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Politics of the Gilded Age

Politics of the Gilded Age. 1877-1900. Politics of the Gilded Age. 1877-1900 inaction, corruption characterized politics Political parties evenly divided, difficult to pass major reforms No president 1872-1896 won a majority of popular vote

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Politics of the Gilded Age

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  1. Politics of the Gilded Age 1877-1900

  2. Politics of the Gilded Age • 1877-1900 inaction, corruption characterized politics • Political parties evenly divided, difficult to pass major reforms • No president 1872-1896 won a majority of popular vote • Grover Cleveland only Democrat president of era, known for honesty and integrity

  3. Corruption Plagues National Politics • Government officials routinely received bribes and kickbacks • Americans expected little support from federal government, came from state and local level • Strong relationship between big business and government

  4. Republicans vs. Democrats • Protestant • African Americans • Supported nativitist causes • Supported prohibition • Northern Support • Southern whites • Immigrants • Catholics • Jews • Freethinkers

  5. Political Cartoonist Raise the Alarm

  6. Spoils System Dominates Government • Political parties provided services to poor- exchange for votes • Political parties provided jobs for party supporters- spoils system • Helped make parties powerful • Voter participation grew because of system (70-80% turnout common) • Congress most powerful branch during Gilded Age

  7. Civil Service Reform • Civil Service= government jobs, jobs that stay the same regardless of political party in power • Assassination of President James Garfield by person that did not receive government job led to civil service reform • Pendleton Civil Service Act (1883)- • established Civil Service Commission • wrote civil service exam • passing exam not political connections got people government jobs • reduced power of spoils system

  8. Economic Challenges • Tariff , Monetary policy main economic issues • Monetary policy -based on goldstandard, gold basis of nations currency • 1873 issue of silver as money debated • International trade, big business thought silver as money would undermine economy • There was more silver than gold • Farmers wanted silver as money- create inflation, raise farm prices, create more money to pay debts

  9. Economic Challenges • Tariff – created early 1800’s to protect manufacturing, agricultural products and prices • Republicans favored tariff promote industry, jobs • Democrats opposed said kept cost of goods high, harder for farmers to sell products abroad

  10. Farmers and Populism

  11. Farmers Face Many Problems • 1880’s, early 1890’s low crop prices, increased costs, mounting debt for many farmers • Nature in the form of droughts, harsh winters, boll weevil infestation also hurt farmers • Cotton, corn, wheat prices fell • New machinery, seed, livestock prices went up • Many farmers mortgaged farms to pay for goods • Farmers had little influence on political system

  12. Farmers Face Many Problems • Blamed big business, railroads, banks • Railroads charged high rates • Banks charged high interest • Grain elevators charged high rates for storage • Sharecroppers faced dishonest landlords, merchants

  13. Farmers Organize Created network of organizations Granger Movement(1867) founded in Minnesota National political organization that fought for farmers rights Goals • Government reform • Education new farming techniques • Regulate shipping, grain elevator rates

  14. Farmers Organize • Mid 1870’s Midwestern states pass reform, “Grange Laws” • Limits on freight, grain storage rates • Grangers pressured the national government to establish Interstate Commerce Commission to regulate railroad rates

  15. Farmers Organize • Grange declined late 1870’s • Replaced by Farmers Alliances • Grassroots movement • Goals • Collectively sell crops • Establish banks to provide low interest loans • Wanted to push costs down, bring prices up • Alliances remained segregated across the south, eventually kept them from gaining political power

  16. Populist Party • Formed 1892 • New political party put pressure on two major political parties with demands • Wanted to change unresponsive government, inadequate money supply, political corruption • Largest support came form farmers in the south, Midwest and West • Urban workers support- both fought industrial elite

  17. Populist Party Goals • Unlimited coinage of silver • Graduated income tax • Government ownership of telegraph, railroad companies • Bank regulation • Populist politicians pushed for cooperation between the races

  18. Populist Party • Election 1892 –Populist governors, senators, congressmen elected across nation (concentrated in the west and Midwest) • 1894 won more elections, popularity grew

  19. Economic Crisis and Populism’s Decline • 1893 four year depression began • Draw of Populism grew • Election 1896 • Democrats nominate William Jennings Bryan because of his “Cross of Gold” speech at the Democratic Convention • Speech attacked the gold standard • Brought many to the populist cause • Bryan grew in popularity • Made him a national political figure

  20. Bryan and the Election of 1896 • Populist party backed Bryan • Democratic party supported free silver, many populist proposals, took on Bryan as their candidate • Bryan’s campaign was first to tour nation and directly speak to people • Lost election to William McKinley

  21. Legacy of Populism • New era in American politics, ascendancy of urban, middle class voter, diminishing voter turnout, rise of new political issues- industrial regulation and welfare of labor • Message on monetary policy did not appeal to urban workers • Decision to endorse Bryan led to decline in Populist Party, many became Democrats • More flexible monetary policy adopted by government • Candidates campaigned directly to people • Many reforms Populists advocated were adopted by Progressives in early 20thcentury

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