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Facebook. Tania Galíndez Olascoaga. Agenda. Social Networking Facebook History Facts Facebook structure Profiles Applications Third-Party Applications Mobile. -Social Networking - Facebook -History -Facts - Facebook structure -Profiles -Applications -Third-Party -Mobile.

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  1. Facebook Tania GalíndezOlascoaga e-Business

  2. e-Business Agenda • Social Networking • Facebook • History • Facts • Facebook structure • Profiles • Applications • Third-Party Applications • Mobile

  3. -Social Networking • -Facebook • -History • -Facts • -Facebook structure • -Profiles • -Applications • -Third-Party • -Mobile e-Business What is Social Networking? • Grouping of individuals into specific groups • It can be done in person • The websites are more popular • Reasons: • Meet other users • Gather information • Relationships

  4. -Social Networking • -Facebook • -History • -Facts • -Facebook structure • -Profiles • -Applications • -Third-Party • -Mobile e-Business What is Social Networking? • “Social Networking Websites” • Online community of internet users • Common interests • Purpose Socialize

  5. -Social Networking • -Facebook • -History • -Facts • -Facebook structure • -Profiles • -Applications • -Third-Party • -Mobile e-Business Whatis Social Networking? • Different types of social network websites: • Specific beliefs or groups • Open websites: • Traditional • Creation of the own network • Risks

  6. -Social Networking • -Facebook • -History • -Facts • -Facebook structure • -Profiles • -Applications • -Third-Party • -Mobile e-Business History • Mark Zuckerberg • February 2004 Harvard • Dustin Moskowitz and Chris Hughes • 4 months 30 colleges • Idea Exeter Face Book

  7. -Social Networking • -Facebook • -History • -Facts • -Facebook structure • -Profiles • -Applications • -Third-Party • -Mobile e-Business History • Cofounder of Napster Sean Parker also joined. • First investor Peter Thiel (Pay Pal) • 2004,second investment by Accel Partners • It opened to high school in Spetember 2005 • Photo sharing feature

  8. -Social Networking • -Facebook • -History • -Facts • -Facebook structure • -Profiles • -Applications • -Third-Party • -Mobile e-Business History • New investemnts • September 2006  Opened to anyone with an e-mail adress • Yahoo and Viacom attempted to buy Facebook • In Fall 2007 1 million new users signed up every week

  9. -Social Networking • -Facebook • -History • -Facts • -Facebook structure • -Profiles • -Applications • -Third-Party • -Mobile e-Business Facts • Facts: • 11% users are over 35 • Fastest growing group is over 30 • Half of the users use the product every day • 10 minutes a day • 6th most trafficked site in the US • Top photo sharing site Microsoft invested $240 Million for 1.6% of the company • Facebook $15 billion • 5th most valuable US Internet Company

  10. -Social Networking • -Facebook • -History • -Facts • -Facebook structure • -Profiles • -Applications • -Third-Party • -Mobile e-Business Facts • Competitors: • My Space • Bebo • Friendster • Linkedln • Tagged • Hi5

  11. -Social Networking • -Facebook • -History • -Facts • -Facebook structure • -Profiles • -Applications • -Third-Party • -Mobile e-Business Facts

  12. -Social Networking • -Facebook • -History • -Facts • -Facebook structure • -Profiles • -Applications • -Third-Party • -Mobile e-Business How does Facebook work? • Ways to find a person: • Browse networks • Web-based e-mail accounts • Search Engine • Profiles • Instant message • E-mail • Wall • Info Section

  13. -Social Networking • -Facebook • -History • -Facts • -Facebook structure • -Profiles • -Applications • -Third-Party • -Mobile e-Business Applications • Applications: • Photos Applications • Video Application (YouTube) • Groups Application • Events Application • Posted Items Application • Gifts Application

  14. -Social Networking • -Facebook • -History • -Facts • -Facebook structure • -Profiles • -Applications • -Third-Party • -Mobile e-Business Third-Party • Third-Party Facebook Applications • Developer Application • Web server to store the application • Web-based, desktop-based, movile-device-based

  15. -Social Networking • -Facebook • -History • -Facts • -Facebook structure • -Profiles • -Applications • -Third-Party • -Mobile e-Business Third-Party • Application Programming Interace is based on a Representational State Transfer interface: • Applications interfacing with Facebook send method calls using HTTP GET or POST • Facebook Query Language • Programming languages to retrieve information form databases • Facebook Markup Language • Affects profile and appearance function • Canvas Page

  16. -Social Networking • -Facebook • -History • -Facts • -Facebook structure • -Profiles • -Applications • -Third-Party • -Mobile e-Business Mobile Applications • Facebook mobile: • SMS or MMS • Mobile Switching Center Signal Transfer Point Short Message Service CenterXHTMLFacebook • MMS must be compatible • XHTML

  17. e-Business Thank you for your attention!!! • QUESTIONS?

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