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Podpora rozvoje cizích jazyků pro Evropu 21. stol.

Explore eco-friendly practices, volunteer opportunities, and global issues in this interactive presentation. Assess your green habits and learn how to support a sustainable future.

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Podpora rozvoje cizích jazyků pro Evropu 21. stol.

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  1. Podpora rozvoje cizích jazyků pro Evropu 21. stol. INVESTICE DO ROZVOJE VZDĚLÁVÁNÍ Tento projekt je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky.

  2. Ecology

  3. I planted a tree I supported a charitable organisation I did not buy disposable razors I used towels instead of paper tissues I bought food/bevarage in a reusable container I recycled my newspaper I switched off all lights when I left my home I used only public transport I used cloth bags instead of plastic bags when I went shopping I reused a bottle instead of buying a new one I wore clothes more than once before washing them Other green activities ……............................... Questionnaire: How green are you?How many things you did in the last week?

  4. What can you do to keep the environment healthy? Wind power Water-power plant / station Nuclear plant Solar energy

  5. Who is a volunteer? How can you help in your town? What famous personalities involved in charitable organisations do you know? How many organisations can you name? IDEAS: After-school teaching Children’s after-school activities Helping seniors Hospital visitation Raising money for charity Adopting an animal Adopting a child from the third-world country Others………………… How charitable are you? The life of volunteer

  6. 1. I am in favour of 2. I am strongly against 3. I believe in 4. I do not care about 5. I support 6. I am anti-…….. 7. I really care about 8. Do you agree with recycling. big cars that need a lot of gas. shopping eco-wisely. global warming. a charity. cigarette. the environment. destruction of rainforests? Useful expressions

  7. Controversial topic: Animal testing • the use of animals in experiments • animals used: flies, worms, mice, zebrafish, rabbits, pigs, non-human primates, etc. • most animals are purpose-bred, others may be caught in the wild • drug testing, cosmetics testing, genetics, behavioural studies, Xenotransplantation (study of cells)

  8. Your opinion? • Do you stop to think if the product you are buying was tested on animals? • Are there some cases in which animal testing is acceptable? • Is animal testing justifiable for cosmetics purposes? • What happens to the animals after the tests are finished? • Would you become a human volunteer?

  9. Why rabbits? Draize eye test rabbits do not produce tears results often inaccurate Rabbit’s eyes are more sensitive The logos identifying cosmetics not tested on animals

  10. National parks Nature reserves Endangered species? Animal and plant protection

  11. Global issues 1. Greenhouse effect • caused by carbonic dioxide accumulated in the atmosphere • a layer that allows sunrays to go through atmosphere to Earth but not back • the temperature of Earth rises → • melting glaciers, sea level raises, floods

  12. Ozone hole • caused by dangerous gases used in sprays • ozone protects the Earth and life on it radioactive gamma sunrays Ozone depletion - decline of ozone in Earth´s stratosphere → global warming

  13. Acid rains • caused by air pollution • gases in air mix with water steam in the atmosphere and create nitrid acid • then rains down to Earth and pollutes water, soil, plants

  14. Over-population • link between population growth and environmental problems? • reduce population growth? • average life expectancy? • carbon footprint?

  15. Tips for students • Drink tap water rather than buying bottled water. • Reuse grocery bags or get fabric bags when shopping • Recycle what you can • Buy local food that does not travel a long way to the shop • use public transportation

  16. Shop at resale stores • Avoid products with a lot of packaging • Turn down the heat, limit the air conditioning, do not use a tumble dryer • Use your printer wisely • save paper by printing on both sides

  17. Disasters

  18. Air pollution Invisible pollution Landfills Ocean dumping Toxic wastes Asbestos Air filters Emergency shelters Deforestation in cities caused by smoke, gases and chemicals noise, roadworks, traffic etc. place where rubbish is buried get rid of smt. unwanted Poisonous things that you throw away Greyish material that was used in buildings as protection against fire remove solids (dust) from the air Place where people go when disaster strikes cutting down trees in a large area Vocabulary list

  19. INVESTICE DO ROZVOJE VZDĚLÁVÁNÍ Tato výuková prezentace byla pořízena z finančních prostředků hrazených Evropským sociálním fondem a rozpočtem České republiky. Tento projekt je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky.

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