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Peter Regner (ESA) Paula S. Bontempi (NASA) Prakash Chauhan (ISRO). Ocean Color Radiometry – Virtual Constellation. new facts and activities since SIT. Contributions from IOCCG. CEOS Plenary | Lucca, Italy | 08-09 November 2011. 1.
Peter Regner (ESA) Paula S. Bontempi (NASA) Prakash Chauhan (ISRO) Ocean Color Radiometry – Virtual Constellation new facts and activities since SIT Contributions from IOCCG CEOS Plenary | Lucca, Italy | 08-09 November 2011 1
IOCCG Standing WG on Ocean Colour Essential Climate Variable (ECV) Assessment • Mission statement:undertake a critical comparison of available OCR ECV products & provide guidance on the generation of better, long-term and coherent time series of global OCR climate data records • Terms of Reference for the WG drafted at the IOCCG Executive meeting in Sep2011; to be finalized/approved at the next Executive meeting in Feb2012 • IOCCG Executive to propose a WG Chair (not a space agency representative); will become an IOCCG member & report on progress of WG activities at annual IOCCG Committee meetings • WG Chair to propose 6-8 WG members (drawn from a variety of institutions and disciplines); to be approved by the IOCCG Executive before appointment • WG Chair to define annual work program incl. milestones and deliverables for completion of the first ECV assessment (2 year time frame) • 1st WG meeting will take place in 2012, possibly at the Joint Research Centre in Italy • The IOCCG will fund one meeting of the WG every other year
Outline and Writing Assignments for the INSITU-OCR "White Paper" • INSITU-OCR: Concerted inter-agency/international effort on activities relating tosensor inter-comparison& uncertainty assessmentof datasets required for ECV generation • Co-leads appointed by the IOCCG to move forward with the “White Paper” – Dr. Giuseppe Zibordi (JRC) and Sean Bailey (NASA GSFC) • Draft outline of white paper in development, delivered in November 2011 • 1st meeting of writing team (8-10 members from CEOS space agencies) Feb 2012 in Washington, D.C. USA; 2nd meeting at JRC in Italy (spring 2012) – self-funded • 1st draft of white paper in April 2012 (in time for the NASA OCRT meeting) • final White Paper (15-20 pages) will form the basis document for activities to be undertaken by the INSITU-OCR, making use of existing programs: • i) calibration strategy • ii) in-situ data, protocols and validation • iii) algorithm development • iv) product inter-comparison, data merging • NASA’s Field Support Program Office for existing and future (PACE) missions (recently established for 5 years) could act as the INSITU-OCR office to coordinate the various activities
Preparations for IOCCG Community Consultation Meetings • The IOCCG will hold a series of “International Ocean Color Community Consultation Meetings” starting from 2013. • Rationale: • Providing a fully open forum for discussions on various topics • Helping IOCCG in its oversight role • Building / reinforcing the international OC scientific community • Enrolling more people into community work than is feasible through IOCCG meetings and WGs only • Producing synthesis documents of interest for the community in question • Reinforcing the community voice when it comes to high-level agency discussions • First steps towards an international ocean color meeting in 2013: • IOCCG to hold two half day sessions to obtain feedback from ocean color community on objectives, content and organization of such an international meeting • Focus on Apr2012 NASA OCRT (US) & ESA MERIS/AATSR workshop Oct2012 (ESRIN) • Look towards the 2013 “IOCRT” (name TBD) • Open questions: IOCCG sponsorship, frequency (yearly, bi-yearly?), …
CEOS MIM Assessment of appropriate parameter/instrument lists and utility levels (i.e., High/General/Potential/Marginal) Cooperation with international science community (IOCCG) Phytoplankton Chlorophyll a, CDOM, and “ocean imagery” Water-leaving radiance?