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Wave of Global Change. Slowdown in the larger western economies. Change in economic parity between countries. Migrating populations of economically disadvantaged. Shifting demographics of metro areas. Limited institutional accountability. Pace and impact of technological innovation.
Wave of Global Change Slowdown in the larger western economies Change in economic parity between countries Migrating populations of economically disadvantaged Shifting demographics of metro areas Limited institutional accountability Pace and impact of technological innovation www.mapsnworld.com Powerful and dynamic forces have dramatically transformed the business and social landscape across the globe, bringing new challenges and opportunities to the forefront!
Intuitive and Obvious Response Increased emphasis by governments, through direct programs and public institutions, volunteer organizations, and private foundations to encourage entrepreneurship. Current economic malaise will stretch well into this decade Fiscal deficits have straight-jacketed most of the developed world Job markets have thinned; while eligible job seekers have risen An entire generation of disenfranchised youth awaits While it is not a panacea solution, common sense suggests that entrepreneurship must play a significant part in our response to these changes globally.
World has shrunk; 1B connected with Gangnam Style as though Psy were a local folk singer!! 1.4B still live without electricity and 780M without drinking water! Global population stands at 7B; all are potential prospects But all is not Doom and Gloom Global Online Retail $0.5T; growing @ 15% p.a Android, Samsung & Apple mobile ecosystem $10B; 750M devices Mobile Gaming $7.5B; next 3 yrs Unimaginable opportunities exist!
Understanding Entrepreneurship It is crucial that we understand entrepreneurship and its influence on economic growth; identify factors that encourage and/or hinder this activity. Entrepreneurship is not a defined science, but neither is it a game of dice that must be left to Lady Luck! Entrepreneurial success and economic well-being can be made systemic and less a matter of chance. Chances of entrepreneurial success (leaving aside celestial interference) are commensurate to the enabling environment that supports it
Making Entrepreneurship Accessible Is one born with an entrepreneurial mind set or is it something that one can learn? Entrepreneurship can be taught; one does not have to be born with a particular DNA strand. In the genetic debate, if Nature is about genes then Nurturing offers effective gene-splicing. Education, mentoring and coaching, and effectual networking override or strengthen the existing bonds. Significant lead time to any planned remediation or organic programmes before they start to have an impact!
1. 2. .3 . 4 Seeding the Entrepreneurial Mindset Seeding the Entrepreneurial Mindset Connecting the dots …! 1. Develop an idea under incubation 2. Mentor through a maturing phase 3. Guide towards sustainable growth 4. Monetize the developed asset Entrepreneurs require vital support throughout their venture lifecycle!
Contribution of Entrepreneurs Tangible evidence and broad consensus among mature and emerging economies that entrepreneurs can catalyse economic growth Entrepreneurs contribute by spurring creativity, encouraging innovation, forming new ventures, and instigating productive activity Entrepreneurs raise collective consciousness on benefits of self-reliance, by enhancing the sense of control on one’s own destiny Entrepreneurs highlight individual initiative, collaborative ambition, and innate desire to grow what they build Entrepreneurship encompasses start-up activity, as well as the running of new and established businesses!
Risks of Listening to Someone on a Soapbox Privilege of the Stage: project evangelical fervour as insightful or a profound revelation Please forgive the rhetoric but hopefully, at least some of it is useful in crystallising your views on entrepreneurship!
The Sermon We are not talking about the successful few who are making millions but rather the millions who simply aspire to make a success of it …! Entrepreneurship is a promising career choice, offering people a way to place themselves in the driver’s seat and often, grab a windfall of disproportionately high returns.
Let’s Get Serious …! Entrepreneurs play a crucial role in the development and well-being of societies!
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) World’s Largest Study (85 Countries) of Entrepreneurship Job creation potential; important policy concern in the aftermath of a 5-year global recession Perception of opportunities, own capabilities, fear of failure, entrepreneurial intentions and societal beliefs Growth Aspirations Start-up/new, growing and discontinued businesses, necessity and opportunity driven efforts, and age/gender Activity Attitude Global perspective on entrepreneurship, its key economic drivers, motivating factors, and the required enabling environment to sustain it!
Soft Factors with a Hard Impact Acceptance of entrepreneurship as a career Positive attitudes Propensity Perceptions Cultural & Institutional support Stakeholders to enhance and assist Status and media attention on entrepreneurs can be a significant boost to self-confidence and an incentive to carry on in the face of diversity!
Presence and attractiveness of employment alternatives for income Conservative financial systems and bankruptcy laws pose barriers to entry and exit Lower necessity based motivation due to higher level of wealth Job protection and social security lower the incentive to start businesses Developed Economies Well-developed economic, political and institutional environments have lower entrepreneurship rates
Professional careers evoke higher social status Conservative financial systems and bankruptcy laws pose barriers to entry and exit Presence and attractiveness ofemployment alternatives for income Social and legal costs of failure limit the extent of a safety net Mortgages and tuition fees increase reliance on stable incomes Job protection and social security lower the incentive to start businesses Lower necessity based motivationdue to higher level of wealth Individuals (and their parents) value jobs more highly Developed Economies Cultural factors also play an extremely important role
Developed Economies US stands as a dramatic exception … At the end of 2012, its TEA* rose to 13% 43% of working age adults believe there are good opportunities for entrepreneurship, a jump of more than 20% from 2011 56% believe they have the capabilities to start a business, a steady ratio despite severe economic volatility of the last 5 years … highest since 1999; a third higher than 24 other developed economies! Policy makers appreciate and indeed, count on the role played by new and small businesses in the US economy! *Total Early Stage Entrepreneurial Activity (TEA)
Developed Economies US stands as a dramatic exception … Back in 2008, IHS Global Insight had found that while VC investment represented 0.2% of US GDP, the revenue of companies created by the industry represented 21% of GDP (2008 - $14T). A strong VC industry is essential to entrepreneurial growth. US is counting on its entrepreneurial sector for job creation, economic development, better healthcare, cleaner technology, and a faster, better, and more secure internet to build a thriving new economy.
Finance Programs Education Govt. Policy Equity, Debt, Subsidies, Grantsfor start-up, small and growingbusinesses Training at Primary & Secondaryschool, and Mentoring & Coachingat post-school early stages Favourable Tax and RegulatoryRegime for start-ups, smalland growing businesses Policies & Regulationsencouraging start-ups, smalland growing businesses R&D Transfer Commercial & Legal Commercial Opportunities forstart-ups, small and growingbusinesses from National R&D Accounting & Legal Svcs andInstitutions to promote start-ups,small and growing businesses Cultural & Social Infrastructure Entry Regulations No inhibition for individuals tocreate new businesses leadingto greater dispersion of wealth Access to Comms., Transp.,Util., Land & Space for start-ups,small and growing businesses Market Dynamics and Opennessfor start-ups, small and growingbusinesses to enter/exit Role of Effective Policy 9-Point Entrepreneurship Framework* *Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM)
Role of Effective Policy High-growth oriented approaches to entrepreneurship result in job creation and economic growth. High unemployment and a growing youth population is an incendiary mix that presents a high risk scenario for any country. Need programs tailored to entrepreneurs that improve the labormarket, grow the internal market and provide access to int’l markets. Identify and implement policies that encourage start-up businesses and support businesses with high growth expectations. No country can afford to curtail the ambitions and sustainable well-being of its youth … they are its future!
Role of Effective Policy For entrepreneurship to take root in a country, it takes more than just smart people with good ideas Appetite for entrepreneurship can be dramatically influenced by attitudes and extent of ongoing entrepreneurial activity. Policies that discourage divisive classifications of race, age, class, gender, and ethnicity, while assimilating socio-economically deprived sections of society promote inclusiveness and fuel economic growth. Encouraging entrepreneurshipeducation and societal values in primary and secondary schools is a key factor in sustainability of entrepreneurship as the preferred career choice. Economic growth through entrepreneurship must not be at the cost of inclusiveness, global awareness of issues and a social conscience; it is this that ensures societal well-being!
Role of Effective Policy Policy-makers can encourage the entry of entrepreneurs by alleviating red tape with starting new business ventures High-aspiration entrepreneurs are also sensitive to the rule of law:if that is weak, entry regulations might increase the number of new entrepreneurs, but fewer of these will seek growth. Protection of IP encourages specialization and supports a course of action that best fits entrepreneurs’ core strengths. Government must consciously formulate effective and targeted policies with supporting programs to stimulate and support the efforts of entrepreneurs!
Role of Effective Policy Migratory populations and changing demographics as a consequence is a leverage point Robust, forward-looking, and equitable immigrant policy contributes to developing an environment within which entrepreneurship can thrive. Developed economies derive value from migrant entrepreneurs through job creation, while emerging economies benefit from connections to émigrés who help local businesses expand their reach globally. In the absence of a supportive policy framework, quality of entrepreneurial effort suffers and in turn, it diminishes the economic impact of entrepreneurship.
Where we want to be Where we are today Influence Informed policy agenda Public/Pvt enabling bodies Awareness and excitement Extend Thought leadership Mentoring and coaching Access to willing capital Institutional involvement Aspiration Deliver Events Partnerships Effective networks Business affiliations Cross-border collaborations Launch Academic Programs Flag Discuss Explore Practice Maturity Fostering Entrepreneurship
Conclusion Entrepreneurship is a multifaceted and dynamic phenomenon whose manifestation and behaviour varies widely around the world Impact of evolution in social values, political climate, economic priorities, technology-driven upheavals in how businesses are run, coupled with an increasing “migration sans frontières” has shaped the entrepreneurial landscape. Entrepreneurship is picking-up pace; institutional environment to support it will have to adapt quickly at local, national, regional and global levels, or risk missing out on the economic benefits of this unstoppable phenomenon!