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Kund, the diver

Kund, the diver. Bratislava. Once upon a time the country’s boundary was to the west of the town of Bratislava. The castle of Bratislava is on the bank of the River Danube .

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Kund, the diver

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Kund, thediver Bratislava

  2. Onceupon a timethecountry’sboundarywastothewest of thetownof Bratislava.

  3. The castle of Bratislava is onthe bank of theRiverDanube.

  4. Inthepastthey had toprotectitagainsttheGermans. Sotherewas a stonewallaroundit, which made attacks more difficult.

  5. Emperor Henry III triedtoconquerthecastleseveraltimes. Once he surroundeditwithshipswhilehewasattackingitbyland.

  6. A young man called Zotmund oncecametothe lord of thecastle.His friends only called him ‘Kund, the diver’. He offeredhishelptothe lord.

  7. Hisplanwastoswimundertheships of theGermans and tomake a holeonthemsothattheywouldsink.

  8. Notmanycouldswimatthetime, even less coulddive. But Zotmund wasveryclever and brave. Hisplanwassuccessful and Bratislava wonthebattle.

  9. Nowadays Zotmund is known as ‘Kund, the clever and brave diver’.

  10. Thankyouforyourattention!

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