WHAT ABOUT THEIR CUSTOMS? • Eatinghabits • BRAZIL:Thenationaldish of Brazilisfeijoda completa, whichconsists of blackbeanscookedwithsmokedmeats and sausagesservedwith rice, slicedoranges, boiledgreens, and hot sauce. Itistoppedwithtoastedcassavameal. Coffee, rum, and beer are commonbeverages. • VENEZUELA: In Venezuela, cornmeal bread, orarepa, is a staplefood. Arepa iscookedon a griddle and issometimesstuffedwithmeatorcheesebeforeitisfried. Pabellón caraqueño isalso popular. Thisdishconsists of flanksteakservedon rice withblackbeans, toppedwithfriedeggs and garnishedwithplantain chips. Coffee, rum, and beer are commonbeverages. Christmas tradition Latin American culture isrich in oral traditions, a productgrowingfrom 500 years of mixingthe cultures of thenativeIndigenes (indigenouspeople), Africanslaves and Spanishcolonizers. Christmas time providesonethemostimportantexpressions of thesetraditions, full of music, lights, parties and food, butespeciallyvillancicos. Guatemala:Forninedaysbefore Christmas, Las Posadas are celebrated as religiousprocessionspassthroughthestreets. The figures of Mary and Joseph are carried to a friend'shouse, where a carolissungaskingforlodgingfortheHolyFamily. Ecuador:Novenas, orhouse tours, begintheholidayseasonninedaysbefore Christmas. Ecuadoriansvisitotherhomes at this time looking at thenativityscenes. A special cookie, madewith maple syrup, iseaten as a treat. • Music and latin dance • Merengue: The merengue rhythmis a moderate to extremelyfastduple meter, and isdancedwith a simple sidewayscoupletwo-step. • Itisfound in both folk music, usingaccordion, double-headed tambora drum, and metal guayo scraper, and in various popular orchestralformats. Itdeveloped in 19 century , is a relatedfrom merengue Haiti. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=MsCm0afMApg