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In this presentation, given at On The Edge Manchester 2013, we present structured data mark-up and how using it can deliver semantic meaning to your search results; plus additional, attractive decision-criteria that seriously boosts your search traffic!
Supercharge Search H ow U sing Structured D ata C an Boost Your Traffic with Rich Snipp ets by N ichola Stott
“It's a sim ple change to the display of search results, yet our exp erim ents have shown that users find the new data valuable” - - O thar H ansson et al Web m aster C entral Blog 2009
W hat is structured data? C overing H ow does it look in search? H ow do I im p lem ent it? A ny tools to help ?
Structured DATA TYPES
How does that translate… to search?
Rich Snippets
That’s Awesome!
prepTime cookTim e
M icrodata is an H TM L sp ecification used to nest sem antics within existing content on web p ages.
a m icroform at is a web -b ased ap p roach to sem antic m ark- up which seeks to re-use existing H TM L/X H TM L tags to convey m etadata and other attrib utes…
RD Fa is a W 3C recom m endation that adds a set of attrib ute -level extensions to H TM L, X H TM L and various X M L-b ased docum ent typ es for em b edding rich m etadata within Web docum ents.
One Protocol TO RU LE TH EM A LL!
cookingM etho d cookTim e ingredients nutrition prepTim e recip eC ategory recip eC uisine recip eInstruction recip eYield totalTim e
prepTime cookTim e
C lick to select data item
Increased… Click Through Rate
up to 300% Schem a>A ggregateRating
Schem a>Recip e up to 195%
19% C TR
24% C TR
• M icrodata Vocabulary Supp orted by M ajor Search Engines • G uidance, Tools and Resources • Significant Increase to Traffic
Further Reading Thinking on the Web – Berners Lee, G odel and Turing http ://schem a.org/ http ://m icroform ats.org/ http s://develop ers.google.com /web m asters/richsnip p ets/ http ://w w w.google.com /web m asters/tools/richsnip p ets http ://schem a-creator.org/ http ://w w w.m icrodatagenerator.com /
Tel: +44(0)1420 540227 E-m ail: nichola.stott@them ediaflow.com Twitter: @N icholaStott Web: w w w.them ediaflow.com D ownload N ow: w w w.them ediaflow.com