GEOG 347: Geographies of Gender II "Attacking the conventional division between public and private space should [be a] priority...Women must transform the sexual division of domestic labor, the privatized economic basis of domestic work, and the spatial separation of homes and workplaces if they are to be equal members of society"
Dolores Hayden: Non Sexist City • Critique of architecture and planning rooted in "A woman's place is in the home" • Suburbanization as historic reponse to urban class struggle • Man as "family wage" earner; woman as responsible for "carework"-- physical and emotional maintenance of family • Suburbia as isolating, wasteful • Government aid assuming built environment as given
Dolores Hayden: Non Sexist City Alternatives • Cuban Family Code 1974 • Service Houses/Collective Houses, Sweden 1903-1944 • Steilshoop Project, Germany 1970-- supportive housing • Nina West Homes, London 1972 • Utopian Socialist Communities, USA 1800s • proposed HOMES collectives-- new cosntruction or retrofitting existing housing