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Working with Outside resources. How to cite articles, interviews, books, magazines, and websites How to create a Works Cited Page. Monday’s & Tuesday’s Lesson Goal:.
Working with Outside resources • How to cite articles, interviews, books, magazines, and websites • How to create a Works Cited Page
Monday’s & Tuesday’s Lesson Goal: • Students will find three articles from the Chipolalinnc web to support their argumentation essays, and begin to weave those sources into their papers.
BTW: Your Cover Sheet should look like this! Title Your name ENC 1101 Ms. Berquist December 19, 2012
What To Do with Your Articles: • Print them, or a portion of them • Read them, and highlight information you plan to use • Write in the margin “paraphrase” if you plan to summarize that material, or “direct quote” if you plan to quote directly. Remember that both need to be cited in the body of your paper. • If you change your mind later, cross out the highlighted section so I don’t get confused when I grade.
What To Do with Your Articles: • Now, read your paper, and find places these quotes will support your agrument. • Some of you might do better putting these steps in reverse—find places in your paper which need support first, and then find the quotes you’d like to use. • Introduce the expert, paraphrase or quote, and then give the proper citation (article, page number) to end the quote. • Comment on the quote, or write a smooth transition to your next point.
IMPORTANT: • All the info you need on how to weave sources into your essay, how to cite sources, how to decide if you should put the article title, the author’s name, and/or the page number can be found in Chapter 20 of your white binder. It’s called “Research Guide,” begins on page 337, and takes you from start to finish in your paper. I expect you to follow the conventions set out in these pages.
Using Sources in Your essays • 9 quotes in this essay, from 3 different sources • Do not just “drop” blind quotes into your paper. • Remember that the reason you are using quotes is to add credibility to your paper. You are a novice. The persons who wrote the articles you quote are experts. You are quoting them to add oomph to your argument. Therefore, tell your reader who these big wigs are, perhaps where they did their research, what the title of the article is, or what institute they work for, or anything else that might add power to your prose.
Context Clues: Provide them!! • Some of you need to review how to introduce a source. In the body of your text, say things like, According to a study by psychologist Dwexter E. Puker, “blah blahblahbalhbalh” (Puker209).
Context Clues: Provide them!! Why? • Because it lends authority to your paper. • Because otherwise, it looks like EVERYTHING before that point was a paraphrase by Puker.
Context Clues: Provide them!! Do this for a paraphrase as well as for a direct quote. Otherwise, we REALLY can’t tell where you stopped and the source started. This is how we guard against being accused of plagiarism!
Using Sources in Your essays:MISTAKES STUDENTS MAKE~ • The use of toe rings is another reason children are experiencing tiny-toe syndrome. The jewelry, which is often made of cheap materials and turn toes green, also stunts growth. As children grow, they do not replace their rings with larger hoops, and the result is that the metal pushed on important tissues and blood vessels in much the way that feet are effected by foot-binding in traditional Japan. This inhibits healthy growth, causing abnormally small pinkies, and, on occasion, makes amputation necessary. (Small, 42).
Using Sources in Your essays:MISTAKES STUDENTS MAKE~ Um, we have not idea where Small’s ideas start. It is quite possible this entire paper is a paraphrase! • The use of toe rings is another reason children are experiencing tiny-toe syndrome. The jewelry, which is often made of cheap materials and turn toes green, also stunts growth. As children grow, they do not replace their rings with larger hoops, and the result is that the metal pushed on important tissues and blood vessels in much the way that feet are effected by foot-binding in traditional Japan. This inhibits healthy growth, causing abnormally small pinkies, and, on occasion, makes amputation necessary. (Small, 42). Turns out all he said was this
Using Sources in Your essays:MISTAKES STUDENTS MAKE~ • The use of toe rings is another reason children are experiencing tiny-toe syndrome. The jewelry, which is often made of cheap materials and turn toes green, also stunts growth. According to Dr. Sam Smith, as children grow, they do not replace their rings with larger hoops, and the result is that the metal pushed on important tissues and blood vessels in much the way that feet are effected by foot-binding in traditional Japan (42). This inhibits healthy growth, causing abnormally small pinkies, and, on occasion, makes amputation necessary. (Small, 42).
Using Sources in Your essays:Try some of these phrases~ • According to Dr. Sam Small, clinical psychologist and co-founder of the Institute for Growing Larger Children, children with small baby toes suffer greatly in life. In a recent article in Lame magazine, he states: “The presence of a half-toe or mutated toe in elementary school children is perhaps the most psychologically damaging and bullied feature of any physical deformity in human beings” (23).
Using Sources in Your essays:Try some of these phrases~ • According to Dr. Sam Small, clinical psychologist and co-founder of the Institute for Growing Larger Children, children with small baby toes suffer greatly in life. In a recent article in Lame magazine, he states: “The presence of a half-toe or mutated toe in elementary school children is perhaps the most psychologically damaging and bullied feature of any physical deformity in human beings” (23).
Using Sources in Your essays:Consider using A Source as an opposing viewpoint~ • Not all experts agree that tiny-toe syndrome exists, or that it adversely effects elementary school children. One psychologist has even gone so far as to say, “The entire premise of tiny-toe syndrome is just the psychotic ramblings of a freaky foot fetish” (Hoof and Boot, 3). However, Dr. Sam Small disagrees. In his 2012 study, “Tots and Toes: The Souls of America’s Unspoken Soles,” he writes, “Hoof and Boot are meanies” (799).
Using Sources in Your essays:Try some of these phrases~ • According to Dr. Sam Small, clinical psychologist and co-founder of the Institute for Growing Larger Children, children with small baby toes suffer greatly in life. In a recent article in Lame magazine, he states: “The presence of a half-toe or mutated toe in elementary school children is perhaps the most psychologically damaging and bullied feature of any physical deformity in human beings” (23).
MLA WORKS CITED • MLA Documentation and Format • White Notebook Text • Citations in the body of your text • How to Document Sources • Ch. 31, p. 407
Learning Goal: WednesdayENC 1101 • Students will revisit their documented essays for accuracy of use of source materials, and review how to create an accurate Works Cited page.
MLA Documentation & Format • White Notebook Text • Citations in the body of your text • How to Document Sources • Ch. 31, p. 407 Dang, Dog! It’s Documentation Day!
The Works Cited page • Be double-dog sure you follow the formatting for MLA style. This is the Modern Language Association rulebook for documentation, and is used in the arts and liberal arts. Sciences use APA style—American Psychological Association. If you use APA in an English paper, your professor will think you’re crazy. Just sayin’.
The Works Cited page • Your White Notebook textbook has a whole chapter on how to do this properly. • It includes both how to cite sources within the body of your paper, using quotes, paraphrases, and parenthetical references. This begins on page 408 and is essential reading.
What a Works Cited page looks Like Click here. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Click here. Pant, Pant. Click here and I’ll show ya a Works Cited Page. Yeah. Yeah. Click. Pant. Pant.
Learning Goal: ThursdayENC 1101 • Students will continue revising their documented argumentative essays, editing for clarity of style, mechanics, and source citation. OR • Students will work with their MyCompLab grammar exercises to finish their individual plans for improvement in using proper language conventions. • OR • Students will draft an impromptu division/classification essay.