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Please remove: ‘By minimising deductions we are able to pay our member nearly 90p in every pound we collect’ ‘We collect royalties for music played on all UK TV stations and distribute over 80% of it on a ‘pay per play’ basis, ensuring the right people get paid’

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Presentation Transcript

  1. January 2009: PRS Template Presentation

  2. Please remove: ‘By minimising deductions we are able to pay our member nearly 90p in every pound we collect’ ‘We collect royalties for music played on all UK TV stations and distribute over 80% of it on a ‘pay per play’ basis, ensuring the right people get paid’ ‘A record £500 million in royalties were paid out in 2012’ Please replace with: We have 87000 members We have 150 affiliates around the world A record of £555 million royalties were paid out in 2010 Please can you create the slide in editable PPT format 100,000 We have 150affiliatedsocieties around theworld £641.8m We have over 100,000 members 150 A record £641.8m in royalties was paid out in 2012

  3. We look after two key rights within a song Mechanical right Performing right

  4. Performing right Performance Broadcast, online & mobile Live performance: gigs, clubs, concert venues Transmission: TV, film, radio Public playback of recorded music: pubs, hotels, shops, offices Mobile: network operators Theatrical: cinema and theatre Online: websites that stream music

  5. Mechanical right Physical Digital CD covermounts: publishers Downloads: digital music retailers DVDs: manufacturers, distributors Ringtones: mobile content retailers CDs: record labels Music streaming: website owners Production libraries

  6. Channels to gain royalties from: Gigs, clubs and small venues Concerts and festivals TV and radio airplay Music used in film, TV adverts International performances Music used online – download/streaming Music used for audio and audio-visual products

  7. 1 How it works We issue licences to organisations, companies and individuals that use our members’ music 2 1

  8. 2 Rightsholders register details of their works with us 2 1

  9. 3 3 Licensees report the music they have used to us

  10. 4 4 We match reported usage against artist and title info

  11. 5 5 We check artist and title info against records of our members’ works

  12. 6 6 We invoice music users and service providers

  13. 7 7 Music service providers pay us revenue

  14. 8 8 Wepay rightsholders for the use of their music

  15. PRS for Music has agreements in 90 countries around the world, including other collecting societies

  16. Please remove: ‘By minimising deductions we are able to pay our member nearly 90p in every pound we collect’ ‘We collect royalties for music played on all UK TV stations and distribute over 80% of it on a ‘pay per play’ basis, ensuring the right people get paid’ ‘A record £500 million in royalties were paid out in 2012’ Please replace with: We have 87000 members We have 150 affiliates around the world A record of £555 million royalties were paid out in 2010 Please can you create the slide in editable PPT format You’re in good company With over 100,000 members

  17. Joining PRS for Music PRS admission fee: £30 MCPS admission fee: £50 www.prsformusic.com/joinus

  18. January 2009: PRS Template Presentation

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