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Vocabulary . 9 th literature. 8/27—Literary terms. Text: any arrangement of words Genre : category of literature Major Genre: prose, verse, drama Minor Genre: specific subdivisions of major genre Narrative : text that tells a story . 8/27 Literary Terms .

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  1. Vocabulary 9th literature

  2. 8/27—Literary terms Text: any arrangement of words • Genre: category of literature • Major Genre: prose, verse, drama • Minor Genre: specific subdivisions of major genre • Narrative: text that tells a story

  3. 8/27 Literary Terms • Prose: text written in standard paragraph form • Verse: text not written in standard paragraph form • Drama:text meant to be performed

  4. 8/27--Elements of Plot • Plot: series of events that tell a story • Story Line: individual plot line (short stories usually have one, novels several) • Exposition: beginning of story, tells character, setting, mood Central Conflict: basic problem of story

  5. 8/27--Elements of Plot • Rising Action: attempts to solve problem • Climax: solution to problem • Falling Action: events caused by solution • Resolution: reactions to climax

  6. Lit Devices • Conflict--when the desires of a character are blocked Internal Conflict--conflict exists in the mind of a character (requires a decision to be made) External Conflict--conflict exists outside of the mind (requires an action to be performed)

  7. Lit devices • Internal Conflict External Conflict person vs. self person vs. person person vs. society (machine) person vs. nature person vs. supernatural

  8. Lit Devices • Theme—general statement about life; may be positive or negative, never a single word, may or may not be desired. • allusion: a reference to something outside the text that the reader is expected to know. Common allusions are made to fairy tales, mythology, Shakespeare, popular culture, history, and the Bible • symbol: when something is itself and represents something else • main idea- summary of events in a story.

  9. Lit devices • characterization – strategies an author uses to give characters personality • direct characterization- author tells the reader the character’s personality • indirect characterization- author shows the reader the character’s personality

  10. A Clean, Well Lighted Place • Symbol Meaning (within the story) • light • shadow • sleep • café • bodega • What is the theme of “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place?”

  11. Lit Devices, 9/5 • Foreshadowing: the use of clues that suggest the outcome of situations in the narrative • Suspense: creating tension within the reader by promoting questions or a desire to know what will happen next. • Suspense is created by: • 1. giving clues as to what will happen next (Forshadowing, including setting) • 2. withholding information • 3. by supplying false information (irony).

  12. The Cask of Amontillado • Writing prompt: answer these two questions in a short answer each. • What could Fortunato do to change the situation in “Amontillado?” • What could Montressor do to change the situation in “Amontillado?”

  13. Lit Devices, 9/9 • Figures of Speech—Comparison between two unlike things not meant to be taken literally • Metaphor--figure of speech in which something is said to be something else; metaphors may be implied • Simile--figure of speech in which one thing is connected to another with phrases such as “like” or “as” • Personification--figure of speech where non-human things are given human qualities • Hyperbole--figure of speech that uses great exaggeration

  14. The Minister’s black veil vocab • accord: (noun) agreement; consensus (verb) to agree; to grant something • swathed: (verb) to wrapsomebody or something completely • unaccountable: (adjective) not answerable; inexplicable • perturbation: (noun) being disturbed; cause of trouble • venerable: (adjective) worthy of respect; revered; ancient • countenance: (noun): face or expression; composure

  15. 9/17 • Connotation: • An associated or secondary meaning of a word or expression in addition to its explicit or primary meaning. • --emotional attachment • Denotation: Dictionary definition of a word.

  16. 9/17 • Which word has a more positive connotation? Ted’s Restaurant is furnished with (old, antique) furniture. Mike’s (shabby, vintage) bike is black and gold. A group of (loud, enthusiastic) students walk to school every day. My parents argue (loudly, passionately) about politics over dinner.

  17. The minister’s black veil • Opening Question: In a short answer explain whether pretending to be someone you are not is or isn’t harmful.

  18. 9/17 homework • In a short answer identify one symbol from the story and explain what it means and why it is important. • In a short answer explain the importance of the connotations of two words in the opening paragraph of the story.

  19. 9/19 Vocab • 1. She wanted to hide her feelings but she had a worried _____ that betrayed her emotions. • 2. An unexpected test caused a _____ in the class with many students complaining. • 3. Although records were kept, some of the funds were _____, which caused a shortage in the budget.

  20. 9/19 classwork • Read “The Minister’s Black Veil” in your group. • Answer the question on the slip of paper, on a separate sheet of loose leaf with all names on it. • Ask 3 questions regarding the short story, make sure they are open-ended, and facilitate discussion. • Bonus points will be awarded for groups that turn this in by the end of the period.

  21. A Rose for Emily vocabulary • august (adj) dignified and splendid • diffident (adj) lacking self-confidence; reserved or restrained • acrid (adj) pungent; sour • perpetuity (n) perpetual condition;eternity • deprecation (n) criticism • inextricable (adj) impossible to escape from, to disentangle; extremely complex • archaic (adj) outmoded; no longer in ordinary language; ancient • circumvent (v) get around restriction; out wit somebody • temerity (n) audacity; boldness • macabre (adj) horribly gruesome

  22. 9/16 Vocab • Main Character: principle participant in the story • Minor Character: maintains a limited role in the story • Protagonist: character that attempts to achieve or change something • Antagonist: character that attempts to stop someone or something • Static Character: does not change • Dynamic Character: changes • Flat Character: limited in personality; stereotype • Round Character: well developed; many sides to personality

  23. A rose for emily vocab • scorn ::: praise : applaud • infinity : sporadic :: : intermittent • old : new :: : fresh • merry : Christmas :: : Halloween • pungent : :: sweet : sugary

  24. A rose for Emily Homework, 9/16 • Answer each question using the short answer method: • In a short answer explain what type of person Emily is.  Be sure to include on quote for support. • In a short answer explain what type of character Emily is. Be sure to include on quote for support.

  25. Lit terms 9/23 •  Point of View: the perspective a text is told from • 1stPerson: narrated by a character in the text • 2ndPerson: reader is in the text • 3rd Person Limited: follows one character through the story • 3rd Person Omniscient: follows all or most character • 3rd Person Omnipotent: reveals thoughts of character • 3rd Person Objective: narrates only what can be seen or heard

  26. Opening question 9/23 • “Dying sinners cried aloud for Mr. Hooper, and would not yield their breath till he appeared; though ever, as he stooped to whisper consolation, they shuddered at the veiled face so near their own. Such were the terrors of the black veil, even when Death had bared his visage!” • Write your thoughts on this passage. Why do they call for Mr. Hooper even though they fear him?

  27. exercise • Identify the figure of speech covered in the previous slides: 1.) She was as fresh as a flower 2.) It took me four years to get to school this morning. 3.) The dew, like morning’s sweat, glistened in the sun. 4.) Life’s a journey, not a destination. 5.) Only the champion daisy trees were serene. After all, they were part of a rain forest already two thousand years old and scheduled for eternity, so they ignored the men and continued to rock the diamondbacks that slept in their arms.

  28. 10/4 • Device Quiz for Extra Credit: • 1. When what is said is opposite of what is meant, what type of irony is created? • 2. How a writer reveals character is called what? • 3. A figure of speech in which one thing is said to be another is called what? • 4. A great exaggeration is called what? • 5. A reference to something outside of the text is called what?

  29. 10/4 • (10 min.) Extended Answer: Explain the importance of human companionship in both previous stories and how each differ in what they imply about it. One quote (author, #) needed from both stories.

  30. 10/8 • shy: _____ :: arrogant : egotistical • majestic: humble :: _____ : modest                   • avoid: invite :: _____ : request • boldness: _____ :: audacity : impudence                   • 2+2 : easy :: -x^2 + 2(k+2)x - 9k = 0 : _____

  31. 10/8 • Read and analyze the quote below: • I lay awake in the dark, dark room...and tried to fall asleep. I mean, I really tried. But all I could think of was ghosts...and eyeballs...and creepy noises. • Scritch-scratch. • Nah, just the wind, I told myself. • Scritch. Scritch. Scraaaatch. • The noise seemed to come from the wall nearest me. I tried to forget about it by humming a happy tune. Hum-de-dum, de-dumm-dum. • Then it started. Just as Ralphie had described it. • WooOOoowooOOoowooOOoo. • I lifted my head and looked around the room. Soon there were more sounds. • Thump. Thump. Thump. I looked up. In the corner of the room, I saw two yellow eyes. • They were floating in the dark. • Scritch-scratch. Thump, thump, thump. WooOO-wooOOoo. • The eyes were coming closer. And closer. Right then, I knew for sure: I was a goner.

  32. 10/8 • Suspense: creating tension within the reader by promoting questions or a desire to know what will happen next. • Suspense is created by: • 1. giving clues as to what will happen next (Foreshadowing) • 2. withholding information • 3. by supplying false information (irony). • Foreshadowing: the use of clues that suggest the outcome of situations in the narrative

  33. 10/8 Homework • Find and underline 3 figures of speech; find and underline characterization of Emily. -I will check this tomorrow when I stamp learning plans.

  34. 10/9 homework • In a short answer explain what type of person Emily is.  Be sure to include one quote for support. • In a short answer explain what type of character Emily is. Be sure to include one quote for support • One paragraph for each response, will be collected on Wednesday (10/10).

  35. Quiz Vocab • Personification denotation connotation • Theme symbol metaphor • Text hyperbole main idea • Protagonist characterization antagonist • Main character point of view simile • Suspense prose verse • Orange allusion person v. self • Person v. supernatural static character allegory • Anaphora drama narrative

  36. 10/15 • Think-Pair-Share: • 1.) read each discussion question, write 1-2 sentences answering the question. • Discussion Questions: • 1.  In a short answer explain the structure of the plot and its reasons. • 2.  Short Answer:  If Emily is a static character, why does it seem that she changes through the story?  What exactly is changing? • 3.  In an extended answer compare/contrast the relationship Emily had with her father and Homer.  Two quotes properly cited needed. • 4.  In a short answer explain how the appearance of the house is related to Emily’s life.  One quote properly cited is needed. • 5.  In a short answer explain the theme of the story. One quote properly cited is needed.

  37. 10/15 • Pair: turn to your neighbor in front of or behind you; discuss each answer. • Consider the other person’s answers to the questions, how are they different from yours? How can you add them into your discussion question? • Share: Each group will pick their strongest answer and share with the class.

  38. 10/15 • Homework: Use today’s notes for help: • Complete one of the discussion questions on Loose-leaf. (6-12 sentences) • Discussion Questions: • 1.  In a short answer explain the structure of the plot and its reasons. • 2.  Short Answer:  If Emily is a static character, why does it seem that she changes through the story?  What exactly is changing? • 3.  In an extended answer compare/contrast the relationship Emily had with her father and Homer.  Two quotes properly cited needed. • 4.  In a short answer explain how the appearance of the house is related to Emily’s life.  One quote properly cited is needed. • 5.  In a short answer explain the theme of the story. One quote properly cited is needed.

  39. 10/16 • You have an exam on Monday, October 22. • To Study: • A Rose for Emily • Plot points—your freytag’s pyramid graphic organizer will help here. • Characterization • Be able to pick out three different figures of speech • Point of view • Theme • Discussion questions covered in class today—write them down to practice answering them using extended answers/short answers.

  40. parameters • A short answer is 6 to 8 lines of paper and needs usually one detail/explanation to prove its topic. •  The extended answer is 9 to 14 lines and usually requires two details/explanations to prove its topic

  41. 10/21 Notes--Vocab • Accessible: easy to enter or reach • Crestfallen: disappointed or humiliated • impervious remaining unmoved and unaffected by other people’ opinions, arguments, or suggestions • Loiter: to stand around without any obvious purpose • Enterprise: a new, often risky venture that involves confidence and initiative.

  42. 10/21 Vocab • Sensuous--relating to stimulation of the senses • Glower--to stare or look at somebody or something with sullen anger or strong resentment • Rebuke--to criticize or reprimand somebody • Fervor--extreme intensity of emotion or belief • Demure-- looking or behaving in a modest manner with reserve or seriousness

  43. 10/21 VOcab • Corpulent—obese • Buffeted--a heavy or repeated blow or stroke • Static—not moving or changing, or fixed in a position • Saunter—to walk at an easy, unhurried pace • Cascade—a small waterfall, a fast downward flow, something that hangs

  44. 10/21 literary devices • Duality—something consisting of two parts usually in opposition. • Dichotomy—a division into two especially mutually exclusive or contradictory groups or entities; something with seemingly contradictory qualities.

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