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Case Report. 61 yo BF with no significant PMH except for hyperlipidemia presents with cough/ sinus congestion to her primary MD. She is prescribed an antibiotic (Ketek), and develops nausea, diarrhea, and weakness in the next few days. She returns to her PCP, and is found to have a Cr level of 5.2
1. Renal Disordersin Multiple Myeloma Hematology Grand Rounds
Tom Fong, MD
September 9, 2005
2. Case Report 61 yo BF with no significant PMH except for hyperlipidemia presents with cough/ sinus congestion to her primary MD. She is prescribed an antibiotic (Ketek), and develops nausea, diarrhea, and weakness in the next few days. She returns to her PCP, and is found to have a Cr level of 5.2 (normal 5 mo. earlier).
3. Case Report PMH: Hyperlipidemia
Meds: Estradiol, Ketek
Allergies: PCN, cefepime, sulfa
Family Hx: Non-contributory
Social Hx: Tob 25 pk-yrs, no ETOH
ROS: otherwise negative
4. Case Report Physical exam:
Vitals – T 37, HR 80, BP 140/70, 96% RA
Gen – alert, NAD
HEENT – anicteric, PERRL, O/P clear
Lungs – CTA
CV – regular
Abd - soft, NT, ND, no HSM
Extr – no edema
5. Case Report Labs:
WBC 6.8, Hgb 9.5, Plt 176
Na+ 138, K+ 5.0, Cl- 101, HCO3- 25, BUN 39, Cr 6.0, Glucose 87, Ca++ 11.3
LFTs: Protein 8.3, Albumin 5.0, Alk phos 139, Bili 0.4, AST 24, ALT 31
Urine eosinophils: negative
6. Case Report Labs:
SPEP: 0.3, 0.4 gm gamma restricted peaks
Serum immunofix: IgG kappa, free kappa LC
UPEP: 73.5% gamma restricted peak
Urine immunofix: free kappa light chain
24 hour urine protein: 5.085 gms
IgA <24, IgG 644, IgM 19 (all low)
7. Case Report Bone marrow biopsy: 70% cellularity, increased atypical plasma cells comprising 60% of cellularity, c/w multiple myeloma