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Rating Principal Performance

Explore the evaluation process for principals in Virginia schools, including interim and summative reviews, performance rubrics, and standards. Enhance your understanding of assessing instructional leadership, school climate, human resources management, and more.

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Rating Principal Performance

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  1. Rating Principal Performance 1

  2. Code of Virginia§ 22.1-294 Principals and assistant principals who have achieved continuing contract status shall be formally evaluated at least once every three years and evaluated informally at least once each year that they are not formally evaluated. Probationary principals and assistant principals shall be evaluated each school year. 2

  3. Interim Evaluation • Documents evidence of meeting standards • Does NOT include rating of performance • Multiple data sources should be considered • Evaluator provides feedback to principal by set date Some principal evaluation systems include an interim review, especially for probationary principals, in order to provide systematic feedback prior to the completion of a summative evaluation. 2

  4. Sample Interim Evaluation Form TeacherPrincipal LSchool Year(s) 2013-2014 School Yourtown Middle Schoo l Strengths: Principal L thoroughly understands the importance of a shared vision for instructional leadership. He works to support all teachers in improving their instruction. Principal L is also dedicated to contributing to the profession, both by continually learning more and by sharing his learning with others. Areas of Improvement: Principal L’s goals are to allow highly effective teachers a chance to use their skills to benefit others, and to allow all teachers opportunities for leadership positions. 3 Abbreviated Form for Training Purposes

  5. Summative Evaluation • Comes at end of evaluation cycle • - Each school year for probationary principals • - At least once every three years for continuing contract principals. [Principals and assistant principals shall be evaluated informally at least once each year that they are not formally evaluated.] • Assessment of performance quality • Ratings for each standard based on multiple data sources • Four point rating scale • Performance rubric for every standard 4

  6. Definitions of Terms • Used in Rating Scale 5

  7. Definitions of Terms • Used in Rating Scale 6

  8. Performance Rubrics Along with sample performance indicators, performance rubrics help guide an evaluator’s judgment for rating principal performance. • Behavioral summary scale that describes acceptable performance levels • Guides evaluators in assessing how well a standard is performed • Increases reliability among evaluators • Helps principals focus on ways to enhance their practice 7

  9. Standard 1: Instructional Leadership • The principal fosters the success of all students by facilitating the development, communication, implementation, and evaluation of a shared vision of teaching and learning that leads to student academic progress and school improvement. 8

  10. Standard 2: School Climate • The principal fosters the success of all students by developing, advocating, and sustaining an academically rigorous, positive, and safe school climate for all stakeholders. 9

  11. Standard 3: Human Resources Management • The principal fosters effective human resources management by assisting with selection and induction, and by supporting, evaluating, and retaining quality instructional and support personnel. 10

  12. Standard 4: Organizational Management • The principal fosters the success of all students by supporting, managing, and overseeing the school’s organization, operation, and use of resources. 11

  13. Standard 5: Communication and Community Relations The principal fosters the success of all students by communicating and collaborating effectively with stakeholders. 12

  14. Standard 6: Professionalism • The principal fosters the success of all students by demonstrating professional standards and ethics, engaging in continuous professional development, and contributing to the profession. 13

  15. Standard 7: Student Academic Progress • The principal’s leadership results in acceptable, measurable student academic progress based on established standards. 14

  16. Sample Summative Evaluation Form Principal Principal QSchool Year(s) 2013-2014 School Yourtown Middle School 15 Abbreviated Form for Training Purposes

  17. Sample Summative Evaluation Form Principal Principal QSchool Year(s) 2013-2014 School Yourtown Middle School Overall Evaluation Summary: (based on cumulative summative rating range decided by school division): Include comments here  Exemplary  Proficient  Developing/Needs Improvement  Unacceptable  Recommended for placement on a Performance Improvement Plan. (One or more standards are Unacceptable, or two or more standards are Developing/Needs Improvement.) Commendations: Principal Q’s focus on instructional leadership has served her school well. Students consistently outperform others in the school division, and students readily participate in activities to build the “whole child.” Areas Noted for Improvement:  I suggest you allow your staff more leadership opportunities and responsibility. 16 Abbreviated Form for Training Purposes

  18. Summative Rating Summative ratings must apply the rating for each of the seven performance standards, with the most significant weight given to Standard 7 - Student Academic Progress. The Uniform Performance Standards and Evaluation Criteria for Principals recommends ratings for the first six standards be weighted equally at 10 percent each. Standard 7 – Student Academic Progress must be weighted at 40 percent. 17

  19. Summative Rating Student academic progress must be a significant component of principal evaluation and comprise 40 percent of the principal’s summative evaluation rating. 18

  20. Example of Weighted Calculations for Principal Performance Evaluations 19

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