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TADMUS to SEA *. Jeffrey G. Morrison, Ph.D. NCCOSC, RDT&E Div. (NRaD). * 6.3 Advanced development human factors project formerly known as Combat Enhancement through Integrated Decision Support (CEIDS). Problem Area.

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  1. TADMUS to SEA * Jeffrey G. Morrison, Ph.D. NCCOSC, RDT&E Div. (NRaD) * 6.3 Advanced development human factors project formerly known as Combat Enhancement through Integrated Decision Support (CEIDS)

  2. Problem Area • Current generation displays in Navy ships and command centers inadequately convey tactical data to command decision makers as meaningful, timely and useful information. • Problem exacerbated by stressors, including: • High workload, • Large quantity of diverse track types with uncertain status, • Increased requirement for Joint & Coalition operations, • Ambiguous and time compressed tactical environments. • This significantly increases the potential for blue-on-blue and blue-on-white engagements, and negatively impacts a commander’s ability to operate within Battle Orders and ROE.

  3. Objectives • Respond to Fleet requests to implement a tactical, command-level, Decision Support System (DSS) for shipboard evaluation a.s.a.p. • Extend DSS concepts to battle group/battle force/joint command level. • Develop functional model of decision making associated with Joint & Coalition operations • Develop prototype decision support system(s) for Fleet flagship command centers.

  4. Approach • Incorporate decision support principles of the TADMUS project: • Adapt technically feasible features / functionality for transition to shipboard CIC / afloat command center use. • Perform knowledge engineering to develop detailed information requirements for different environments: • Joint Tactical Fleet Command Center (JTFCC) • Tactical Flag Command Center (TFCC) • Develop functional design specifications, dynamic storyboards and prototype DSS to support tactical decision making in these environments.

  5. TADMUS to SEA • Customer: Commander THIRD Fleet (C3F) • Project Officers: • CAPT Rick Williams, Assistant Chief of Staff - C4I, J6 • CAPT Dick Arnold, Assistant Chief of Staff - Ops, J3 • Year: First of four

  6. 6.1 / 6.2 Background • Tactical Decision Making Under Stress Project (6.2) • “Naturalistic” Decision Making Theory (6.1 / 6.2) • Decision Support Training for Critical Thinking (6.1) • Eye Tracking in Tactical Decision Making Studies (6.1) • Schema-Based Models of Decision Making (6.1) • Response Planner and Manager (RPM) (6.2) • Combat System Supervisory Support (CSSS) (6.2) • Decision Centered Combat Operations Center (DC-COC) (6.2)

  7. Naturalistic Decision Making • Experts make decisions differently from novices. • Experts use heuristics as decision making shortcuts. • Recognition-Primed Decision Making • Explanation-Based Reasoning • Heuristics lead to biases & can cause error. • Framing • Anchoring • Confirmation • Stress Affects Performance. • Hypervigilance (Impulsive action) • Intolerance of ambiguity • Fixation on primary task / Tunnel vision • Less team interaction • Short-term memory degradation

  8. DSS 1 Design

  9. DSS-1 6.2 Study Are we on the right track with DSS? • Objectives • Determine overall effects of DSS • Examine the use of DSS modules • Research Questions • DSS Utility • Situation Awareness • Communications • DSS Usability

  10. DSS-1 6.2 Study - Conclusions • CO and TAO use the DSS frequently. • DSS is considered useful and adds value. • Fewer communications and fewer of certain types of clarifications with DSS. • More of the critical contacts recognized earlier. • More likely to take defensive measures. • DSS is easy to understand and use. • Many valuable suggestions for revising DSS.

  11. Decision Support System-2 • Revised display concepts based on the results from on-going research with DSS-1. • Integrates Geo-plot from existing CIC into the DSS. • Incorporates new concepts derived from emerging cognitive theories / models and needs expressed by Fleet operators. • Currently working software. • To be evaluated in simulations with revised scenarios. • Potential application to JTFCC / TFCC.

  12. TADMUS DSS-2:CIC Conceptual Design

  13. Notional Decision Support Displays in JTFCC

  14. Project Team Expertise • Operational Expertise • CO, NTU Cruiser; CO, Tactical Training Group Pacific; COMCARGRU 1/ Battle Group Echo, Chief of Staff & Commander • CO, Aegis Cruiser; CO, Tactical Training Group Pacific; Project Officer CINCPACFLT Littoral Study; Pacific • CO, Fleet Combat System Training Unit; OIC, COMNAVSURFPAC Combat Systems Assessment Team; Combat Systems Officer, Afloat Training Group Pacific • Senior Electronic Warfare Operator/Technician; Master Training Specialist • Research Expertise • Engineering Psychologist, 10+ Yrs experience: aviation, advanced automation, decision aiding, cognition, system engineering. • Engineering Psychologist, 20+ Yrs. experience:C4I, RDT&E, personnel selection & training, display design, cognition.

  15. Milestones

  16. FY 97 Deliverables • Functional analysis sufficient for design of JTFCC battle watch captain decision support system. • Identify information requirements, sources of information, functional criteria, and how information is currently displayed and used. • Knowledge engineering study of command decision makers in a Fleet flagship during a major Fleet exercise.

  17. Fallout from Hunter Warrior:C3F requested TADMUS to SEA objectives. • Install stand alone DSS in the USS Coronado Sea-Based Battle Lab • Provide data LINK connectivity to DSS for JTFEX 97-2/Kernel Blitz (June/July) • Develop interactive DSS capability for deployment (November) • Develop DSS variants for • JTFCC • NAVFOR TFCC • JFACC Combat operations • - Done • - Possible & Planned • - Possible subject to funding & luck • - Beyond scope of current funding

  18. Transition Paths • OPNAV N6/SPAWAR, Fleet Flagship JTFCC, BG CDR TFCC • Develop & evaluate prototype decision support system for shipboard evaluation. • PMS 400, AEGIS CGs and DDGs • Integrate CIC decision support system concepts into Aegis combat system software. • OPNAV N6/SPAWAR • Map transition path for integration of decision support concepts with GCCS/JMCIS

  19. THIRD FLEET Accelerating Deployment of New Technologies Sea-Based JTFDeployment“Prime Time” Battle Force Pacific Ready Force Pacific operational documentation,training, and logistics support Fielded Programs Demonstrate Maturing Technologieswith beta-level documentation, targetedtraining, logistics support & exit strategy AccelerationZone Sea-based Prototype Advanced Development (6.3)needs warfighter input & Concept of Ops(beta-level technology, alpha-level support) Battle Lab Observe Emerging Technologiesneeds warfighter interaction(alpha-level support) Industry Observe Applied Research (6.2)needs warfighting concept ResearchLabs US. NavySea-based BattleLab Initiative Basic Research (6.1)

  20. Project Payoff and Savings • Payoff: • Facilitate Force-wide Common Tactical Picture • Enhance Situation Awareness by 30% • Facilitate ROE dissemination • Improve ROE compliance by 40% • Improve Battle Orders compliance by 20% • Buy time for decision makers • Increase internal and external comms quality by 40%; reduce quantity by 25% • Reduce Blue-on-Blue & Blue-on-White engagements by 80% • Savings: • Reduce training costs through shipboard, embedded training • Reduce manning through decision support and more efficient information management

  21. Tactical Decision Making Under Stress - 2(TADMUS-2) • Customer: Single ship CIC (Aegis, PMS400) • Objectives: • Develop integrated training & decision support interventions (e.g. wizards, tutorials, embedded scenarios). • Apply emerging decision making theories to CIC problems. • Develop improved metrics / methodologies for measuring tactical decision making. (e.g. real-time performance assessment, eye movement, communication analyses, etc.). • Extend DSS to other AW positions within CIC (AAWC , TIC , EW). • Extend DSS to other warfare areas in CIC (SUW, USW). • Status: ONR 6.2 HF / Training Program (Yr. 1 of 3) • P.O.C.: J. Morrison; Code D44210, (619) 553-9070 • Relationship: Concepts flow into TADMUS to SEA. Cost & technology leveraging.

  22. Response Planner & Manager Project(RPM) • Customer: U.S. Navy (Battlegroup) • Objectives: • Analyze and develop cognitive models of military tactical planners & planning process - link to plan execution. • Develop customized interfaces to: • perform pre-deployment planning and real-time re-planning of battle force assets (author and tailor specific action plans) • perform tactical resource/response management based on established plans (plan execution and monitoring) • Status: ONR funded as FY97, 3-Yr., 6.2 HF Task. • P.O.C.: George E. Seymour; Code D44210, (619) 553-8008 • Relationship: • Inspired by TADMUS DSS Response Manager & Collaborative planning needs. Marines looking for similar tools. • Planning and Execution decision modeling.

  23. TADMUS to SEA • Customer: U.S. Navy (PMS 400/AEGIS, COMTHIRDFLT) • Objectives: • Develop Tactical Fleet Command Center DSS application. • Mature underlying DSS algorithms / databases. • Develop mature components of TADMUS DSS & build into Aegis. • “DSS@Sea” shipboard evaluation. • Integrate decision support concepts into JMCIS • Status: Approved FY97, 4-Yr., 6.3 Human Factors Task • P.O.C.: J.Morrison, Ph.D.; NRaD Code 44210. (619) 553-9070 • Relationship: • Responding to Fleet requests to implement DSS onboard ship & extend DSS to battle group command level. • Will be leveraged off on-going TADMUS 6.2.

  24. TADMUS to SEA Objective Problem Area • Develop command level Decision Support Systems (DSS) for shipboard and staff use. • Current generation displays in Navy ships and command centers inadequately convey tactical information to command decision makers. Approach • Take the results of the TADMUS 6.2 human factors project and refine those features of the DSS which have proven useful and are technically feasible for transition to shipboard CIC and Fleet flagship use. Requirement • To develop human-computer interfaces that create error-free decision processes, facilitate the common tactical picture, improve situation awareness, improve combat team interactions and buy time to recognize and evaluate critical events. Goals • Provide DSS variants for command decisions makers at the ship, NAFOR, and CJTF levels. Transition Payoffs: • Shipboard CICs, TFCCs and JTFCCs. Improved Effectiveness Deliverables • • Facilitate Common Tactical Picture. • • Enhance Situation Awareness by 30%. • • Improve ROE compliance by 40%. • • Reduce Blue-on-Blue/Blue-on-White engagements 80%. • Operational DSS variants for Shipboard CICs, Battle Group Commander TFCCs and Joint Task Force Commander JTFCCs. Vehicles Cost Avoidance • USS Anzio (CG-68), USS Cape St. George (CG-71), USS Coronado (AGF-11), and CV TBD. • • Reduce training costs through DSS embedded training. • • Reduce manning through decision support and more efficient information management. Accomplishments Other • TADMUS DSS to be installed in Sea-Based Battle Lab.

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