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Introduction. Agenda a + b = c Installation Completed Create a new project. Computer – A Dummy Machine. Program. Translate. Computer (Charles Babbage). Result. Programming Languages. How do we categorize programming languages?

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  1. Introduction Agenda a + b = c Installation Completed Create a new project

  2. Computer – A Dummy Machine Program Translate Computer (Charles Babbage) Result

  3. Programming Languages How do we categorize programming languages? a. Machine, b. Assembly, c. Functional, d. Procedural, e. Object Oriented Machine – Writing code in Binary format – ARM, DEC-PDP, Intel 8080, 8085 etc. Assembly – Use Mnemonics to represent a operation – FAP, HLA, MACRO(series) etc. Functional – Use to evaluate mathematical functions – LISP, XSLT etc. Procedural/Imperative – Uses Procedures/Subroutines to carry out a series of steps – C, Cobol, Fortran, Basic etc. Object Oriented – Uses classes and objects. Reusability/Inheritance and soon are supported – C#, Java, C++ etc.

  4. Java James Gosling at Sun Microsystems. Object Oriented Language Platform Independent Versions – JDK 1.0to Java SE 7 Java EE (Enterprise) , Java ME (Micro), Java SE (Standard Edition) Java Is a free/open source software JRE - Java API + JVM (End Users to execute java programs) JDK – Java Complier + JRE + Dev Tools (E.g. Javadoc) JVM - Phones, Microwave, Game Consoles, Laptops, Super Computers etc. Java Code Byte Code M/C Code

  5. Did you Know – Java Famous Applications that are written using Java Android, Ebay.com etc. Well Known Companies that use Java Google, Amazon, Oracle etc. When to Use Java Your applications can run on cross platforms, Networking, Security etc. When not to Use Java Rich/Complex UI Applications, Operating Systems, Multimedia software etc. Statistics 1.1 billion desktops run Java 930 million Java Runtime Environment downloads each year 3 billion mobile phones run Java 31 times more Java phones ship every year than Apple and Android combined 100% of all Blu-ray players run Java 1.4 billion Java Cards are manufactured each year Java powers set-top boxes, printers, Web cams, games, car navigation systems, lottery terminals, medical devices, parking payment stations, and more.

  6. Simplifying a Problem • Algorithm – Step by step instructions to solve a problem. • Pseudo code – Steps of algorithm written in a natural language. • Flow Chart – A graphical tool that shows a sequence of steps via symbols. Write a Algorithm to add two numbers? Start Print Hello World Stop

  7. Eclipse IDE Why Eclipse? • Open Source application platform, that enables Software Developers write code in a easy way. Common Terms • IDE (Integrated Development Environment) – Provides easy to find errors, debug and fix them. They also include source control, object browser and soon .. Where Eclipse? • Write Application specific code. • Write Unit tests. • Write Automated GUI/Web Service Tests.

  8. Program Anatomy Want to eat something, What is the name of the dish? How do we instruct it to waiter? How does the cook prepares the dish? How does the dish is being served to you? How do we feel after eating the dish? Want to write a program, Name of a Program  Class Name class abc { Instructions to a Program  Variables int a, b; Program Logic  Program Body int c = a + b Program Execution  Main Method static void main (string[] args) { Output of a Program  Print the O/P print (c); } }

  9. Introduction to SVN SVN – Version Control System? We write programs and run it. But essentially in the real world same project file is being used by many developers .. Scenario - When two developers open a common file and start modifying it ** Developer A changes file and then Developer B – What Happens? How to Avoid this? ** Lock – Modify – Unlock (Developer A Locks the file, Changes it and then release the lock ; Same is done by Developer B) – Disadvantages? ** Copy – Modify – Merge (Developer A Modifies the File and Checks In, Developer B Modifies same file and gets a conflict when checking In, So he merges previous changes and then checks In with his changes) – Subversion Commonly Used Terms – Check In (Publish – so everybody can access), Check Out (To Edit – Local copy of file in repository), Repository (Central Database which has full source code), Trunk (Most Recent Working Code), Tags (tag a version – read only for reference) and Branches (All development work done here)

  10. Resources • Algorithm and Flowchart : http://www.slideshare.net/lizcelaler/algorithm-and-flowchart http://lectnote.blogspot.in/2011/03/algorithms-and-flow-charts.html • Computer and Programming Fundamentals : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_sDgHgNR6w • Java Downloads : http://java.com/en/download/index.jsp http://www.roseindia.net/java/use-java/uses-of-java.shtml • Eclipse : http://help.eclipse.org http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/ • SVN : http://www.javalinux.it/wordpress/2008/05/19/subversion-branching-in-my-experience/

  11. Where towrite a Program? Create a Java Project : Name, Environment, Saving copy on local etc. Configuring Build Path : • Associating Java File with the Project (Build Path – Add to Build Path) • Adding Jar (Java Archive – Classes/Resource to expose inbuilt functionality) files, Libraries etc. Tips and Tricks : • Preferences – Java – Installed JRE’s – (Select JRE / JDK and see the difference) • General – Workspace – Build Automatically option Eclipse Commonly used terms : • Workspace (Work is stored) - Workbench (Welcome/Java Workbench) –Perspective (Editors – To Edit/Browse, Views – To Navigate) Play Around Eclipse : • Shortcuts – Adding/Removing Comments, Run, Debug, Tabbing between Editors, Search • Different ways of creating a project, Search • Export and Import features, Copy/Paste/Rename/Delete • Using External Editor (Try adding a Document, Excel or a Image – anything that uses external editor)

  12. Debugging and More .. Eclipse makes your life easy • To spot errors as you type (Java – Editor) • Debugging • F5 – Step Into • F6 – Step Over • F7 – Step Return c. Content Assist - With use of JDK in the workspace, you will get suggestions as you type • Code Templates – Type the Keyword and then Ctrl + Space • Extract Method – Refactor – Extract Method

  13. SVN Commands and Tools Analogy – Solving a Math’s Problem. Repository is like answer sheet, you check out from your memory (Local Copy), add/update and then finally publish (SVN Client) back to your answer sheet. Commands • Status (Committed Revision for file and repository, Owner, Path name etc.) • Checkout (Create a local copy to edit an existing file) • Add (Add a new file to the repository – Marked with label A) • Update (Update all folders/files to the current revision) • Commit (Commit/Publish the changes to the repository) • Diff (See the difference of the Modified file with the one published) • Undo (Revert changes to a committed file or the one modified and not yet published) • Log (History of Project as seen in the repository, including revisions, commit owner, path, file etc) • Delete (Delete a file from the repository) Project/Repository (Assembla) Local Copy (CheckOut) SVN Client Add, Update, Commit (Tortoise)

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