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Exploring America

Exploring America. Understanding …. The year …. 1600 = ___ Century?. Understanding …. The year …. 1600 = 17th Century. Here is why! The year 34 = The 1 st Century The year 156 = The 2 nd Century The year 275 =

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Exploring America

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Exploring America

  2. Understanding … The year … 1600 = ___ Century?

  3. Understanding … The year … 1600 = 17th Century

  4. Here is why! The year 34 = The 1st Century The year 156 = The 2nd Century The year 275 = The 3rd Century

  5. Exploring America During the 1500’s the Spanish ships controlled the Seas

  6. Queen Elizabeth the first was asked by the Spanish Armada to tell Sir Francis Drake to stop attacking Spanish ships. She instead praised his efforts, which led to more raids. Queen Elizabeth of England (Protestant) King Phillip II of Spain (Catholic) (turned down Phillip when he asked her to marry) (beheaded Queen Mary of Scotland (Catholic) (didn’t like that) (didn’t like that)

  7. The Spanish Armada was doomed from the start. Weather held back much of their Army. Still, the 130 ship strong Armada sailed to England to attack. On the verge of taking Plymouth, Sir Francis Drake made the decisive move of sending 8 abandon fire ships at the Spanish Fleet (like water grenades). The fleet scattered, Drake dominated the 5 remaining ships, and many of the heavy, starved and battered remaining ships were either out maneuvered by the faster English ship, or they ran aground courtesy of rough, unknown water on the long way back to Spain. All told, Spain lost 2/3rds of its 130 ships and 30,000 men. When Drake initially heard that the Spanish Fleet was 30 miles away from the English shores he was playing a game of bowls (like bocce). He said they had plenty of time to finish the game and still defeat the Spanish Fleet.

  8. Exploring America 1588 – Sir Francis Drake (England) defeats the Spanish Armada.

  9. Prior to defeating the Spanish Armada, Drake explored the west coast. In 1579, Sir Francis Drake likely stopped in what is now known as Drake’s Bay. This modern artist’s rendering shows Native Miwok people going to meet a small launch from Drake’s ship, whose hull is being repaired. Illustration by Gordon Miller,

  10. IMPORTANT!!! Why is the defeat of the Spanish Armada so important? Opens seas for Europe to Explore America!!!

  11. This allows explorers like Henry Hudson of England to head to America and explore it’s waters. This picture shows Hudson in 1609 meeting Native Americans on what is now known as the Hudson River.

  12. Why leave home to go to a new place?? Lets Play the feud!! http://www.geocities.com/dawsonbot_r2d2_music/richardkarnpartytheme.mp3

  13. #1 Why leave home and go to a new place? W #2 R #3 A #4 N #5 P ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? Exit the Feud

  14. Why leave home and go to a new place? POTENTIAL WEALTH 55 #2 #3 #4 #5 ????? ????? ????? Exit the Feud

  15. Why leave home and go to a new place? #1 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM 49 #3 #4 #5 ????? ????? ????? Exit the Feud

  16. Why leave home and go to a new place? #1 #2 ADVENTURE 31 #4 #5 ????? ????? ????? Exit the Feud

  17. Why leave home and go to a new place? #1 #2 #3 NEW START 27 #5 ????? ????? ????? Exit the Feud

  18. #1 Why leave home and go to a new place? #2 #3 #4 POWER 17 ????? ????? ????? Exit the Feud

  19. Why leave home and go to a new place? POTENTIAL WEALTH 55 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM 49 #3 #4 #5 ????? ????? ????? Exit the Feud

  20. Why leave home and go to a new place? POTENTIAL WEALTH 55 #2 ADVENTURE 31 #4 #5 ????? ????? ????? Exit the Feud

  21. Why leave home and go to a new place? POTENTIAL WEALTH 55 #2 #3 NEW START 27 #5 ????? ????? ????? Exit the Feud

  22. Why leave home and go to a new place? POTENTIAL WEALTH 55 #2 #3 #4 POWER 17 ????? ????? ????? Exit the Feud

  23. Why leave home and go to a new place? #1 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM 49 ADVENTURE 31 #4 #5 ????? ????? ????? Exit the Feud

  24. Why leave home and go to a new place? #1 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM 49 #3 NEW START 27 #5 ????? ????? ????? Exit the Feud

  25. Why leave home and go to a new place? #1 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM 49 #3 #4 POWER 17 ????? ????? ????? Exit the Feud

  26. Why leave home and go to a new place? #1 #2 ADVENTURE 31 NEW START 27 #5 ????? ????? ????? Exit the Feud

  27. Why leave home and go to a new place? #1 #2 ADVENTURE 31 #4 POWER 17 ????? ????? ????? Exit the Feud

  28. Why leave home and go to a new place? #1 #2 #3 NEW START 27 POWER 17 ????? ????? ????? Exit the Feud

  29. Why leave home and go to a new place? POTENTIAL WEALTH 55 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM 49 ADVENTURE 31 #4 #5 ????? ????? ????? Exit the Feud

  30. Why leave home and go to a new place? POTENTIAL WEALTH 55 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM 49 #3 NEW START 27 #5 ????? ????? ????? Exit the Feud

  31. Why leave home and go to a new place? POTENTIAL WEALTH 55 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM 49 #3 #4 POWER 17 ????? ????? ????? Exit the Feud

  32. Why leave home and go to a new place? POTENTIAL WEALTH 55 #2 ADVENTURE 31 NEW START 27 #5 ????? ????? ????? Exit the Feud

  33. Why leave home and go to a new place? POTENTIAL WEALTH 55 #2 ADVENTURE 31 #4 POWER 17 ????? ????? ????? Exit the Feud

  34. Why leave home and go to a new place? POTENTIAL WEALTH 55 #2 #3 NEW START 27 POWER 17 ????? ????? ????? Exit the Feud

  35. Why leave home and go to a new place? #1 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM 49 ADVENTURE 31 NEW START 27 #5 ????? ????? ????? Exit the Feud

  36. Why leave home and go to a new place? #1 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM 49 ADVENTURE 31 #4 POWER 17 ????? ????? ????? Exit the Feud

  37. Why leave home and go to a new place? #1 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM 49 #3 NEW START 27 POWER 17 ????? ????? ????? Exit the Feud

  38. Why leave home and go to a new place? #1 #2 ADVENTURE 31 NEW START 27 POWER 17 ????? ????? ????? Exit the Feud

  39. Why leave home and go to a new place? #1 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM 49 ADVENTURE 31 NEW START 27 POWER 17 ????? ????? ????? Exit the Feud

  40. Why leave home and go to a new place? POTENTIAL WEALTH 55 #2 ADVENTURE 31 NEW START 27 POWER 17 ????? ????? ????? Exit the Feud

  41. Why leave home and go to a new place? POTENTIAL WEALTH 55 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM 49 #3 NEW START 27 POWER 17 ????? ????? ????? Exit the Feud

  42. Why leave home and go to a new place? POTENTIAL WEALTH 55 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM 49 ADVENTURE 31 #4 POWER 17 ????? ????? ????? Exit the Feud

  43. Why leave home and go to a new place? POTENTIAL WEALTH 55 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM 49 ADVENTURE 31 NEW START 27 #5 ????? ????? ????? Exit the Feud

  44. POTENTIAL WEALTH 55 Why leave home and go to a new place? RELIGIOUS FREEDOM 49 ADVENTURE 31 NEW START 27 POWER 17 YOU WIN! BECAUSE YOU LEARNED! Exit the Feud

  45. X

  46. XX

  47. XXX

  48. Potential Wealth: • Land • Furs • Trade

  49. Religious Freedom: • Separatist – • Wants to leave • and form their • own church

  50. Adventure -See something new and exciting -No Bungee Jumping or Skydiving yet!

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