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François Létourneau, RDDC – Valcartier Normand Bernier, Dr Louis Cloutier, Syntell inc.

GEOLAP Technology A geospatial-enabled decision support application framework for better management of geospatial-based information. François Létourneau, RDDC – Valcartier Normand Bernier, Dr Louis Cloutier, Syntell inc. Dr Jean Brodeur, NRCan

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François Létourneau, RDDC – Valcartier Normand Bernier, Dr Louis Cloutier, Syntell inc.

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  1. GEOLAP Technology A geospatial-enabled decision support application framework for better management of geospatial-based information François Létourneau, RDDC – Valcartier Normand Bernier, Dr Louis Cloutier, Syntell inc. Dr Jean Brodeur, NRCan GeoLocation Technology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

  2. GEOLAP TechnologyPresentation outline • SYNTELL • Why GEOLAP • OLAP Technology – a quick introduction • Definition of the GEOLAP technology • Characteristics of the GEOLAP technology • Presentation of a current GEOLAP application • Potential of the GEOLAP technology for the broad field of geospatial applications – Use Cases

  3. Syntell • A Canadian company founded in 1987 • Developers of decision support technology • Dashboard • Balanced Scorecard • Analytical Application • 200 applications in a dozen countries • Offices: • Head office: Sainte-Foy, Quebec (Canada) • Marketing office: Toronto • International Office: Paris (France) • Brussels (Belgium) project team for AXA

  4. Gouvernments Provincial /Federal Banque de développement du Canada EEQ Distribution Majors clients Industries Maritime Pulp and paper Energy Bank and Inssurances

  5. Why GEOLAP – The needThe requirements • A large geodata production group in Canada (NRCan) • A cartographical inventory system in place • More than 1 Tb of geo data • Approx 1 Gb of geo metadata • There was a need to analyze the metadata for • Inventory management • Production planning based on product diffusion, available resources, budget, user needs • Quality Insurance (ISO 9001) • Helping external user to get proper information

  6. Why GEOLAP – The needTypical results expected • Proposed solution • Query on the inventory system • Using standard reporting tool and GIS for maps

  7. Why GEOLAP – The need The consequence of inadequate technologies • Results • Traditional reports, requiring manual processes • Often more than 20 hours to generate • Need to manually process the results by using a desktop GIS for proper representation of the information • Put the inventory system on his knees • The inventory system no longer responds to normal operations • In consequence, this approach was abandoned for complex queries and manual processes are still used

  8. Why GEOLAP – Existing solutionBusiness Intelligence Technology • Existing technology • Very mature • Targeted for management • Fast response time • Bellow 10 sec. typical • Build for • Complex analysis • To process large amount of data • Using OLAP technology • On Line Analytical Processing • No tight link with GIS

  9. OLAP and BI TechnologyA Quick Introduction OLTP (On Line Transactional Processing • Ex: Operational cartographical inventory system • Operational data (NRCan Sherbrooke : > 1 Tb of geodata) • Current status of the data (no historic) • Optimized for transaction • Distributed over multiple systems (multiple databases in Canada) • OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing) • Ex: Human resources dashboard for industries • Historical and multidimensional data • Centralized in a unique system • Optimized for sophisticated analysis

  10. From OLTP to OLAP OLAP OLTP Operational Data (multiple sources) Optimized for Fast Analysis

  11. From OLTP to OLAP OLTP OLAP Operational Data (multiple sources) Optimized for Fast Analysis Transform 1 G Record to: Product No, Product, Precision, Year, Nb 1123,BNDT, 15-25, 2002, 45 1124,BNDT, 15-25, 2001, 23 1125,BNDT, 15-25, 2002, 4 1126,BNDT, 15-25, 2002, 13 DNEC BNDT 410 Precision 15-25 Year 2001 2002 2003

  12. OLTP OLAP Performance ComparisonTypical complex query to answer • I want digital map sheets with no known discrepancies • With a precision of 75 cm or better on the road network theme • For a specific geographic region • For which the validity date is less than three years • In shapefile format, accessible from the GEOPORTAL • Which scale is between 1:20 000 and 1 : 100 000 • That can be delivered in UTM zone 8 System have to scan millions of record Time taken: many minutes up to hours System retrieves the appropriate cell in a cube Time taken: few seconds

  13. GEOLAP TechnologyDefinition - What’s in a name • Geospatial (based) On Line Analytical Processing • Characteristics • Web-enabled, thin-client based (100 % HTML output) • Geospatial-based decision support application framework • Exploiting traditional and geospatial-based information and knowledge related to the territory • Structured into multidimensional data servers for quasi-instant processing of large volumes of data • Geospatial-enabling traditional OLAP technology

  14. GEOLAP TechnologyWhy geo-empowering OLAP technology • GIS technology is mainly based on transaction processing • Strong need for analytical tools, processing complex queries of geodata • Current GIS analytical technology does not exploit the strength of multidimensional data structures • Geospatial information is not structured to be efficiently integrated into multidimensional data structures • Restructuring geospatial data into multidimensional cubes is a time and resource intensive process, unlikely to happen without a paradigm shift • This paradigm shift would enhance responsiveness (time), simplify complex queries, etc. • Linking an intelligent cartographic context to OLAP represents an interesting short to mid term approach

  15. GEOLAP TechnologyCharacteristics of the GEOLAP Technology • The OLAP server is fetching contextual geodata to a GIS servers that renders this information based on the context of the OLAP analysis • GIS servers are capable to render and symbolize, within seconds, complex geographical information • The “geo” part of GEOLAP is generated on-the-fly. In consequence, the development cycle is reduced (no need to restructure the data) and applications can be rolled out faster

  16. GEOLAP TechnologyCharacteristics of the GEOLAP Technology • Symbolization of the information based on values of attributes generated from OLAP query • Spatial filter that delimitates spatially the information to be analyzed • Drill operations (down, across, up) among descriptive and geospatial data • Short response time for complex queries associated to high volume of data • Connectivity to OGC WMS server for map background generation (for the future, support of WFS, WCS, SVG standards is envisioned) • Web-based architecture, 100 % HTML output

  17. GEOLAP TechnologyGeneral Architecture of the Cartographic InventoryManagement and Analysis Application User IE Browser (thin client) Web Application Server (Windows Server) HTML Web Pages Windows Internet Information Services (IIS) GeOlap Cartographical Inventory Management Application Syntell 4i Data Layer Syntell 4i Application Layer Kheops - JMAP Server Datamart Spatial Data Source Map Images Syntell OLAP Data Cubes SQL Server Database WMS Web Service

  18. GEOLAP TechnologyWhere does the Data come from ? Application has to be ready for 8 AM OLAP Data Cubes Datamart OLTP SIB Inventory Syst. (Metadata) SQL Server Database Automated Process Window (0 to 8 AM)

  19. GEOLAP TechnologyExample of an application • The problem: • Metadata collected over the years by mapping agencies is mainly used for documenting and to support search capabilities for geodata, while it represents a much more important value • Veryfewanalysis are performed to analyze and manage data inventory due to the lack of proper tools • Automatic representation of these analysis is usually unavailable and as such is done by hand and represents a long and labor-intensive process • A better management of geodata inventory can be envisioned

  20. GEOLAP TechnologyExample of an application • The proposed solution An application that links elegantly and efficiently, analytical processes to a cartographic representation, with decision-support tools to empower a more adapted exploitation, analysis and management of geodata inventory

  21. GEOLAP TechnologyExample of an application – context of the proposed solution • Objective : empower a more adapted exploitation, analysis and management of geodata inventory • To reach the objective, there is a need to • Offer a complete inventory of data, up to date, and well documented with the proper metadata • Offer fast and efficient tools to facilitate the discovery, access and exploitation of geospatial data • Analyze the usage of the geodata to • Improve the overall quality of service to their users • Improve the global process for managing the quality of their data • Improve the global planning and decisional process for the improvement, update and production of geodata

  22. GEOLAP TechnologyPresentation of the Cartographic Inventory Management and Analysis Application • Web-based application thin client 100% HTML • Multiple ways to present the information (map, chart, tables, lists) • Link to the ordering system • Link to the map and imagery visualization system (WMS server) • Five modules targeted • Inventory management and analysis (completed) • Cartographic Development Indices management (completed) • Production management and analysis (partially completed) • Data diffusion management and analysis (planned) • Quality control management and analysis (planned)

  23. GEOLAP - Dashboard

  24. NTDB - Availability

  25. Dimensions

  26. Drill on Ontario Province Data closely followed the map

  27. Drill on Precision to Average

  28. Change Product to BNDT-50

  29. List of product Show me the product

  30. The map

  31. Mapping And Charting EstablishmentSecond client for the application (Military) • Lot more products • More dimensions • More levels in the dimensions

  32. GEOLAP - Dashboard

  33. IDC Quality Index

  34. Drill to References

  35. Drill to BNDT-50

  36. From Canada to Ontario

  37. Production Scheduling and coordinating

  38. Dependencies

  39. Global View

  40. Future: Diffusion analysis

  41. Future: Quality Management

  42. Future: Non Conformance Analysis

  43. Others applicationsCrime distribution analysis

  44. Others applicationsAccidents / Infraction Distribution Analysis

  45. GEOLAP TechnologyOthers applications • Insurance domain • Disaster analysis • Multiple selling channel intersection • Natural resources management • Forestry inventory, soil quality • Maintenance • Failure correlation with localization • Sale • Client localization for targeted publicity • Telecommunication • Correlation between loss call and cell infrastructure development

  46. GEOLAP TechnologyConclusion • Because • this technology closely integrates GIS and BI technology • It enables • navigation in data as well as on a map, in a natural way by users, without special BI or GIS knowledge • complex analysis on large amount of data without negative impact on operational system (e.g. slowdown or system crash) • a whole new class of applications • Now high level users (e.g. managers) • are able to concentrate on business issues rather than fighting with a tool

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