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Global Warming. by. Julia Schofield. Introduction. Which of the following things support Global Warming: a) Winters becoming more and more milder b) Drought in the last 3 years c) Melting of the Arctic ice cap d) All of the above “All of the above.”
Global Warming by Julia Schofield
Introduction Which of the following things support Global Warming: a) Winters becoming more and more milder b) Drought in the last 3 years c) Melting of the Arctic ice cap d) All of the above “All of the above.” “Is that your final answer?”
Global warming refers to the rise in the earth's temperature resulting from an increase in heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere. These rising temperatures across the planet are caused by a growth of the "greenhouse effect." Before recent scientific investigation into this phenomenon, the greenhouse effect simply referred to the natural process by which the earth's atmosphere traps heat and warms the planet to a livable temperature. Without our planet’s natural greenhouse effect much of the sun’s warmth would be reflected back into space, and much of the Earth would be too cold for plants and animals to survive.
Global warming has been thought to be a myth until some of the world’s leading scientists concluded “Global warming is very real and already underway”. The evidence they used to prove this was: • 1. The glaciers are melting and snow cover is disappearing on 5 continents. • 2. Melting ice and warming oceans have contributed to a rise in sea levels. They have risen almost 1 Foot in the last century, destroying beaches and wetlands all over. • 3. Studies around the world have found shifting populations and altered migration behavior as animals attempt to adapt to a changing climate. Many of these species which can’t adapt are now in decline. • 4. The average temperature of the entire planet has risen about 1 degree Fahrenheit in the last 100 years. And some areas of the world have warmed by as much as 4.5 degrees Fahrenheit.
If the average temperature of our planet were to warm by 6 degrees Fahrenheit then it would set off massive changes. Sea levels would rise by 2 feet or more causing massive flooding. Storms would become more severe, and infectious diseases would spread into new areas.
The Greenhouse gases are gases that keep the heat that enters the atmosphere, from returning and creating a build up of heat. The sun can enter these gases, but unfortunately can’t escape them as easily. The sun’s rays initially are absorbed by the atmosphere molecules, and then are trapped by the gases. Without these gases, the world would be seventy-two degrees Fahrenheit cooler, which is way too cold to support any kind of life. So, as the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increases, the earth will eventually become too hot for habitation.
This heat trapping, however, has begun to expand to possibly dangerous levels. Scientists have attributed this expanded greenhouse effect to the collection of many factors of pollution. Carbon dioxide emissions from our cars, factories, homes, and power plants are thickening the blanket of greenhouse gasses around the Earth. Gas-guzzling cars, and light trucks such as mini-vans and sport utility vehicles, are major sources of this pollution. Over its lifetime, the average car on the road today will gush out about 50 tons of carbon dioxide pollution into our air. Raising miles per gallon standards to 45 miles per gallon for cars would cut that number in half to 23 tons. The burning of coal, oil and natural gas in our power plants, also contribute to global warming. Coal is especially "dirty," producing twice as much carbon dioxide per unit of heat produced as natural gas, and a third more than oil.
Power plants produce electricity to power our homes and offices. The inefficient use of electricity contributes to global warming by forcing more fuel to be burned in power plants. Our homes also produce global warming pollution through the burning of natural gas and other fuels in our furnaces and hot water heaters. Deforestation also contributes to global warming. Trees "breath in" carbon dioxide, and can work to clean part of the pollution we release from the air. But when trees are cut down or burned they release their carbon dioxide back into the air. Over harvesting of the world's forest is a significant contributor to global warming
It is a serious problem and the results of global warming are serious. Levels of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere have increased by 30% over the last century. Over the same period, atmospheric methane has risen by 145 percent, mostly from agricultural activities like growing rice and raising cattle. Extreme changes in weather have become more common than ever. Some areas of the world have already become as much as 5 degrees Fahrenheit warmer. Most scientists and physicians believe that global warming may be the cause of increased infectious diseases, skin cancer and heat related deaths.
There are things that we can do to help slow down and eventually stop global warming, but we must begin by starting these things today. The most important step we can take to change global warming is to improve our nation's energy efficiency. Our cars and light trucks, lighting, home appliances, and power plants could be made much more efficient by simply installing the best currently available technology. Energy efficiency is the cleanest, safest, most economical way we can begin to deal with global warming. No global warming solution will succeed unless we reduce Carbon Dioxide emissions from cars and trucks. There is more Carbon Dioxide pollution coming from cars and trucks in some places than from all sources of other places. If we are to make any progress in slowing global warming, we must make our cars go further on a gallon of gas, and make greater use of alternative forms of transportation.
There are also just little things a person can do to save energy around their house like: • 1. Wash clothes in warm or cold water. • 2. Lower your thermostat • 3. Buy energy-efficient compact fluorescent bulbs for your most-used lights. • 4. Whenever possible, walk or bike. • 5. Buy a car with god gas mileage. • 6. Paint your house a light color if you live in a warm climate or dark if you live in a warm climate. • 7. Work in your community to set up recycling • programs.
Conclusion There is no longer any question about Global Warming being a fact.We have already seen the effects of this phenomena and in order for this process to slow down, people need to be aggressive about slowing down the process by reducing the Carbon Dioxide accounts in the world today.
Bibliography 1. Http://www.geocities.com/Rainforest/Andes/9520 causes.html 2. http://coolmotherearth.com/ 3. http://explorezone.com/news/globalwarm.htm