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CSG Dinner Survey – 10 th Anniversary Edition January 9 , 2014

CSG Dinner Survey – 10 th Anniversary Edition January 9 , 2014. With responses from:. Reported by Jerry Grochow (with valued assistance from Charlie Leonhardt). Results from The 10 th Anniversary Edition “CSG Dinner Survey”.

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CSG Dinner Survey – 10 th Anniversary Edition January 9 , 2014

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  1. CSG Dinner Survey – 10th Anniversary EditionJanuary 9, 2014 With responses from: Reported by Jerry Grochow(with valued assistance from Charlie Leonhardt)

  2. Results from The 10th Anniversary Edition“CSG Dinner Survey” First initiated at the September 2004 CSG meeting at Harvard University as a paper-and-pen survey manually tabulated at the Thursday night dinner (see http://www.stonesoup.org/surveys/CSG_Job_Tenure_Survey-Sep_2004.pdf), the CSG Dinner Survey has become a regular part of CSG meetings with automated survey collection, computer generated statistics, and painstakingly researched and presented results, both at dinner and after (see http://www.stonesoup.org/surveys/index.html). While initially proposed by Jerry Grochow (then at MIT –was this just meant to be another prank on Harvard?) as an after dinner activity, the survey has produced, many will agree, interesting as well as humorous results and provides a longitudinal view of CSGers and their views – as the following pages will show. While I have organized most of the dinner surveys over the past 10 years, other notable surveyors have filled in, including Greg Jackson and Charlie Leonhardt on several occasions. Many others have participated “at the dinner table” (don’t sit with The Surveyor if you don’t want to be a participant!) acting as auditor, accountant, bill collector and disbursing agent – thank you all! While I will likely be present at some future CSG meetings, I graciously pass the mantle of “The Surveyor” to the next person (TBD), may she long reign! So long, and thanks for all the fish, Jerry Grochow

  3. PaaS/IaaS use now (2014) and three years in the future (2017) Based on what we said in January 2011 (below), we just seemed to have pushed our thinking out by three years! 2014 usage is barely different than 2011 usage.

  4. Administrative SaaS use now (2014) and three years in the future (2017) We are doing a little more with Administrative SaaS now than in 2011 (on average – but answers dispersed), and there is now one respondent 100% in the cloud, but our estimates three years ago (below) of where we would be overall in 2014 were high by 60%.

  5. SOCIAL NETWORKING for BUSINESS use now (2014) and three years in the future (2017) We aren’t using any more social networking for business now than in June 2011. Based on our estimating then, we are again optimistic about 3 years in the future!

  6. SOCIAL NETWORKING for PERSONAL use now (2014) and three years in the future (2017 Triple our business use, but about the same as it was in 2011. Again, our estimate for the future is pushed out by 3 years.

  7. Years you have you been at your current institution September 2004 Survey: we haven’t changed much in 10 years!

  8. How many university presidents have you served under during your career in higher education?

  9. How many telephones numbers do you have currently (total landline, cellphone, virtual, offices, homes, etc.)?

  10. How many telephones numbers do you have currently (total landline, cellphone, virtual, offices, homes, etc.)? January 2011 responses:

  11. Ranking of five key companies (individually determined criteria with 1= best, 5= worst) September 2013 May 2013 Jan 2012 June 2011 January 2011

  12. Favorite iOS or Android app

  13. That’s all until next time! (and the last time for this “Surveyor” – with a hearty “thanks to all” for your participation in my surveys over the past 10 years!)

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