.) sth.; promise (sb.) to do sth. promise (sb.) that clause e.g He promised (her) never to tell a lie. vi. / vt. 预示;有希望…, 很有希望成功; 保证;前途 eg: The clear sky promises fine weather. This project promises well. 这个工程大有前途。 n. 诺言、字据,充当make, break, keep, carry out 的宾语 eg:If you make a promise, you should keep it, you ought not to break it. 如果你作出允诺,就得守诺言,不应该违背诺言。 

  25. Underline the important sentences , understand them and recite them. 1.She was so angry that she said to her father she would not marry anyone who could not run faster than her. 2.When a man says he wants to marry me,I will run against him. If he cannot run as fast as me, he will be killed. 3.Other men stayed to run the race.There was a man called Hippomenes who was amazed when he heard of Atlanta’s rules. 4.She promised to help him and gave him three golden apples.

  26. 1.  参加2.   ……精神、宗旨、 灵魂3.  过去常常4.  查明,找出5.  每四年,每隔三年6.  (遍及)全世界7.   一套,一组8.   和……竞争 9.   为……而竞争10. 获准做某事11. 作为…被接受12. 达到……水平、标准 13.    在……方面扮演重 要角色(起重要作用)14.    和……一样15.    感谢您(能抽空…)16.    同根17.   有/没做…机会18.    伴随,与……搭配19.    把……与关联起来20.    和……有关21.    和……赛跑22.    听说23.    确定24.    轮流25.    一个接一个 26. 多亏了...

  27. 用课文重要单词、短语、句式填空 • 1.She was ____angry ______(如此、、、以致于)she said to her father she couldn’t marry anyone _____________.(跑不的没她快的人) • 2.Xiu xiang was so fast in the race that no one could ____________him.(与他竞争) • 3.Other men stayed to __________(参加赛跑).There was a man ______(叫)Hippomenes who _____ ________(感到很惊奇)when he _____ ______(听到)Atlanta’s rules. • 4.She _____(许诺)to help him and gave him three ______(金色的)apples.

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