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Engineering Online in K-12 Education

Explore the innovative online engineering courses and resources specifically designed for K-12 students to enhance their learning experience in the field of engineering.

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Engineering Online in K-12 Education

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  1. Engineering Online in K-12 Education Curt Bonk, Professor, Indiana University President, CourseShare cjbonk@indiana.edu http://php.indiana.edu/~cjbonk http://CourseShare.com

  2. Education Week, May 9, 2002. p. 16 “..12 states have established their own virtual schools and five others are piloting cyber schools…32 states are sponsoring e-learning initiatives, including online testing programs, virtual schools, and Internet-based professional development.”

  3. Education Week, May 9, 2002, p. 16http://www.edweek.org/sreports/tc02/ • Florida Virtual High School (began 1997) • Over 5,000 students from 65 counties (double from previous year) • average 1.6 courses/student • Course enrollments of 8,200 for 2001-2002 • 37% home-schooled • 31% little or no previous computer exper • Most say quality up, but difficult • Sells courses to other states • Receives 6 million in state money

  4. Online Courseware

  5. But There’s a Problem! (Duffy, 2002) • 80% teachers not prepared to integrate technology into teaching. (National Center for Education Statistics, 1999) • Preservice instruction often focuses on stand alone “technology” courses. (Siegel, 1995) 70% of courses focus on hardware, Internet use, and software use • Focus should be on learning withtechnology rather than abouttechnology(1997 President’s Panel on Educational Technology)

  6. Three Projects at the Center for Research on Learning and Technology, Indiana University

  7. #1. Inquiry Learning Forum

  8. #2. Learning to Teach with Technology Studiohttp://ltts.indiana.edu

  9. LTTS Features • Short Web courses (35 growing to 55+) • Start anytime and move at own pace • Focus on technology integration in inquiry lessons and projects • Facilitated, problem-centered modules (practical and educational) • Standards-based (ISTE NETS and national academic standards)

  10. TICKIT #3. TICKIT Teacher Institute for Curriculum Knowledge about Integration of Technology (http://www.indiana.edu/~tickit) http://www.indiana.edu/~tickit/

  11. Why Are Teachers Resistant?Hannafin and Savenye (1993) • Believe the software is poorly designed • Become frustrated in how to use. • Do not want to look stupid • Do not believe that computers enhance learning • Fear losing control and being in the center • See computers competing with other academic tasks • See time and effort to use as too great • Fear upsetting unsupportive administrators

  12. Overview of TICKIT • In-service teacher education program • Rural schools in southern Indiana • Yearlong, 25 teachers from 5 schools • Primarily school-based • Supported by participating school systems, Arthur Vining Davis Foundations and Indiana University

  13. TICKIT Training and Projects: • Web: Web quests, Web search, Web edit/pub. • Includes class, department, or school website. • Write: Electronic newsletters, book reviews. • Tools: Photoshop, Inspiration, PowerPoint. • Telecom: e-mail with foreign countries Key pals. • Computer conferencing: Nicenet.org. • Digitizing: using camera, scanning, digitizing. • Videoconferencing: connecting classes. • Web Course: HighWired.com, MyClass.net, Lightspan.com, eBoard.com

  14. Technology Integration Ideas • Collab with students in other countries • Make Web resources accessible • Experts via computer conferencing (or interview using e-mail) • Reflect & Discuss on ideas on the Web. • Put lesson plans on Web. • Peer mentoring. • Other: role play, scav hunts.

  15. What about Engineering, Math, and Science???

  16. Ideas for Engaging Engineering Courses

  17. Tone: A. Social Ice Breakers 1. Introductions: require not only that students introduce themselves, but also that they find and respond to two classmates who have something in common (Serves dual purpose of setting tone and having students learn to use the tool) 2. Favorite Web Site: Have students post the URL of a favorite Web site or URL with personal information and explain why they choose that one.

  18. Tone/Climate:A. Social Ice Breakers 3. Scavenger Hunt 1. Create a 20-30 item online scavenger hunt (e.g., finding information on the Web) 2. Post scores 4. Two Truths, One Lie • Tell 2 truths and 1 lie about yourself • Class votes on which is the lie

  19. 2. Feedback:A. Learner-Content Interactions

  20. 2 Feedback:B. Online Exams and Gradebooks

  21. 2. FeedbackC. Requiring Peer Feedback Alternatives: 1. Require minimum # of peer comments and give guidance (e.g., they should do…) 2. Peer Feedback Through Templates—give templates to complete peer evaluations. 3. Have e-papers contest(s)

  22. 2. Feedback (Instructor)D. Anonymous Suggestion Box George Watson, Univ of Delaware, Electricity and Electronics for Engineers: • Students send anonymous course feedback (Web forms or email) • Submission box is password protected • Instructor decides how to respond • Then provide response and most or all of suggestion in online forum • It defuses difficult issues, airs instructor views, and justified actions publicly. • Caution: If you are disturbed by criticism, perhaps do not use.

  23. 2. Feedback:E. Double-Jeopardy Quizzing Gordon McCray, Wake Forest University, Intro to Management of Info Systems • Students take objective quiz (no time limit and not graded) • Submit answer for evaluation • Instead of right or wrong response, the quiz returns a compelling probing question, insight, or conflicting perspective (i.e., a counterpoint) to force students to reconsider original responses • Students must commit to a response but can use reference materials • Correct answer and explanation are presented

  24. 2. Feedback (Instructor)F. Reflective Writing Alternatives: • Minute Papers, Muddiest Pt Papers • PMI (Plus, Minus, Interesting), KWL • Summaries • Pros and Cons • Email instructor after class on what learned or failed to learn… (David Brown, Syllabus, January 2002, p. 23; October 2001, p. 18)

  25. 3. Engagement: A. Simulations

  26. The Virtual Lab ExperimentCarnvale, Jan 31, 2003, The Virtual Lab Experiment, Chronicle of Higher Education, p. A30 “The labs have limitations, however. Most biology professors still say that the experience of dissecting a frog while gagging on the stench of formaldehyde simply can't be replicated online. And it's expensive and time-consuming to develop a virtual lab that includes all the possible variables that students can encounter in a real lab.”

  27. 3. Engagement: A. Simulations

  28. 3. EngagementB. Video Clips of Experts

  29. 3. Engagement: C. WebQuest

  30. 4. Meaningfulness: A. Expert Job Interviews 1. Field Definition Activity: Have student interview (via e-mail, if necessary) someone working in the field of study and share their results • As a class, pool interview results and develop a group description of what it means to be a professional in the field

  31. 4. Meaningfulness:B. Modules and Experiments

  32. 4. Meaningfulness: C. Virtual Museums and Exploration

  33. 4. Meaningfulness: C. Virtual Museums and Exploration

  34. 4. Meaningfulness:D. Collecting Raw Data

  35. Wireless Technology

  36. 4. Meaningfulness:E. Cases with Videos

  37. 5. Choice:A. Web Resource Reviews

  38. 5. Choice:A. Web Resource Reviews

  39. 6. Variety: A. Virtual Classroom Joachim Hammer, University of Florida, Data Warehousing and Decision Support • Voice annotated slides on Web; 7 course modules with a number of 15-30 minutes units • Biweekly Q&A chat sessions moderated by students • Bulletin Board class discussions • Posting to Web of best 2-3 assignments • Exam Q’s posted to BB; answers sent via email • Team projects posted in a team project space • Add’l Web resources are structured for students (e.g., white papers, reports, project and product home pages) • Email is used to communicate with students

  40. 7. Curiosity A. Online Fun and Games (see Thiagi.com Or deepfun.com) • Puzzle games • Solve puzzle against timer • Learn concepts • Compete • Get points

  41. 7. Curiosity: B. Electronic Guests & Chats • Find article or topic that is controversial • Invite person associated with that article (perhaps based on student suggestions) • Hold real time chat • Pose questions • Discuss and debrief (i.e., did anyone change their minds?) (Alternatives: Email Interviews with experts Assignments with expert reviews)

  42. Sample Expert Chat

  43. 7B. Threaded Discussion plus Expert Chat (e.g., Starter-Wrapper + Sync Guest Chat)

  44. 7. Curiosity: C. Mentoring

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