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Machines used to kill all forms of microbial life on surfaces, instruments, or other objects. They are commonly used in hospitals, laboratories, and other settings where a high level of cleanliness and sterility is required. Sterilizers use various methods to achieve sterilization, including heat, chemicals, radiation, and filtration.
MICROTHERMICS,INC. SMALLBATCHPASTEURIZER,HTST/UHT PASTEURIZATION& STERILIZERS weenableourclientstoreduceproductdevelopmentand/or productionexpenses
SMALLBATCHPASTEURIZER: A small batch pasteurizeris amachine used for the pasteurization ofsmallbatchesofmilkorotherfoodproducts.I tisdesignedto process small volumes of product atat ime, typically less than 100 gallons. The machine heats the product to aspecific temperature for asetamountoft imetokillharmfulbacteriaand other microorganisms. Thesmallbatchpasteurizer iscommonly usedby small- scale producers such as farmers, artisanal cheese makers, and icecreammakers.
HTST/UHTPASTEURIZATION: HTST ( High Temperature Short Time) and UHT ( Ultra High Temperature) pasteurizationare two methods used for the pasteurization of milk and otherl iquidfoodproducts.HTSTpasteurizationinvolvesheatingthe producttoatemperatureofatleast161 °F( 71 . 7 °C)foratleast15 seconds,whileUHTpasteurizationinvolvesheatingtheproducttoa temperature of atleast 280 °F( 138 °C) for avery short period of t ime, typicallylessthan2seconds. Both methods are designed tokill harmful bacteria and other microorganisms, but UHT pasteurization is more effective atsterilization and can result in alonger shelf l i fe for theproduct
STERILIZERS: Sterilizers machinearemachinesusedtokillallformsofmicrobiall i feon surfaces, instruments, or other objects. They are commonly used in hospitals, laboratories,andothersettingswhereahighlevelofcleanlinessandsterility is required. Sterilizers use various methods to achieve sterilization, including heat, chemicals,radiation,andfiltration. Thechoiceofsterilizationmethod depends on the nature of the object being sterilized and the degree of sterility required.Somecommontypesofsterilizersincludeautoclaves,dryheat sterilizers,andethyleneoxidesterilizers.
CALLUS 3216-102WellingtonCt.Raleigh,NC27615 USA Phone: Fax: +19198788045 +19198788032 Email:info@microthermics.com Website:microthermics.com