Reading POTD She went to her best friend’s house to study. When she got there, she started to wonder how big her best friend’s dog Jasper had gotten. They went outside and rode their bikes for twenty minutes. When they went back to study, her best friend, Sam, wondered when her legs would stop hurting. They ate dinner after studying and then she went home. • What is the Point of View?
Visual Information • "A picture is worth a thousand words." This is certainly true when you're presenting and explaining data. You can provide tables setting out the figures, and you can talk about numbers, percentages, and relationships forever. However, the chances are that your point will be lost if you rely on these alone. Put up a graph or a chart, and suddenly everything you're saying makes sense! • Graphs or charts help people understand data quickly. Whether you want to make a comparison, show a relationship, or highlight a trend, they help your audience "see" what you are talking about. • Visual information can include charts, graphs, time lines, diagrams, and web animations. • This type of information is useful for connecting key ideas in a text and explaining complex topics. • This week we will learn more about how different kinds of visual information can increase your understanding of texts.
Visual Information • Learnzillion lesson: • http://learnzillion.com/lessons/2019-interpret-information-in-pictures-and-in-text • Students complete worksheet that goes along with lesson
Reading Visual Information Independent: Ocean Currents (map) http://www.theeducationcenter.com/my-files/mailbox/viewer.do?DETAIL=2007_gint_on_4546 Guided: • TW guide students reading p.280 (Moon Phases) and gaining info from diagram on p. 281 • What information do you get from the diagram that the text does not tell you? • SW answer questions on p.281 in groups
Vocabulary • Introduce vocabulary with video: Get Down Underground • http://www.flocabulary.com/3-get-down-underground/ • SW fill in definitions (next slide)
Afford(verb)To be able to pay for. Arena(noun) A building used for sports or shows. Baggage(noun) 1. Suitcases, bags, or other items travelers carry. 2. Things that get in the way or weigh someone down. Burrow(verb) To dig a hole or to tunnel into or under something. (noun) A tunnel or hole in the ground. Chamber(noun) A room; usually a bedroom or a room in a palace. Column(noun) 1. A row of numbers or words running down a printed page. 2. Anything arranged in a straight line. 3. A tall, somewhat thin support for a building. Jagged (adj) With a rough or sharp edge. Shallow (adj) Not deep. Tour (noun) 1. A trip from place to place, sometimes to perform music or some kind of art. 2. A short trip through a place, usually with a guide. (verb) To travel through a place. Venture (verb) To dare to do; to go somewhere or do something risky. (noun) A risk; something you do where you don’t know what will happen.
Writing • Review format of five paragraph essay and rubric • Review Opinion/Persuasive Writing • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PU883v-vds • Introduce topic choices: • Do you believe the school lunches are healthy? Why or Why not • OR • Do you believe all schools and all grades should have BYOT? Why or Why not • SW choose topics and be placed into groups of three according to topic choice. • SW create a survey to gather information and send it to a class (Using Poll Everywhere)
Workshop • SRA Main Idea Unit 3 • SW continue to work on writing (paper due on Friday) • TW pull small group
Reading POTD Maggie Wetherfield was walking to Jessica’s house for a sleepover when she noticed Allen following her. She started to walk a little faster. When she heard him calling her name, she stopped. He came running to her and asked if she had tonight’s homework. She replied, “We have to do math pages seven through nine, numbers one through twenty-four.” • What is the Point of View?
Homework review • Juneteenth p. 338-9
Visual Information Independent: An Ocean Home (Table) http://www.theeducationcenter.com/my-files/mailbox/viewer.do?DETAIL=2007_gint_on_4142 Guided: • TW guide students reading p.260 ( State governments) and reading a bar graph on p. 261 • How does the bar graph help you with the text? • SW answer questions on p. 261 in groups
Vocabulary • Read the story: Roman Holiday • Highlight or underline your vocabulary words • If some words were not used, write sentences with those words that could be included in the story. • Answer the questions.
Writing/Workshop • SW complete activities: • SRA Main Idea Unit 3 • Text Structure Sort 7 • Students can review data received from surveys
Wednesday, Feb 12th Write a friendly letter back to the student that wrote to you Make sure you include all five parts of a friendly letter (Heading, Date, Greeting, Body, and Closing)
Reading POTD Emma never seemed to reach her goal. She knew that her cookies were good but she could never raise the 500 dollars to enter the contest. None of the other contestants even looked her way. • What is the Point of View?
Homework Review • The Rock Cycle p 296-7
Scholastic News: A Case for Equality • TW play featured video to introduce magazine for the week. Students will use Ipads to view words to know. • Essential Question: What happens when we click links on a webpage? • http://sni.scholastic.com/SN4/02_10_14_SN4 • TW guide students through articles in the video and play additional videos. • Each student will answer survey Sticky Situation
Independent • Scholastic Quiz Whiz • Class at Camp Can-Do (schedule) • http://www.theeducationcenter.com/my-files/mailbox/viewer.do?DETAIL=2004_gint_am_2324 • Early finishers: • Text Feature Treasure Hunt • http://www.literacyleader.com/sites/litlead.essdack.org/files/Text%20Feature%20Treasure%20Hunt.pdf
Vocabulary afford / arena / baggage / burrow / chamber / column / jagged / shallow / tour / venture Circle the word on the right that matches the meaning of the word or phrase on the left. 1. a straight line of something Arena column baggage 2. a short trip through a place Tour arena chamber 3. to have the money to pay for Burrow afford venture 4. suitcases Column tour baggage 5. not deep Shallow jagged ventured Each sentence has a strong connection with one of the words from the unit. Write the correct word on the line below. 1. I have enough money saved up to pay for my new skateboard . _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. The words were listed in an alphabetical row down the page. _____________________________________________________________________________ 3. The princess’s room had the biggest bed I’ve ever seen. _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. Miley Cyrus gives a concert in a different city almost every night. _____________________________________________________________________________ 5. If it keeps getting hotter out here, I might have to dig a home in the dirt to keep cool! _____________________________________________________________________________
Workshop May Do Early finisher: Text Feature Treasure Hunt using Scholastic News magazine Must Do • Grade Level Reading Passage: Food Choices • Complete Friendly Letter • SRA Main Idea Unit 3 • Text Structure Sort 7 • TW pull small group
Reading POTD Some dark night Shelly said, “I hate squirrels,” but really she loved them. Carol said, “They smell,” but really, she loved them too. Both of them thought that squirrels were pretty cute. • What is the Point of View?
Homework Review • Reading Passage: Drilling Alaska
Oral Information Independent: Camping Super Store (Advertisement) http://www.theeducationcenter.com/my-files/mailbox/viewer.do?DETAIL=2004_gint_am_2728 Text Feature Treasure Hunt using Scholastic News Magazine Guided: • Read aloud with mixed media
Vocabulary • Review words • Crossword puzzle • Test tomorrow!
Workshop Workshop: Grade Level Reading Passage: Food Choices SRA Main Idea Unit 3 Text Structure Sort 7 SRA Main Idea Text Feature Treasure Hunt Writing: • Collect Data from survey and create some form of visual information (chart, graph, etc.) • Continue working on Writing (paper due Friday) • TW pull small group
Reading POTD One day Tina went to the movies. She went to see Epic Movie. Tina thought she should purchase a plate of nachos, a pop, and a box of candy, but her friend thought she shouldn’t. Tina purchased the food anyway. • What is the Point of View?
Homework Review • Reading Passage: Frogs at Risks
Assessments • Please use your strategies to complete your assessments • Did I answer all of the questions? • Did I reference the text and put paragraph#s? • Does my answer make sense? • Vocabulary • RI 4.7 Common
Workshop The following activities should be completed (for a grade) • SRA Main Idea • Text Structure Sort 7 • Grade Level Reading Passage: Food Choices • Theme Sort 7 TW pull small groups Finish Paper with visual information May do: Visual Information Activities http://www.tv411.org/reading/understanding-what-you-read/reading-charts-and-graphs