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M. Szilvasi-Nagy Web-site of the Department: math.bme.hu/~geom

Teaching descriptive and constructive geometry at the Department of Geometry Budapest University of Technology and Economics. M. Szilvasi-Nagy Web-site of the Department: http://www.math.bme.hu/~geom.

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M. Szilvasi-Nagy Web-site of the Department: math.bme.hu/~geom

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Teaching descriptive and constructive geometry at the Department of Geometry Budapest University of Technology and Economics M. Szilvasi-Nagy Web-site of the Department: http://www.math.bme.hu/~geom

  2. Basic course of descriptive geometry at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (1 semester, 1+2 hours) • Orthographic projection (Monge’s system) Constructions with lines, planes and polyhedra true size, distances, angles Projection of the circle, representation of a sphere, cone and cylinder, intersection with planes, conic sections • Axonometric view The constructions are made with traditional tools (pencil, rulers, compasses) because of the big number of students (~350)

  3. Classical constructions in Monge projections

  4. Orthogonal axonometric view

  5. Descriptive geometry with computer-aided modeling for engineering designer students(1 semester, 1+2 hours) • Descriptivegeometry (common with mech. eng.) • Spatial constructions with a CAD-system (4*2 hours in the semester) Constructions of polyhedra (spatial geometry) Modeling with simple solids (prisms, cylinders, geometric transformations, Boolean operations)

  6. Spatial construction with the help of Cadkey

  7. Pyramids on the faces of aparallelepiped

  8. The resulting solid in orthographic and axonometric views

  9. Worksheet for the construction

  10. Construction of a cube

  11. Composite model (Boolean operations)

  12. Composite model with cylindrical components (geometric transformations)

  13. Constructive geometry with computer (optional course for more faculties; 1 semester, 1+2 hours) • Geometric backgrounds of modeling (definition, geometric operations, visualization) • Spatial constructions, modeling with solids, spline-curves and free-form surfaces (labs. with Cadkey)

  14. Constructions of regular polyhedra

  15. Intersection of a cube and a sphere

  16. Modeling with different surfaces

  17. Visualization methods

  18. Models of our students

  19. Models of our students

  20. Models of our studentsThe CadKey download files of student’s works are on the web-site of our department:http://www.math.bme.hu/~geom/KGeomThe viewer program CKviewer (linked there) shows only wire-frame models.In order to get full impression of the models use the viewer of KubotekSpectrum(free download):http://www.kubotekusa.com/products/spectrum/

  21. Compoly: teaching program for interactive construction on the web (http://www.math.bme.hu/~geom/compeng/compoly.jar)

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