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The Grafton Firm, LLC is a Baltimore law firm handling bankruptcy, debt settlement, estate planning, wills and trusts to the family. We are a small firm founded on the principle that legal services should be accessible to family. If you have ever thought about drafting a will or trust or are considering bankruptcy but afraid to call a lawyer, we can help. The Grafton Firm, LLC is conveniently located in Towson, Maryland, and north of Baltimore City. Contact us and schedule a free consultation with us.
T O W S O N C H A P T E R1 3 B A N K R U P T C Y L A W Y E R S Chapter 7 Bankruptcy | Chapter 13 Bankruptcy | Tax Resolution CHAPTER7 CHAPTER13 BANKRUPTCY BANKRUPTCY Unexpectedthings happeninliferesulting inmedicalbills, credit carddebt, andastack ofunpaidbills. Our bankruptcyattorneys canhelpyouditchthat debtandkeepyour assetstogetafresh startwithaChapter7. Forcedintofilinga Chapter13bankruptcy. Don'tworryGrafton Firm, LLCisheretohelp youtocraftthebest optionsforgettingyou outofdebt. CIVIL ESTATELAW LITIGATION & PROBATE Whatevertheissuesare regardingestateand probate, weexperienced areheretohelpyououtof debt. Wearehelping companiesand individualssolvetheir problemsfrommany years. Sodon'twait Contactustoday. GETFREE CONSULTATION 920ProvidenceRd #400a, Towson, MD21286UnitedStates 410-505-0413 info@graftonfirm.com S O U R C E : H T T P S : / / T H E G R A F T O N F I R M . C O M /